The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2049: Conceal the sky, make big plans

Watching the demon gods retreat, leaving the land of human races riddled with holes, and tens of billions of human races missing, the people who taught the ancestors were red-faced, but they were helpless.

"These **** barbarians are actually bullying people on the basis of a large number of people! It is unreasonable! It is really unreasonable!" Tai Dou taught the ancestor's face blushing.

"Okay, stop arguing. Before, this seat conspired against the Demon God Clan, and then we took action to destroy the Demon God Clan’s blood pool. The Demon God is warning us that the tens of billions of living creatures, the Demon God, would never use it as a ration, but if the human race is true Calculating the demon clan again, but it’s really hard to say." Tai Yi taught the ancestors to play with the turtle shell in his hand: "this time the demon clan picked up a bargain. We were careless and asked it to break through the star formation, otherwise we must have it. Fighting on the floor looking for teeth."

The failure of the human race is not because the human ancestors are weak, but the demon gods attacked too suddenly. The heavens and stars have been broken before they are operational. Of course, single-handedly against the ancestors cannot suppress the twelve powerful men who have soared by 30%. .

"I went to the Yujing Mountain for a while, but I have to see what Hongjun has to explain!" Tai Yi Jiaozu got up and walked into the Yujing Mountain with a gloomy face.

Seeing the human tribe lacking a big hole, the ancestors sighed and began to quickly arrange defenses.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu and Taiyi Jiaozu sat opposite each other. Taiyi Jiaozu looked at the tea in front of him, then at the cold damp not far away, and said with a gloomy expression: "Hongjun, you were born in the human race, my human race Although there are many things I am sorry for, you shouldn't count Human Race like this."

"How do I calculate the human race?" Yu Duxiu looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu: "If you teach the ancestor, I don't understand you too well."

"Don't pretend to be stupid, we are not fools, the wolf **** has attacked the human race since Yujingshan returned, and taken away tens of billions of human race tribes. What's your explanation for this?" Taiyi taught ancestors a pair of eyes fixedly staring at Yu Alone, the river of destiny appears chaotic and tumbling in his eyes.

"Maybe it's a coincidence!" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Coincidence?" Tai Yi Jiaozu chuckled, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Don't push the human race in a hurry."

"Oh?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"The big deal is to give up the earth. Taidou's avenue of stars has already taken shape. Hundreds of millions of sentient beings of our human race are placed among the stars of Taidou, far away from the wild, jumped out of the chess game, so that your abacus will be defeated, and we have lost the restraint and deterrence of my human race. , What will happen, you should know better than me" Tai Yi teaches Zu's voice seriously.

"Where did Tai Dou actually go? It really gave birth to the world of stars?" Yu Duxiu frowned, "I really want to meet him some time!".

"No need!" Tai Yi taught ancestors to wave his hand, looking down at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "You better not see it."

"Oh" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"No matter what conspiracy or tricks you have, if you want to calculate my human race, I am afraid that it will disappoint you. I am not a fool. I am not a fool. If the opportunity is not good, my human race will immediately go out of the way. He chuckled and stood up: "I'm leaving."

"No!" Watching Tai Yi teach the ancestors to walk away, Yu Duxiu's jade cup ‘clicks’ in his hand turned into powder, and a pair of eyes glared at the void in the distance: "Bastard!"

"The eight human ancestors are all old foxes. It's not that easy to calculate them." Han Yan smiled lightly, and gradually merged into the void: "This seat is closed for meditation, just tell me if something happens."

Yu Duxiu grabbed Yutu and tugged Yutu's ears. Her eyes were black and white. After a while, she saw Yu Duxiu suddenly turning the case into powder, and then said: "Let the order go on, I will practice in retreat for the teacher. , There will be no visitors since then."

Lingyu was about to bend to answer. At this time, the old jade ancestor walked in with a sullen face and cursed: "You have no conscience, did I ever sorry ancestors?"

"Never!" Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "What is the truth of what the ancestor said?"


Yu Duxiu sat on the ground, her cheek swelling and painful, and the old jade ancestor hit Yu Duxiu's cheek with a punch, and Yu Duxiu was unprepared.

