The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: Prelude

"Really?" Fox God looked at Prime Minister Turtle suspiciously.

"Don't dare to deceive the empress", Prime Minister Turtle smiled bitterly and bowed to the fox god.

"I don't believe it, this palace wants to see it in person" Fox God stared at Prime Minister Turtle.

"Niangniang, please!" Prime Minister Turtle gave way, and the Fox God walked into Yujing Mountain, and soon turned around in an unexpected way and disappeared into the void.

"The fox has always been shrewd, cunning and suspicious. I'd better stay away from him." Prime Minister Turtle returned to Yujing Mountain unhurriedly and blocked the world barrier.

On the edge of the Demon God Tribe in the Lower Realm, Yu Duxiu dressed in a Taoist robe looked at the newly born life in the Demon God tribe in the distance, with a smile on her mouth: "This time it's fun!"

"Have you ever prepared all the treasures used for the curse?" The Fox God returned to the Heavenly Palace and asked the Tiger God and Elephant God with a gloomy expression.

"Preparation is complete! Didn't see Hongjun?" Xiangshen asked in confusion.

"Hongjun is in retreat." Fox God gritted his teeth: "Prepare for the curse technique, I will continue to curse the new humans of the Demon God Race."

"This seems a bit wrong" Tiger God said.

"What's wrong?" Fox God raised his beautiful eyebrows, and stared at the Tiger God, waiting for the Tiger God to explain.

"The newly born Demon Race involves the human blood, our curse technique is too overbearing, if it involves the Human Race?" The Tiger God stared at the Fox God.

"It's not'if', but this curse is directed at the human blood, and it will definitely be implicated in the human race" Xiangshen said: "If it provokes the human race to anger, it might not be worth the loss. The human race has now contradicted the demons. Let's look at it from above, the human race and the demon race must be two tigers competing."

The fox **** frowned: "My palace is maddened. There is indeed some truth to this statement. In that case, we might as well watch the changes!"

But it is said that the Jade Ancestor strolled along the way into the Zhoutian Star Array of the Human Race, and dived into the 33rd Heaven. Regarding the hob meat of the Jade Ancestor, the teaching ancestors turned a blind eye to one. Eyes, let him go.

The eight ancestors suppressed the great array of stars and stars, and they were not afraid that the ancestors of jade made some moths.

In the Lingxiao Hall, Gan Tian sat there, closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, the flames of Xi and the whole body were really rising, like a small sun.

Nowadays, the demons and demons have great power, and the Xihe certificate is quasi-no superior, and it is easily difficult to suppress and kill. The ancestors of the human race have also closed one eye to Xihe, which is regarded as acquiescing to the existence of Xihe.

"You two are at ease!" The Jade Ancestor walked slowly into the hall.

"Why did the ancestor come?" Gan Tian opened his eyes, and there was a real dragon in his eyes that was swaying for nine days. The purple scales were circling domineering runes, and there was a seal in his mouth.

"Okay! Hongjun said that your kid is about to become enlightened. I didn't believe the ancestor before. Now it seems that what Hongjun said is correct. If you really want to prove it, you will have no way to go." When he came to Qian Tian, ​​he looked up and down.

Qiantian's eyelids twitched upon hearing this: "How does Hongjun know about me?"

The ancestor of Jade jumped onto Gantian’s case table, looked down at Gantian, and kicked the seal box in front of him with the sole of his foot: "Your seal was still intentionally given to you by Hongjun!"

"Hongjun! What does it matter to him?" Gan Tian stared at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes.

"The seal of the day is owned by Hongjun. Why do you think this seal is in the hands of Amitabha? Why did Amitabha give it to you?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Gantian.

Qian Tian frowned, "Could it be that Hongjun gave me this seal deliberately?"

"It was not Hongjun who gave it to you, but Hongjun and Amitabha had a nasty relationship. Amitabha wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone!" Jade looked at Qiantian: "You guys have to be careful. The emperor's seal is very hot, but not so. Easy to take."

Qiantian frowned: "The seal of the emperor is my treasure! It was forcibly stolen by Hongjun in the past, and it was really deceiving! Now it is in my hands, it is a cycle of cause and effect, and the property returns to the original owner. What is the cause and effect of Jun? Amitabha wanted to borrow a knife to kill, but he made the wrong calculation, and I was not so easy to manipulate."

