The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2065: Teaching ancestors to participate in war, Taidou crisis

Looking at the charming little fox in the distance, his face was full of holy colors, but he was very vicious when he started. The red hydrangea in his hand passed by, and gusts of blood were rolled up. I don’t know how many powerful men in the Yin division instantly turned into powder. Bad green blood is empty?

"Huh, there is something wrong with the little fox's state" The Jade Ancestor was suddenly taken aback.

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu didn't see what was wrong with the matchmaker.

"The figure of the little fox is a blessing, and the fox **** has also become a lot plump recently." The old jade ancestor scratched his head, as if he had encountered something incomprehensible.

Listening to the words of the jade ancestors, Yu Duxiu is a little inexplicable, I don't know what to say!

Facing the combination of the Yaozu and the Demon God race, the Yinsi was killed steadily and retreated. The Sihailong tribe fleeed everywhere with their tails clamped. At this time, there was a flame in the Yinsi.

"Hold it! Hold it!" The prince of the Yin Division looked at the scattered Yin Division, his face was full of helplessness.

Even at this time, the prince of Yinsi had the wisdom to reach the sky, it was difficult to contend with absolute strength.

The Yin Division itself had insufficient manpower, and sent people to harass the enemy's rear, breaking the heavens and stars, but the remaining enemies were still enough for the Yin Division to drink a pot.

The human race, the ancestors of the ancestors have a pensive look, and they are too Yi to teach the ancestors: "You can't stand by. If you let things happen today, the Yinsi is afraid to change hands. The demons and the demons are very powerful. Once they cooperate in reincarnation , My human race really can't stand it."

I am not afraid that the demons and the demons will suffer both losses, but the demons and the demons will join forces and jointly kick the human race out of the battle and find a way to resolve the battle.

The ancestors were silent, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Taihuang and Taiyi, you two are guarding Taidou, and the remaining five Taoists will follow me to the Yinsi. If we don’t get along with this kind of event, how can we? It will control the situation of the heavens and worlds in the future."

The teaching ancestors heard that they had no objection, and they all entered the Yin Division with the teaching ancestor Taiyi.

"Where to run?" The elephant caught the good and evil with a fist, and the good and evil exploded in an instant, and then the flesh and blood reorganized and exploded again.

When the ancestors entered the Yin Division, they saw the good and evil being abused by the elephant **** at first glance. At this time, they seemed to be helpless little beasts, enduring the ravages of the demon, the elephant god.

"Xiangshen, have we ever tried?" Tai Yi Jiaozu stopped in front of Xiangshen, and the corners of Tai Yi Jiaozu's mouth twitched as he watched the exploded good and evil.

"Huh? Human race also come to join in the fun? It's really annoying. We are all trying to win the Yin Division and put life and death in my hands, but your human race old guys are on the contrary, what is the balance of heaven? , It's ridiculous! You can directly shoot if you are greedy for the benefit of the yin, and even covertly" Xiangshen's face is full of sarcasm.

Taiyi teaches the ancestors of the old gods, his face is reddish, as if he has never heard of anything, the tortoise shell in his hands is flowing with divine light, and he instantly puts on the ancestors of Taiyi to teach him, and he slaps the elephant with one palm: "Fate verdict ."

The Taiping ancestor stopped the fox **** who was ravaging and punishing the strong, and the emperor figure in his hand smashed directly towards the fox god. Between the fingers of the fox god, the divine light flowed uncertainly, and he instantly dragged the emperor picture of the Taiping ancestor, and then around. , Smashed toward the penalty.


With a loud noise, the strong punishment was turned into ashes, the flesh and blood reorganized and fled the place, leaving only the fox **** and the Taiping ancestor.

"Taiping, I didn't expect you to join in the fun too" Fox God narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the Taiping Teacher.

The Taiping ancestor played with the Huangtu in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "Also ask the fox **** for advice."

The powerhouse of the demon race was dragged, and the other three powerhouses of the human race got up one after another, united with the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and the six supreme powerhouses barely supported the attacks of the demon gods.

That's ten demon gods, if it is singled out, there are still four behind.

"How to make up for this vacancy? Insect God took the two. The remaining two should belong to the ghost master. Now the old guy, the ghost master, hides and is in danger."

The old jade ancestor carried his hands on his back, old-fashioned, and spoke vicissitudes of life.

"The old folks of the human race play this trick every time it reaches a critical moment. I am afraid that it will not work this time. There are still two strong people in the demon race. Who can stop it?" indefinite.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ancestor of Jade said: "Of course it is the ghost master himself. After all, Yinsi is the territory of the ghost master. It is not a problem to drag one of them."

"Where is the other one?" Yu Duxiu said.

"I don't know" the old jade ancestor is muran.

Sure enough, the old jade ancestor's words fell, but he saw the ghost master coming out of the void with a gloomy face: "The devil, the demon, you, etc. take advantage of the fire to rob, we are not finished."

When these words fell, the ghost master had already met one of the demon gods who were slaughtering wildly. Now the demon **** clan cultivates the devil god's true body tactics, and uses all things as nourishment vitality, even the ghosts of the yin division are absorbed and swallowed by the demon **** clan.

Chaos, everything is born, and everything can return to chaos.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with jade-colored discs, and the corners of her mouth smiled: "Yes!"

After the words fell, Taihuang Jiaozu in the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Human Race walked out, a large mountain rolled up and smashed towards the last demon god.

Now it is finally balanced.

"This battle is boring until here." Yu Duxiu shook her head: "It's still the same as before, but it ends with no choice but to work for nothing."

"It may not be" the jade ancestor categorically cut the railway.

"How do you say?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "Does the Demon Race and the Demon God Race still have a back hand?".

"You just watch the changes," said Jade Patriarch.

At this time, the two armies are fighting together, and both are in chaos. The banners of the monsters are fluttering, and the white tiger holds a flag in his hand: "According to my order, all the tribes of the monsters follow me to the humans to attack and rob the humans. Whether the great cause of refining the Slaughter Demon Sword can be successful is now."

Baihu gave an order and led the star gods to quietly lead the Human Race Zhoutian Star Array. The Demon Race has a Heavenly Star Array higher than the Human Race Zhoutian Star Array, and the Human Race’s Heavenly Stars Array. Of course it can't stop the demons.

Not long after seeing the human race on fire, crying father and mother shouting, countless monsters suddenly appeared, grabbing a tribe of human race, and fleeing in the wind.

How many immortal star gods are there?

There is simply no way to calculate.

For a while, the demons in the human race were rolling, and the group of demons plundered the human race and escaped from the heavens and stars.

"This group of beasts, dare to attack my human race! Bold and brave" Jiazu Taiyi wanted to take action, but was grabbed by the arm by Jiazu Taidou: "Don't act The situation seems to be something wrong. Be cautious."

"You old thing is saving your life. I'm afraid someone will kill you." Taiyi Jiaozu sneered, "How about the human tribe?"

"People can regenerate if they die. If this seat falls, it will die forever." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at the void with a solemn expression: "I don't know why, I always feel that there is an inexplicable danger approaching in secret."

"Turn the heavens and stars array" Tai Dou taught the ancestor, and the heavens and stars array moved.

Although the great array of heavens and stars rotates, it is running extremely slowly without the urging of the ancestors, and before it is fully activated, the group of demons has disappeared.

"Human race actually operated the great array of heavens and stars, what did it give birth?" Yu Duxiu was the most sensitive to stars, turned her head and looked towards the human race.

The old jade ancestor said: "It's not too much that the old boy has become a sick child, afraid of being attacked."

With the effort of speaking, the Thirty-third Heaven had already been stained with a layer of blood, resentment soared into the sky, and the screams in the demon court continued.

In the High Heaven Hall, Qian Tian slowly retracted his gaze: "Hmph, count your cleverness, otherwise you will know how powerful the Emperor's Road is, and your star field will be broken, and you will know that I'm not annoying."

"The realm of teaching ancestors, the autumn wind has not touched the cicada's foresight. If you want to secretly teach ancestors, you must have special skills. I heard that Hongjun has the art of inverting yin and yang, and the method of reversing chaos, so that he can seize the opportunity repeatedly. The magical powers of the senses."

Xi He interrupted.

Listening to Xihe’s words, Gan Tian closed his eyes: “The art of blinding heaven is easy to create, but if you really want to blind the ancestor’s perception, it is even more difficult, especially the old fox that is too easy, the art of easy calculation is unique. In the world, who can match him?."

After speaking, the hall was silent. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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