The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2048: Looting human race

The sudden big battle caught the ancestors by surprise.

After the eleven demon gods heard the news that the wolf **** had brought from the Yujing Mountain, they were immediately happy, and did not hesitate. For the sake of the multiplication of the race, such things could not be delayed a day.

The twelve demon gods sneaked to the edge of the human heavens and stars, and instantly formed the twelve gods and evil formations, transformed into a giant, and smashed toward the heavens and stars.

Seeing the demon **** who suddenly came to the door and attacked his own door, the ancestors suddenly knew that the matter was serious. The demon clan was so frantically fighting together, and he didn't even consider the cooperation between the human race and the demon race, and directly carried out crazy revenge.

Fortunately, the teaching ancestors discovered early that it took time for the demon gods to form the demon gods formation. This little time leaked out, giving the teaching ancestors time to react. Taiyi and Taiping ancestors looked at each other.

"Protect Taidou, I will go out for a while to the Demon God." Taiyi Jiaozu instantly emerged from the Zhoutian Star Formation, looking down at the giant, watching the turbulent air surging, even if it was stronger than Taiyi Jiaozu. I couldn't help but tremble twice.

"What a powerful formation, I don't want to complete the formation, fate will be judged, the formation is broken."

The demon gods were setting up an array formation after hearing the words of Tai Yi Jiaozu, but they didn't know what was going on. A small mistake caused the entire formation to collapse and exploded in an instant.

"Damn the power of destiny" the wolf **** said dullly.

"This old guy's destiny is too strong!" God E stood up in the muddy air with a gray head and muddy face.

"I'll deal with Taiyi, you go and rob the human tribes separately." E Shen stared at Taiyi Jiaozu with a pair of eyes, and did not form a big formation, but directly shot and attacked Taiyi Jiaozu.

"There is no trace of destiny, you will be severed."

Under the influence of the destiny, he didn't wait for the E God to come by, and only heard the E God's thighs creaking and wanted to break apart.

"What a formidable power of destiny, but I am the king on this earth, I am the strongest!" E God roared up to the sky.

The earth's muddy air surged, and the fate of Tai Yi Jiaozu fell on the scales-filled thighs of E God. The golden light flickered and sparks splashed all over, offset by the scales.

"Although the fate is strong, but my strength is stronger, the strength of the foot on the earth has increased by 30%, what can you do about me? I am the son of the earth, who is my adversary" Eshen bit at Taiyi Jiaozu.

Seeing the big mouth of God E's blood basin, the stench was overwhelming, Tai Yi taught ancestors' brows frowned: "Tongue knotted."

"Tail cramps!"

"Loose teeth."

"I'm like King Kong."


With a bang, Tai Yi taught the ancestors of golden light, and E Shen bit down, but saw that his teeth were broken, and his tongue was blocked because of the knot, and he almost bit off his tongue.

"Good material, good refining magic weapon" Taiyi Jiaozu picked up the teeth of God E. As a passerby, Taiyi Jiaozu never wastes any materials.

Looking at the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao, E God snarled: "Although you are detached, I am not weak. I am stronger than you. Why can't I beat you? Can you dare to fight me with a real sword."

"Then you dare to compare the power of destiny with me?" Tai Yi Jiaozu asked rhetorically.

The ancestor of Taiyi and the God of E are in one group, and the ancestors of the Human Race face the twelve demon gods. There are twelve strong people, and the Human Race is only eight, which is a total of four. hit? .


The Bull God shot, and the tens of billions of human races instantly uprooted and fell into the Bull God's horns.

"Leave me."

The Taiping ancestor looked solemn, and the emperor's picture in his hand spread out, and he walked toward the suppression of the cow god.


A scroll of the emperor picture fell, and the bull **** instantly fell apart, but the two horns broke away from the shackles of the human race by virtue of their destiny power, returned to the territory of the demon **** race, and instantly settled the human tribe.

"This Demon God is seeking his own way. He actually dislikes not enough enemies. He takes the initiative to provoke the Human Race. When the Human Race and the Demon Race fight real fire, we will take the opportunity to join the Human Race to annihilate the Demon God Race." The light of wisdom flashed in the eyes of the Tiger God.

"The Demon Race! My Human Race is not at the same level as yours. Do you and other human race powerhouses just watch my Human Race suffer disaster and stand by?"

The ancestor Tai Dou was so angry that he wanted to do it but couldn't move. He was anxious to split his eyes and watched the human beings looted away.

At this moment, everyone in the heavens looked beyond the world barrier, or in other words, looked at the Yujing Mountain.

Outside of the human race, Jade Duxiu is the leader among all the strong. Jade Duxiu does not move. Primordial, Amitabha, and Qi Tian will not move. Jade will not move. The Blood Demon is deeply trapped in the world of forbidden clouds and flowing stones. , Missing from the sky, the remaining Tai Su and Fuyao looked at Yujing Mountain with a pair of eyes.

"What is Hongjun thinking?" Tai Su Jiaozu looked at the human race that had completely opened its defenses.

"I don't know what Hongjun is thinking. If Hongjun doesn't do it, he must have his reason." Swinging unhurriedly looked at Tai Su Jiaozu and sighed slightly.

"If you don't make a move, the Demon God may destroy the human race at any time, and then follow the Dragon Race's footsteps." Tai Su was a little impatient.

"Don't worry! Look at the actions of the demon gods, they didn't want to kill, they just plundered the human population. They never did wanton or committed murder. It may be Hongjun's instigation. The wolf **** returned from Yujing Mountain and suddenly attacked Yu Jingshan, if this matter has nothing to do with Hongjun, who would believe it!" Fu Yao shook his head.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, five dragon monarchs gathered together, watching the battle in the border, Jinlin rarely spoke, but looked at the human battlefield blankly.

"What is Xian Jinlin thinking about?" Donghai Longjun looked at Jinlin.

Jinlin shook his head: "It's a pity!"

"What a pity?" Several Long Jun looked at Jinlin together with curious expressions.

Jinlin shook his head, did not speak, just closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing Jinlin’s expression, the Dragon Lords did not ask much. Nanhai Dragon Lord looked at the battle in the border, with a smile of joy: "It is true that the sky is going to kill people, and you must make them crazy first. The Demon Race has taken the initiative to provoke the Human Race, completely Forge a deadly feud with the human race. In the future, the Demon Race will be enemies in the world. I don't know how the Demon God will deal with the siege of the Human Race and the Demon Race."

"That's right, we don't need to take action, the Demon God Race is dead!" Beihai Longjun laughed wildly.

"A bunch of idiots, no wonder the dragon clan will gradually decline." Jin Lin drank a glass of wine and cursed silently in his heart.

The human race fought with the demons, but there were no deaths or injuries. Even the ancestors who watched were also taken aback. The Taiping ancestor watched the broken bull **** send the human tribe out, and suddenly said, "What do these demons want to do? Plunder our human tribe." What are the people doing?"

"These barbarians were fed up and took away all the monsters, but instead snatched my humans, what do they want to do?" Tai Yi Jiaozu was also stunned and puzzled.

"These tens of billions of tribes are hostages. If the human race dares to offend my demon, tens of billions of human clan will be slaughtered to make amends for my demon clan." God of E stopped, ten billion human clan is enough.

"Bah! You barbarians are thinking about taking hostages. It's hard to get your heads open." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at the whole audience with a pair of eyes scanning the entire battlefield, and then looked at the 33rd Heaven, and set his eyes on the wolf god. : "In all likelihood, Hongjun was instructed by Hongjun. I don't know what Hongjun was going to do, and he actually burned the fire on my human race."

"Your Human Race offends my Demon Race for no reason. How can you just come and leave if you say what you say, and come to trouble you today and plunder tens of billions of Human Races, so that you can wait to know that my Demon Race is not easy to provoke!" The bull **** reorganizes: "This tens of billions of human races are hostages and food rations. The wild beasts have been collected, and the remaining beasts taste no better than the human races. They are delicious and crispy and soft. Slippery and chewy."

"Bastard!" Hearing the words of the bull god, the ancestors of the ancestors were splitting their eyes, but they were not as powerful as others, so they could only endure the bad breath.

"You old thing, pay attention, don't really touch the bottom line of the ancestors, the ancestors of the teachings and the demon gods unite to deal with us" The centipede ancestor leaned in the ear of the bull **** and said.

"Okay, just give them a lesson this time, let's go!" There was a sly light in the eyes of the wolf god.

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