The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2066: Matchmaker

Seeing Qiantian's ugly face, Xihe sighed slightly: "If there is a technique to deceive the heavens, this Taidou will definitely be conspired by your majesty."

Qiantian looked ugly after hearing this, Xihe looked hesitant, as if he had made some decision, and said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this magical power that deceives the heavens. I have some way out."

When Gan Tian heard this, his eyes lit up: "How to say?"

"Your Majesty is waiting for the good news for your concubines." Seeing the eagerness on Gantian's face, Xihe smiled, but there was a touch of sourness in his eyes.

"You and my husband and wife work together to break the suppression of the ancestors and help you prove the Emperor's Road." Xi He lowered his voice.

Qiantian closed his eyes when he heard the words, and was speechless for a long time.

"Hey" looking at Gantian's expression, Xihe sighed, turned and walked out of the hall, disappearing.

"Ancestor, didn't you say that there are still changes in the battlefield? Why are there no changes now?" Yu Duxiu looked at Old Jade Ancestor.

"Look at the little fox" Jade Ancestor pointed to the matchmaker who was killing the square in the Yin Division. At this time, the white clothes turned into green, and they were no longer neat.

"What happened to the matchmaker?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"If I said, this little fox is going to prove the truth, do you believe it or not?" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu.

"It's impossible." Yu Duxiu shook her head: "I haven't proved the truth, so why should the matchmaker walk in front of me."

"It's not that your kid can't prove the Dao, but you have reached the realm, but your strength has never been improved, and the qualitative change has been delayed. This little vixen is a great fortune. Why does he prove the Dao?" Shang was full of resentment: "With the little fox's fortune, it is a quaint to prove that it hasn't been tens of thousands of years, but now it is tens of thousands of years earlier, which is really weird."

As he was talking, the prince of Yinsi came to the little fox at this moment, and slashed at the little fox with a time knife.

Seeing the little fox in a dangerous situation, Yu Duxiu subconsciously wanted to help. The jade ancestor grabbed Yu Duxiu: "Don't be impulsive."


With blood splattered, a few wrinkles appeared on the white skin between the little fox's eyebrows, and a knife mark with deep bones appeared on the little fox's chest.

"A good sword technique, it can actually take away my vitality, I don't know what the name of this sword technique is." The little fox stared at the Crown Prince Yin Si with a pair of eyes.

"People call my sword technique a time sword, but I prefer to call him the seven kill swords." Prince Yin Si held a sword in his hand: "People say that you are the arrogant of the fox clan, and I specifically kill the arrogant. For fun, you can run out of life with a few dollars. I don't know if Fox God will feel distressed and regret participating in this battle."

Looking at the Crown Prince, the red hydrangea in the hands of the little fox was clenched, and his eyebrows were murderously lingering: "There are many people who want my life, but without exception, their lives are ruined in my hands."

"Wh" while talking, the overwhelming line of marriage rolled towards the Prince of Yinsi. The line of marriage flickered with red light and the runes flowed. As long as he was drawn, it would be a broken bone.

"The little fox's marriage line has its own way. As long as you are trapped by this marriage line, you will lose your whole body mana and can only be turned into a captive and let her slaughter, because the other party's fate has been controlled by the little fox." Murmured beside Xiu.

Yu Duxiu remained calm, and there was a wave of waves in her heart: "Marriage Road, what a Marriage Road."

Just as he said, the little fox and the prince of Yin Si were in a group, and the prince of Yin Si was also a person who knew the goods. He knew how powerful the red thread was, and he did not dare to pick it up randomly. Continue to chop towards the little fox.


The red line all over the sky is like a spiritual snake, overwhelming the sky, and the prince of Yinsi who is chasing flees all over the sky.


Seeking a chance, the time knife in the hands of the prince of Yinsi dropped out, and in the gap of the complacent sky, it seemed like a beam of light, twisting and winding through the void, and hitting the little fox's wrist.

"What a great time knife, the little fox is afraid it's not an opponent."

Yu Duxiu looked at the Prince Yinsi's Time Knife, and his expression suddenly changed. Didn't he have never seen the Yinsi Prince Time Knife back then, not only had he seen it, but he had also personally experienced it. He didn't expect it to be even more powerful than before.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's expression, the ancestor of Jade made an ‘Oh Yo’, and said strangely: "Do you feel bad for your little lover?"

"Nonsense" Yu Duxiu glared at Old Jade Ancestor: "I'm just surprised at the power of the time knife."

"If you ask your kid to face the Time Knife, how do you crack it?" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu.

"I am immortal, and my life is endless, just let the time knife cut me thousands of times, but I can't help it."

Yu Duxiu snorted. As she talked, she saw a few more wounds on the little fox's body. His whole body was pale and old, his youthful and beautiful face gradually aged, and his tender skin lost its luster. .

The fox **** on the side of the "matchmaker" is always paying attention to the movement in the field. At this time, seeing the matchmaker who is dying and is about to be annihilated, he is immediately anxious. After entangled with the Taiping ancestor, he has to get rid of the little fox .

"Fox God! We are all detached powers. Fighting against this seat, do you dare to distract him?" Taiping Patriarch's emperor flew out, smashing the Fox God and spitting out gold blood.

"Hongjun! Little fox is dying, you can help me." The Fox God shouted at Yu Duxiu, turned and glared at Taiping Teacher: "Damn! Do you dare to stop me? My palace wants to die with you. "

As he spoke, the light of Fox God's Jade Palm Law circulated and hit the Taiping ancestor, and the two sides lived together ruthlessly.

"That's right, life and death have fate and wealth in the sky, how can you be distracted by fighting with me" Taiping Patriarch's plan is open, constantly killing the power of the fox god.

"Jade, you old things don't want to talk falsely. If the little fox has an accident, let's not finish." Yu Duxiu said with a serious face as he watched the old jade ancestor clutching his hand tightly.

"Do not worry."

The jade ancestor patted his chest to pack the ticket.


As she was talking, the matchmaker flew out, her eyes dimmed, like a candle in the wind.


A red thread suddenly derives from Yu Duxiu's hand, and it is instantly tied to the matchmaker's dry wrist like firewood.

Yu Duxiu took a closer look at the red thread. It was different from the ordinary red thread. This red thread was carved with patterns, and the sound of the mysterious rune avenue flowed indefinitely. