The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: Scripture

For Xihe's appearance here, Jade can only be described as shocked, not ordinary shock, but very shocked.

The ancestor of jade knows that part of the nasty relationship between Yu Duxiu and Xihe, that Xihe has found the seeds of jade duxiu, and gave birth to the children of Yu Duxiu. With the unpleasant gossip character of the jade ancestor, how can Let it go? .

Xihe didn't know the old jade ancestor already knew about it, and sighed softly at the old jade ancestor: "Where is Hongjun's crown? The concubine came here to suppress the imperial avenue and polish his mind."

Hearing what Xihe said, the old jade ancestor loosened the beard of the old turtle and pointed a finger to the distant mountains: "Where! Where! You can go by yourself!!"

"Thank you ancestors."

Hearing this, Xihe thanked his ancestors, and then walked toward Yuduxiu's retreat with a curvy body.

The waterfall rushes down, and Yu Duxiu faces the waterfall cross-legged, surrounded by beautiful Feng Shui and beautiful scenery.

"How did you come?".

There is no need to look back, Xihe's qi cannot be concealed from Yu Duxiu. For the arrival of Xihe, Yu Duxiu suddenly has countless kinds of conjectures in her mind.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Xihe stood still three feet away behind Yu Duxiu, looking at Yu Duxiu wearing a Taoist robe, respectfully bowing to Yu Duxiu: "I have seen Mianxia."

"You and I don't have to be polite" Yu Duxiu didn't look back, but was thinking about Xihe's intention.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Xihe said, "I came here today to beg the next business."

"If you have anything, you might as well tell, and see if this seat is capable of helping you achieve it." Yu Duxiu turned and looked at Xihe.

A golden phoenix robe with golden crows embroidered with teeth and dancing claws looks quite gratifying.

"Qiantian proves the rule of the emperor, this matter should not be hidden from you" Xi He fixedly looked at Yu Duxiu, both Qian Tian and Yu Duxiu were outstanding talents of the time, and both of them were the princes of the same era. Compared with Yu Duxiu, all these arrogant talents could not help but be overshadowed and greatly reduced.

Yu Duxiu is like a big sun in the void, and the rest are just stars. When the big sun comes out, the stars disappear.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Xi He said: "Please also teach me the method of tempering the mind. After drying the heavens to prove the rule of the emperor, who would have expected that the rule of the emperor is too domineering and cannot be easily suppressed at all. If it cannot be tame Running in the emperor's law can only turn into a madman puppet between heaven and earth, so please help.

Yu Duxiu looked at Xihe, he did not understand the rule of the emperor, but through the narration of jade and Xihe's help, he also knew that something went wrong with the sky at this time and a big problem occurred.

I closed my eyes, and after a while, I heard Yu Duxiu say: "I have a scripture of the gods here, which can help Qiantian suppress the heart and control the emperor's avenue!".

A black book appeared in Yu Duxiu's hand, and then slowly stretched out, Xihe respectfully held the black book in his hand.

A chill came, and the terrifying laughter sounded in Xihe's heart, shaking the heart and soul, and the three souls and seven souls were shaken by it, and the immortal immortality was shaken by it, and all kinds of negative emotions were like the tide, and the sky was rolled over. .


Even the quasi-immortal who was the Sun could not bear the impact of the demon's will at this time, and was shocked.

"This scripture is so evil, just holding it in your hand, there is a feeling that evil is beginning to spread."

Xihe looked at the fallen celestial demon scripture with a pair of eyes, and then was looking at Yu Duxiu, but he dared not reach out and pick it up.


Seeing Xihe's movements, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "The Emperor's Dao is extremely domineering, and it is the most domineering law between heaven and earth. It is not easy to control it. Only by practicing into a free demon, detaching from the shackles of the law, and watching the fire from the shore, can you completely surrender the law of the emperor."

"Really?" Xi He looked at Yu Duxiu, with a hesitation flashing in his eyes.

Yu Duxiu lowered her head and said: "This scripture is a secret technique. You must not divulge it easily. If you read this celestial demon scripture, it will help suppress the emperor's law. If it is read by ordinary people, it will harm the world. , To form great cause and effect, great karma, don’t be careless."

"Yes!" Xihe slowly bent over and picked up the celestial demon scripture on the ground, but he was skeptical about Yu Duxiu's words, put the goddess scripture of the day in his sleeve, and bowed to Yu Duxiu: "In that case, Ben The palace retires."

