The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2052: Emperor's Avenue, Zhunxian Qiantian

"All the ancestors never saw you in their eyes. Hongjun was too good and too strong, and on the contrary looked you too useless. In fact, your talent is also extraordinary, but compared with Hongjun, it is too far behind. "The Jade Ancestor looked at Qian Tiandao.

After hearing the words of the ancestor of Jade, Qiantian didn't know whether to cry or laugh. For a while, he had a strange expression on his face, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Then I still have Hongjun's blessing?"

"Naturally!" The Jade Ancestor looked at Qiantian said: "The ancestors look down on you, so naturally they will not put you in their eyes. In the eyes of the ancestors, you are the mortal ant who is random and playful, let alone Comprehend the imperial avenue that no one has understood since the ages."

Listening to the words of the jade ancestor, Gan Tian can't wait to kill him. Is this to praise people or to bury them? .

The old jade ancestor said: "But don't worry, kid, you are finally a daughter-in-law now. First send your daughter-in-law back to the heaven, and then we will do a lot of work and do things within the human race."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Jade rubbed his hands, his eyes were full of excitement, full of anticipation.

Looking at the expression of the old jade ancestor, Gan Tian finally knew why everyone shouted and beat the old thing when it was ancient, like a mouse crossing the street.

"Xihe, you have also heard, return to Heavenly Court sooner. After I made a breakthrough, I calmed down the affairs of the human race, and then took you back, or waited for you to become the supreme power, and come back to help me." Qian Tian looked at Xihe.

Xihe nodded, staring at Qiantian: "Your Majesty, take care."

"I know" Gan Tian nodded.

Xihe came to the old jade ancestor and saluted the old jade ancestor: "I also ask the old ancestor to take care of my husband."

"It's easy to say! It's easy to say! Give it to my ancestor." Old ancestor Jade patted his chest.

Xihe nodded, turned around and walked towards the outside world. After a short while, he went out of the great array of stars and disappeared.

Seeing Xihe walk away, the ancestor of Jade turned to the sky, with a sense of anticipation in his eyes: "Come on! Patriarch, I have covered the secrets for you, you can break through and condense the light of the emperor."

"I don't know why, my eyelids keep jumping, and there is a sense of anxiety in my heart" Tai Yi Jiaozu played with the turtle shell, frowning slowly.

The words of Taiyi Jiaozu just fell, and the plum blossoms in Taiyi Jiazuo's hands fell: "The plum blossoms fall, and important things happen every time."

"In the eventful autumn, I don't know what's going to happen again, I just hope that it won't be on my human race" Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly.

Listening to Taiyi's teaching ancestors, all the teaching ancestors look at me and I see you, and their eyes are full of worries. Taiyi and Taiyi feel at the same time, which shows that this matter will not work, it must be fulfilled.

In the heavenly palace, the elephant **** and lion **** looked at the seal in front of them. At this time, the emperor's seal suddenly emitted an inexplicable wave, and the divine light rose.

At the same time, the rods and seals of the heavens and ten thousand realms emitted a faint light, and the purple qi of the true dragon rose.

In the Palace of the High Heavens, the jade ancestor stared at Gantian with his eyes, only to see that Gantian seemed to turn into a huge purple placenta at this time, and the immeasurable purple qi burst, the real dragon wandered, forging and tempering the soul of Gantian , The emperor's laws began to be written and condensed, carved on the soul of Qian Tian's body.

Slowly, the soul of Gantian began to slowly transform, the three souls and seven souls exuded purple divine light, which turned from lavender to rich purple, and then a domineering purple beam slowly formed.


A buzzing spread, the barrier set up by the jade ancestors instantly shattered, the divine light passed through the heavens and stars, and shot towards the wild land and endless stars. A bright purple beam of light exuded the mighty emperor. The spirit of the person, the heavens and the stars fall to the divine light, and the vegetation and beasts worship.


With a roar of the real dragon, the purple real dragon pierced the sky and the earth, broke through the great array of heavens and stars, soared into the starry sky, and then turned back in an instant.

At the same time, the law between heaven and earth felt constantly trembling, the aura of the mighty emperor filled a radius of three thousand miles, countless human gods kneeled to the ground subconsciously, facing the emperor's law of dry sky, they couldn't raise the slightest heart of resistance.

