The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2053: Desire to usurp

The demon gods don’t think it’s too much to watch the excitement, and if they send Xihe with gifts from the demon clan, they will have no place to go to the human clan to celebrate the Qiantian certificate.

The demon gods of the Demon Clan were busy taking care of the newly-born little demon gods at this time, and had no time to care about the human race, and even less time to care about the proofs, the quasi-immortal status, condensing the dry heavens of the emperor's law.

The demon gods of the human race are not afraid, let alone the mere quasi-celestial gods? .

Four Seas Dragon Clan, at this time, the four dragon monarchs look at me and I see you. Their eyes are full of weird colors. Jinlin said: "Emperor Avenue! Qiantian can actually prove the Emperor Avenue. What did the ancestors teach? I can't stand it all day long."

"Emperor's Avenue! Human Race has watched it lively this time" All Long Jun chuckled.

"Let's not join in the fun anymore, just help that dry sky secretly" Beihai Longjun chuckles.

"If you can cause trouble to the human race, why not do it?" Nanhai Longjun said with a strange smile.

"Brother, that's the Emperor's Avenue!" Jinlinlong Jun's eyes were solemn.

Listening to Jinlin's words, Donghai Longjun Dao: "What about Emperor Dao? Isn't it a quasi immortal?"

In a word, he was choking so hard to breathe. What Donghai Longjun said was true. Isn't Qian Tian Zaiqiang a quasi-immortal? .

But can the quasi immortal of the Emperor's Avenue be compared with the ordinary quasi immortal with this certificate? .


Void shook, in the High Heaven Palace, the dry sky transformed, reshaped the flesh, dressed in a purple emperor's clothes, his complexion was majestic, and the whole body was flickering with purple qi.

Yu Duxiu's eyes looked at the void in the distance, and the corners of her mouth slightly cocked: "Interesting! Interesting! This is the Emperor's Avenue? It is indeed different from the ordinary Zhunxian Zhengdao."

"Three years of no sound, one blockbuster" Qian Tian was overwhelmed with majesty, walked slowly to the front of the jade ancestor, and respectfully saluted the jade ancestor: "I have seen the ancestor, thank you for your help."

"It's not my work, it's actually your own good fortune." The old jade ancestor looked up and down Gantian: "It is different from the emperor **** back then!."

"Oh" Gan Tian was about to ask, but he heard the old jade ancestor divert the topic: "It's a good thing for you kid to prove the truth, but the difficult things have just begun. All kinds of pressure are coming, you do Are you ready?"

"My ancestors can rest assured that I now condense the laws of the emperor, and everything in the world seems to be surrendered to my feet. Every word, every action is accompanied by the laws of the world, bowing and escorting, it is really intoxicating." Gan Tiandao.

After speaking, Qian Tian said: "I first subdued the five parties and five emperors, and then put on a big banquet to entertain the powerful in the world to celebrate the supremacy of my path."

Looking at Qiantian, the old ancestor of Jade shook his head, and said nothing more: "Never mind! Whatever you want!

The realm of quasi-immortality actually has calamity, saying that it is calamity, in fact it is also good fortune, it will awaken the memory of past and present.

I don’t know how vast the memory of the past life is. If one cannot bear it, he will become an idiot. The past life will be resurrected and the present life will be turned into powder. If he can withstand the impact of the memory of the past and this life, his understanding of Taoism will be greatly enhanced.

Ordinary monks, after proving the supremacy of the Dao, they must first find a secret place to unlock the memories of the past and present, and then they will go out for activities, visit relatives and friends, and celebrate.

The relationship between Jade Patriarch and Gantian is not so good, since Gantian has spoken, Jade Patriarch did not remind him.

"Come here, go and summon the five parties and five emperors to the Lingxiao Hall to discuss matters" Gan Tian said to the guard beside him.

The Qiantian card is on the Avenue of Emperors, and all the gods of the human race have a sense. Look at me, I look at you, with a pair of eyes looking at the Lingxiao Palace, listening to the general information of the guards, five parties and five emperors gathered together, that Ziwei Emperor Mitz sneered coldly: "Just before proving the Dao, we are here to show off our prestige. Let's go to the Lingxiao Palace and see what Gantian wants to do."

"It's also interesting! I hope that the heavens are interesting, the quasi immortals are nothing more than the ancestors standing behind us." Shaoyang smiled coldly, and the sun was really rising in his eyes.