Seeing Xihe walking away, Yu Duxiu slowly closed her eyes: "No matter what the future is, and how the situation changes, my cultivation level will continue to be improved, and the ten-level flower will be bloomed as soon as possible, and the Dao will be proclaimed."

Compared with the teaching ancestors, Yu Duxiu knew that he was a step slower, but it didn't matter, he could catch it back, and with his own cultivation speed, it would not take long to catch up with the teaching ancestors.

Xihe walked out of the place where Jade Duxiu was practicing. The ancestor of Jade Stone was already waiting outside. When Xihe came out, he immediately leaned forward curiously: "What can Hongjun kid do for you?"

Listening to the words of the old jade ancestor, Xi He hesitated a little, took out the "Ten Demon Scripture" and presented it in front of the old jade ancestor: "This is the scripture."

"Ten Demon Scripture?" The jade ancestor was taken aback, his body flickered, blocking the negative emotions, and slowly stretched out his hand to open the "Ten Demon Scripture": "I want to see what is in this celestial demon scripture. mysterious.".

Countless black mysterious runes rose up in the heart of the jade ancestor, only one glance, all the content actually took the initiative to brand in the jade ancestor's mind.

"not good."

The ancestor of Jade made a scream, two bursts of red blood flowed out of his eyes, and a thunderbolt circulated in the clear sky. Numerous black air currents broke through the world barrier, penetrated the ninth-ranked black lotus, and entered the body of the ancestor of jade.

Countless dark thoughts are madly breeding in the jade ancestor Yuanshen, and then I see countless dark thoughts instantly converge, overlapping and smelting with the bad luck of the jade ancestor, under the bad luck, jade is beautiful and unharmed. The black lotus of the robbery can't suppress the calamity of the jade ancestor. A black demon instantly formed. Under the help of that bad luck, it turned into a self-contained demon, integrated with the soul of the jade ancestor, immortal. Off.

"Bastard! Do you dare to murder the ancestor?" The jade ancestor's eyes flashed with blue light, looking at the crushed black lotus, glaring at Xihe, his supernatural power surged and he was about to slap Xihe to death.


The palm of his hand didn't wait to fall, the brilliance in the jade ancestor's eyes disappeared, and it instantly turned to black, and the whole body exuded an evil air, and he looked at Xihe with a quacking smile.

The supreme power and even pure Yang, the heavenly demon cannot get close to the body at all. If it is forcibly approached, it will only be ignited and turned into ashes by the pure Yang energy. The jade companion is really unlucky. Under the influence of the force of bad luck, the dark thoughts in his heart , Suppressed millions of years of anger and hatred, as well as the curse of the ancient gods, turned into this old guy’s demon. After using the Scripture of the Demon as a guide, the demon actually practiced independently after seeing the Scripture of the Demon. The huge power of darkness turned into a great free demon in one fell swoop.

If you change someone, you won't end up like this. Who said that this old guy has too much bad luck, and all bad things will happen to him.

"Who are you? Get out of my ancestors" Jade ancestor scolded angrily, and the black radiance in his eyes disappeared and turned into a cyan light. He kept cursing, seeming to fight against the monsters in his body, and he recovered his anger. Scold Xihe: "You why do you harm me?"

"I...I don't have it. It was the magic trick that Hongjun gave me. How can I harm you?" Xi He was stunned by the situation in front of him, a little at a loss.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! Your kid quickly come out to me, what the **** is this! Actually wanting to rob my ancestor of my flesh" Old Jade Ancestor cursed Yu Duxiu.

"This bastard, trouble me all day." Yu Duxiu in front of the waterfall reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at the jade ancestor with a gloomy color in her eyes. It was originally designed for Gantian, you have to cross it. foot.

"You old thing, don't hurry in," Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

The old jade ancestor took a look at Xihe, but didn't dare to look at the Scripture of the Heavenly Demon. He immediately turned around and ran into the retreat of Yuduxiu.

Xihe looked at the celestial demon scripture in his hand, his expression hesitating: "Why do I look at this celestial demon scripture without the slightest reaction, the jade servant's reaction is so big? What is hidden in this celestial monster scripture?"

At this time Xihe hesitated, wondering if this celestial demon scripture should continue to be taken away.

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