"Your kid is too tender." The old jade ancestor patted Gantian on the shoulder, knelt down to look at Gantian, and said with an old manner: "In order to preach in Kyushu, Amitabha has already hollowed out his mind. Now you have received the seal of the emperor. Proving the Dao, if you want to conflict with the ancestors, how can you contend with the eight ancestors? At that time, you will have to seek foreign aid. Amitab is your powerful ally!".

Listening to the words of the jade ancestor, Qiantian suddenly frowned. Although the seal of the emperor belongs to him, the cause and effect between him and the monster race is really forged! .

The emperor's seal's return is irreplaceable for his own help. The cause and effect are not insignificant. When the time comes, there will be no liquidation between the demon saint.

At this time, Gan Tian Wu wanted to think about the matter of cause and effect. He had already prepared for the matter of cause and effect. After Xi He brought back the seal of the emperor, the cause and effect had already been achieved. What Gan Tian was curious about was how Na Hongjun knew how to cultivate. For the upcoming breakthrough.

If you don't figure out the reason for this, dry weather is simply trouble sleeping! .

The fact that Hongjun can know it means that the ancestors may know it, and the demon gods may also know it.

Listening to Qiantian's words, the ancestor of Jade patted Qiantian on the shoulder, picked up an unknown fruit on the case table, and gnawed at random: "Don't worry about this, you kid, although the seal of the emperor was born because of the dynasty. At birth, you are the first master in name, but when the seal of the emperor was born, it was taken away by Hongjun in a diamond sleeve. He is the actual master. Hongjun sacrificed the seal of the emperor, just like today's seal of the emperor. Although it is in your hands, it is difficult to cut off the connection with Hongjun. Every time you use the seal of the emperor to cultivate the dragon qi, Hongjun feels in your heart and it is not difficult to know your realm."

After hearing the words of the jade ancestor, Qian Tian looked ugly, with a pair of eyes looking down on the seal of the emperor on the table, opened the lid, took out the crystal clear seal of the emperor, and saw the purple seal of the emperor, the air of a real dragon. Vertical and horizontal emptiness, suppress all laws wherever you go.

"Hong Jun" Gan Tian stared at the seal, as if his wife had just been visiting the hall with him, and she had been asleep in advance, with an extremely ugly expression.

"This poor child" Old Ancestor Jade patted dry on the shoulder, and sat leisurely on a chair not far away: "If you prove to be on the Emperor's Road, how should you act? Old Ancestor, I can also help you. !".

"My ancestor is not profitable and can't afford it early, so why would he want to take the initiative to help me?" Gan Tian was taken aback.

The ancestor of Jade ‘pooh’ said, "I’m that kind of ancestor? The ancestors back then conspired to betray me. I haven’t figured it out with them yet. Now I just took the opportunity to add obstacles to them."

Gan Tian heard the words and looked at the old jade ancestor. He could only believe half of what the old thing said. This servant must have had other ideas in his mind.

"Then I would like to thank the ancestors, if the ancestors are sincere to add to the obstacles to the teaching ancestors, it is better to find a way to deceive Hongjun's formula for controlling the Conferred God List." With a wry smile: "How did the ancestors figure out the control method of the Conferred God List? This topic is not at all involved. The control method of this Conferred God List is simply as difficult as it is to be fooled."

"If you can't deceive the control method of the Conferred God List, if the penalty altar control method can be used, it would be good," Gan Tian said with a smile.

"Don't dream! How can you entrust these tactics related to the operation of the heavens and the earth to me? Even your own direct children and grandchildren may not be willing to pass it on." The old jade ancestor shook his head: "Your kid is better than spending his mind here. Thinking of ways to comprehend the imperial avenue, condensing the aura of life, the world says that the imperial avenue is infinite. I am very curious about the ancestors, but I really want to see it.

"I'm already aware of the imperial avenue, and the movement of breaking through the imperial avenue is too great to hide from the ancestors. The ancestors still need to discuss with me what will happen after the breakthrough. It will not be too late for me to break through," Gan Tiandao.

The old jade ancestor frowned when he heard the words, and looked at Xi He with a pair of eyes: "She is a demon ancestor. In the heavenly court, she will give all the ancestors an excuse to impeach you. If I were you, I would quickly send her back to the heavenly palace. The ancestor has never looked down upon you. I don’t know how wonderful the expression on your face will be when you suddenly prove to the Emperor’s Road."

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