"Bastard! Selling teammates at critical moments, your kid is the most unreliable. Why do you suddenly think of retreat?" Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, with doubts flashing in his eyes.

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor, rolled her eyes, and whispered: "Does the ancestor want revenge?"

"Vengeance? What revenge?" The Jade Ancestor stared wide-eyed.

Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "What kind of hatred? Isn't the ancestor not clear? Of course it is the hatred of suppression!".

When the old jade ancestor heard the words, he immediately became angry and cursed: "Those **** suppressed my ancestors for a million years. If I don't retaliate, I will not be a man."

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor with a smile on her mouth: "Old ancestor!."

"Huh?" The Jade Ancestor was taken aback.

"Diantian is about to prove the truth," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "Your chance for revenge is here."

"What? Seriously?" Old Jade was taken aback when he heard this.

"Then there is still a fake?" Yu Duxiu carried her hands and walked towards the inner wall of the hall: "The Emperor's Avenue of Qiantian will become a quasi-immortal fruit position, immortal and immortal. There will be a good show in the human race, why not Go and help the sky?."

Listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, the ancestor of Jade was stunned: "Interesting! Interesting! I actually proved the Dao! I actually proved the Dao! Hahaha, that's the Emperor's Avenue. I must help God to prove Dao immortality, but it depends Looking at the reactions of those old guys, the Emperor Dao is extremely overbearing, and the fight against the Chaos Demon God has also been entrusted to Qiantian, ancestors, I will go to Human Race to protect Qiantian."

After speaking, Old Jade walked out of the hall laughing and joking, but suddenly stopped: "It's not right! Forgot to ask the demon clan what is the use of plundering the human clan. How can I forget such a terrible question? Just send it out."

The old ancestor of Jade turned and walked towards the hall, looked at the empty hall, scratched his head, and said distressedly: "This kid Hongjun is simply too cunning."

Since the Demon God Race, the Demon God Race has practiced the Demon God Real Body Jue, the turbid air has been refined and reborn, and has completely separated from the Demon Race, each of them has become a strong muscular man, with the tens of billions of human beings After the demons were divided among the tribes, the charm of the demons was indeed not comparable to the mortals of the human race.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, carrying the mountain and driving the moon, it is very powerful. It is the instinct in the bones of creatures to worship the strong. For a time, the human race lavishly married the demon race, and countless human women fell into the arms of the demon race monk.

Married to the Demon God Clan, I have no worries about eating and drinking all my life!

Married to the demon clan, the longevity method is in hand!

Married to the Demon God Clan, no worries about the wind and rain!

For a time, the Demon Race and the Human Race had a good time, but the ancestors who watched were stunned. Naturally, the ancestors of the Demon Race would not give up paying attention to the situation of the human tribes who fell on the Demon Race. He slapped his head: "That's it! That's it! Hongjun's purpose is here."

Seeing that the human tribe and the demons were married, and the ether Yi taught the ancestors to play with the secrets of heaven, there was a vague prototype in his heart.

"What exactly does Hongjun want to do?" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes were full of puzzlement.

The demon clan, at this time the twelve demon gods let go of their aura without concealment, countless blood pool fragments flew up, wrapped in the raging flames, and began to slowly regroup.

All the demon gods act as smelting cauldrons to attract everyone's to give the demon gods time to marry together.

I have to say that the devil's calculations are indeed ingenious. If there is no need, who would care what the human race looted from the devil race is doing? .

Who cares what the general public of the Demon God Department does? .

The tens of billions of human races were scattered, and thought it was for the convenience of detention, but never thought that the demon **** race would conceal the sky and conceal the situation, and gave a surprise to countless powerhouses in the world.




Countless blood dripping from the blood pool, feeling the peeping gaze of the heavens and the world, the wolf **** secretly smiled: "Let’s melt this blood into the placenta of the lady, and help my descendants of the Demon God Race to grow more vigorously and lay down A solid foundation, break the blood curse technique."

At this time, the demon gods are grateful that fortunately, there are still a lot of demon tribes. Otherwise, even if they know the method, they can’t implement it. It's like a dragon, plundered by the demon tribe. How to reproduce the tribe? .

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