The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: Defects of the imperial avenue

Chaohui dissipated, and Qiantian sat there with a gloomy expression.

Although the ministers were respectful and respectful at the meeting, Gan Tian couldn't be happy in his heart.

"Ancestor, is this the weakness of Emperor Avenue?" Gan Tian looked at Old Ancestor Jade.

The Five Sides and Five Emperors left with anger, and their subordinates inexplicably surrendered to Qiantian and left themselves aside. It is strange that this feeling is good.

"Imperial Avenue has no weakness. The reason why you feel that it is the weakness of Emperor Avenue is that you are inadequate and have difficulty controlling the Emperor Avenue. That's why the Emperor Avenue affects your xinxing." The ancestor of Jade Lazily touched his stomach and was full. Drink enough to enjoy the sun.

Qiantian frowned: "Please also ask the ancestors to teach me how to contain the Emperor's Avenue."

"You must now understand the dominance of the Emperor's Avenue. If you want to stop the Emperor's Avenue from influencing your character, you can only continue to polish your character. If you continue to do this, you will only become an arrogant lunatic in the future, and become an imperial lunatic. The puppet, even the **** of the emperor will use your physical body to be reborn," the old jade ancestor said unhurriedly.

Qian Tian clenched his fist upon hearing the words: "How to cultivate one's morality?"

"It's okay to be indifferent and less lustful." The old jade ancestor looked at Gantian unhurriedly: "Your imperial avenue has just been certified, and you have not yet been able to truly control the imperial avenue. If you can't subtly cultivate, I'm afraid you will be arrogant in the future. Big, arrogant, until it brings a murderous disaster to oneself."

"I am already a quasi immortal, who can kill me?" Gan Tian refused.

"The lock demon tower can suppress even the demon gods, let alone your quasi immortal? Don't talk about the lock demon tower, just say that Hongjun suppressed the snake god, what do you think?" Jade ancestor looked at Gantian.

Gan Tian slapped his head fiercely, and said a little madly: "They are them, I am me, we are different."

"Yes, you are different, because you are far behind them. The supreme and quasi-supreme are the qualitative differences."

The old jade ancestor walked slowly.

"I want to retreat!" Gan Tian gritted his teeth, and the case in front of him instantly turned into powder.

"Ruzi can teach you too" The Jade Ancestor walked out of the Lingxiao Hall slowly: "After you leave the customs, I will come to you again!".

"Did Tian retreat?".

The teaching ancestors were stunned. When they saw Qiantian gather together the ministers before, they thought they were going to do a big job, but they did not expect to practice in retreat like this.

"Imperial Avenue is different from ordinary avenues. You don’t need to mention the avenues only with a single certificate. You have to run in with the avenues after enlightenment, so as not to be invaded by the avenues, affect your sanity, and become a lunatic.” Tai Yi taught the ancestors: Tian is also smart, and he has noticed something wrong with Emperor Dao."

"It's not that Tiantian is clever, it's the old jade guy who is nosy. If he didn't cause trouble, there would be a chance for Tiantian to prove the way."

Taiping teacher said boredly.

Listening to the Taiping ancestors, the ancestors look at me, I see you, and the ancestor of Taiyi said: "The jade is not at ease, but we can only tolerate the situation like Taidou for a while."

In the Yujing Mountain, the jade ancestor wandered around the mountain arrogantly, and then came to Yu Duxiu's retreat: "Hongjun! This time, there is a big joke."

"What's the matter? Why did you find it?" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade, her face was full of depression: "I hide so tightly, can you find me too?".

The old jade ancestor smiled: "I came to you to inform you."

"What happened?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

The ancestor of Jade came over and looked up and down Yu Duxiu: "Just now, Qiantian proclaimed, I was very close to Qiantian. When Qiantian awakened the aura of the past and present, the ancestors felt a familiar feeling. Qi machine."

Yu Duxiu was stunned, what age was the ancestor of jade? .

In this era of fighting against the gods, the gods were exterminated, but no one knows when they were born, so we should look forward to it.

This old thing senses a familiar aura, doesn't it mean that an old guy is about to awaken? .

"Who?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

The ancestor of Jade frowned and shook his head: "Forget it! Forget it! I am not sure, the energy is fleeting, and I don't know if it is an illusion. If it is really that person, between the two of you Constant entanglement is justified."