The five parties and the five emperors joined hands and headed towards the Lingxiao Palace. This movement cannot be concealed from the ancestors. The ancestors of the teachings look at me and I see you. The ancestor of Taiping said with a cold expression: "Oh, I can't sit still just now."

"I have to see what Qian Tian wants to play with. If this guy is not savvy, he can stir up the wind and rain in my human race if he proves it. That's a wrong calculation." Taiping Teacher Ancestor sneered coldly.

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Taiping, the ancestor of Taiyi frosted the tortoise shell, and said, "Don't worry! Don't worry! Take your time, take your time."

Before Qian Tian waited long, the gods and five emperors of the five directions came one after another, watching Qian Tian rising from the emperor's aura. Although he was full of disdain outside before, he was really standing in front of Qian Tian. , But also couldn't help but burst into his heart, and became afraid.

"Early Chao!" Taibai yelled unhurriedly.

"Let me see your majesty" the officials respectfully salute.

Gan Tian looked down at the heavens and tribesmen, and then looked at the Five Fang and Five Emperors: "Get up."

"Your Majesty," the gods stood up.

Gan Tian was knocking on the case in his hand, and he looked at the powerful men below without hesitation, and his voice was majestic: "Everyone, Aiqing, now I have no proof to go on the great road. I want to feast on the world. Wei Aiqing can think of me, even if he comes to my celebration banquet."

"Emperor Ziwei" Qiantian changed the topic and looked at Mitz.

"I don't know what your Majesty ordered," Mitz said lazily.

"Although you have a large number of people in the crape myrtle tribe, there are few people who have commanders. There are ten strong people around me, which can be used for one purpose. How about your majesty transforming these ten people into the department and commanding the subordinate fighting department for your majesty? "

Listening to Gantian's words, Mitsz suddenly became unhappy. Gantian obviously wanted to seize power! .

"Don't bother your majesty, there are countless masters of Taidou Dao behind me, and the support of Taidou educators, talented people, your Majesty bothered me," Mitz rejected.

"The disciples of Taidou Dao are all talented, ecstatic about the immortal Dao, how can they be distracted by such vulgar things? Needless to say, my will is determined." Qian Tian Zhou's body was rolled up by the real dragon and Ziqi Taotao, and a car in the void rushed towards Mitz Suppressed, Mitz was speechless.


At this moment, a purple talisman on Mitz's body was shining with dazzling starlight, offsetting the power of the dry sky and completely disintegrating.

This talisman paper is twenty centimeters long and five centimeters wide, and the stars on it are circulating, seeming to contain a starry sky world.

"It's actually a talisman given by the ancestors, Taidou taught the ancestors with good intentions." Gan Tian looked gloomy.

"I have already said that, behind my crape myrtle tribe, there is Taidou ancestor, no one can force my crape myrtle tribe to intervene in my crape myrtle tribe's affairs," Mitz said.

Listening to Mitz’s words, Qiantian’s expression was gloomy: "Ignorance! How can you imagine the power of the Imperial Avenue?"

Seeing a real dragon roaring on Qian Tian, ​​and wanting to make another move, the jade ancestor on one side coughed and rolled his eyes: "This idiot! Even if the Emperor's Road is powerful, you are a quasi immortal, you are nothing. The strongest, how about eight ancestors? Do you think you are the protagonist?"

"The Emperor's Avenue is really powerful, and Qiantian's reason is silently affected by the Emperor's Avenue." The old jade ancestor coughed again and woke up Gantian.

Gantian was shocked when he recovered, his complexion darkened, and he took a deep breath: "There is something wrong with the state."

Seeing Mitz’s mocking gaze, Qiantian’s eyes were again a real dragon with purple qi rising. The jade ancestor coughed again and again. Qiantian turned his gaze and looked at the ministers with their heads drooping below, forcibly suppressing the fire in his heart: "Since there is the support of the ancestor, that's all! When the ancestor can't support it, it's not too late for me to help you."

"All the Aiqings will play when something happens, but they will retreat without problems." The majestic voice of Qian Tian actually affected the sanity of the officials below.

I saw a Taishidao disciple stepping out and paying respectful salute to Qian Tian: "Your Majesty, I don't know why in the lower realm. There was a conflict between countries, and all the corpses disappeared. Please check your majesty."

Looking at the Taishidao disciples, Qian Zao's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes looked at Gantian: "What an emperor's avenue! What an emperor's avenue! He actually seized the minds of the gods in silence."

"It's normal to fight in the lower realm for years. If there is anything to play, you should step down." Qian Tian snorted with dissatisfaction on his face.

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