The visions flowed, the sky fell in disorder, the ground surged with golden lotus, countless palaces were dancing, the golden armored men greeted them, the dragons cleared the way, the alien animals pulled the carts, and a supreme and noble purple emperor was slowly formed.

"This is the Great Way of the Emperors! Dry the sky to prove the Dao! Condensed the rules of the emperor!" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the visions and the laws of heaven and earth that diffused from the heavens of the Human Race Lingxiao Treasure Hall with surprise.

"Good deed, Qiantian can also condense the light of the law, and it is also the law of the emperor. It is really... the road of shit." Tai Dou taught ancestors silent for a while, seemingly unable to find a word that can be described, and can only use dog Shit transport to describe.

"Qiantian can actually take advantage of the loopholes and condense the rules of the emperor. There are really some ways." Although Qiantian is a person of peace, but the face of the Taiping ancestor not only does not have the slightest excitement, but a little bit of anger began to flicker.

"The rule of the emperor has always been preached by people. I don't know if the rule of the emperor is so powerful." Taishijiazuo curiously looked at the true dragon purple gas in the Lingxiao Palace.

"Imperial Avenue has always been hated and detested by people. I never thought that Qiantian actually condensed the Emperor's Avenue. It is really a jerk!" Taiyuan Jiaozu's expression was gloomy: "Being suppressed by Hongjun and us, Qiantian can still condense the innate immortality. It's also a talent."

"Talents are rare. Nowadays, the demons and demons are very powerful. Why are we suppressing Qiantian and helping them grow? Used to resist the powers of the two races," Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

"No!" Tai Dou Jiazuo categorically refused: "If it's someone else and other laws, then that's fine. Qiantian's emperor's law is absolutely impossible. If Qiantian condenses other laws, I can help them. , It’s just that the Emperor’s Dao is too domineering and can’t tolerate rebellion. It’s a great curse that you want to dominate the heavens and all realms. It must be eliminated! This is not a matter for our family. The Demon Race and the Demon Race are also responsible.”

Listening to the words of the ancestors of Taidou, the ancestors of the teachings look at me and I see you, and the ancestors of Taiyi said: "Taiping, you should say something about this matter. Gantian is your peaceful person, or you should be the master."

Listening to the words of Taiyi Jiaozu, Taiping Jiazuo closed his eyes for a while and meditated for a while, and said after a while: "If you want to prove the Emperor's Way, you must unify the heavens and all realms! Do you think Qiantian has a chance to dominate all the heavens and all realms? So many supreme powerhouses are rampant in the world, and Qiantian is alone and weak, so why do they unify the heavens and all realms?."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Taiping, the ancestors were taken aback, and the ancestor said: "The relationship between Qiantian and Hongjun is unclear. Maybe you can really take this **** luck."

"Imperial Avenue? Is it the Emperor's Avenue to dry the sky?" The demon gods in the heavenly palace looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other.

"I don't know the power of this Emperor's Avenue, but I actually make everyone admire it so much, and even take precautions," Fox God said in astonishment.

"This matter has to start from the age of the When the jade ancestors fought against the gods, they met a **** of time, cause and effect, and space. The god, called the **** of the emperor, is innately in charge of the rules of the emperor, and he is extremely domineering. Even the ancestor of jade, who was the supreme power at the time, had to work hard and reluctantly kill the **** of the emperor. Since then, the laws of emperors, laws of time, laws of space, and laws of causality have been the taboo laws of the world. "Everyone is punishable by everyone." Xiangshen sighed slightly, as if he had returned to the chaotic era of the gods, his eyes were full of longing.

"The Law of Emperors is born again, what shall we do this time?" Tiger God's face was full of impatient expression: "No matter how powerful the Emperor Dao is, isn't it a supreme power? We are already detached and united in the world, if this kid is I don’t know the interest, so I confessed him and told him to know why the flowers are so red."

Listening to the Tiger God’s words, the Fox God nodded: “This is also the truth. Naturally, the ancestors of this matter have a headache. Qiantian’s status in the human race is not low. Now he has proven the Emperor’s Rule. This time I have fun. ."

"Everyone is watching the excitement! I will prepare gifts later, and send Xihe to celebrate the Emperor's Law on the God of Heaven." Fox God smiled.

"Yes! Yes! With Dry Heaven, things will be surging within Human Race again."

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