The ancestor of Jade said a big call that was inexplicable, but it itched the heart of the person: "Who is it? What is the cause and effect with me?

The ancestor of Jade shook his head: "After a period of time, Gantian will awaken from the past and this life, and you can be sure. Although the ancestor is not reliable, I will never say anything that is uncertain."

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, did not say much, closed his eyes, this old thing has a good selling skills, the more entangled, the less said, after a while, no one asked, he took the initiative to pour the beans Generally confessed.

"Hongjun! How to face the suppression of the eight ancestors even if the strength is strong by one person alone? How to stir the wind and the rain? You might as well teach him the method of controlling the penalty altar, or control it. It’s okay to teach him the tactics of Fengshen Bang, so you can better complete your plan."

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu seemed to be smiling and not smiling: "The ancestors made a good calculation. The control method of the gods is the right to speak of my human race. As for the punishment altar, it is mine in the heavens and all realms. Where is my authority, how can I casually teach it to people so that they know the secret technique of my authority."

"You guys have a good calculation, that is, telling the horse to run and not to eat the grass. Where are such good things in the world, tell me, I will try it too" the old jade ancestor scolded Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and turned a deaf ear. The ancestor of Jade said, "Then how do you tell me the secret of the seal of the emperor? Although Qiantian got the seal of the emperor, he can only use it in a foolish way. Can’t exert half the power of the seal."

"Forget it, I don't care about this mess, whoever cares who loves will take care of whoever cares." Seeing Yu Duxiu indifferently, the ancestor of Jade grumbled dissatisfiedly.

Yu Duxiu glanced at the ancestor of Jade and continued to comprehend the magical powers.

After a while, Old Ancestor Jade couldn't sit still, and looked at Yu Duxiu and said, "Forget it, Old Ancestor, I'll take you, you will lend me a use."

"Go and discuss with Prime Minister Turtle by yourself" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes.

"If I can please the old bastard, there is no need for you to speak." Old ancestor Jade turned and left with a'pooh'.

Watching the Jade Ancestor walk away, the eye of time in Yu Duxiu's eyebrows opened, reversing time to see everything in the palace of Lingxiao.

"Imperial Avenue, it's really not that simple, this old thing seems to be hiding something" Yu Duxiu muttered for a while before saying: "I want to personally walk into safety."

Outside, in the endless void, the world of the fox **** outside the thirty-third layer, Xihe knelt to the ground.

"Niangniang is already detached, and I still ask Niangniang to give me a magical method" Xihe pleaded bitterly.

The Fox God smiled bitterly and rubbed his forehead: "Why should this palace lie to you, this palace is not familiar with the Emperor's Avenue, and that Qiantian is also my demon son-in-law, how can this palace stand idly by?"

"Niangniang, the imperial avenue can affect a person's xinxing, and the hatred in Qiantian's heart will inevitably be distorted and magnified by the imperial avenue, losing his reason, and asking the empress for help" Xi Hedao.

"Get up first" the fox **** pulled Xihe up and paced back and forth in the hall: "Grease your one can help but yourself in this kind of thing! Jade had fought against the emperor and **** in the past. Dealing with it, this old thing should have a way. Instead of begging me, a useless person here, it is better to go to the jade to explore the autumn breeze."

"Yujing Mountain" Xihe was embarrassed when he heard the words.

"What are you afraid of! Yujing Mountain has no ghosts and can't eat you" The Fox God glanced at Xihe.

Xihe bit his lip, and then said, "Okay, I will go to Yujing Mountain and take a personal walk."

Xihe came out of the world of Fox Gods, came directly towards Yujing Mountain, and got into the world barrier. Looking at Yujing Mountain World, he saw the Prime Minister Turtle at the first glance, and at the second glance he was fighting with Prime Minister Turtle. The old jade ancestor, the old jade ancestor was cursing around the tortoise at this time, not knowing what he was talking about, the old tortoise seemed to be asleep at this time and ignored it.


Xi He came to the old jade ancestor in an instant and saluted the old jade ancestor.

"Why did you come to this Yujing Mountain?" Jade ancestor looked at Xihe, and was taken aback for a moment, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

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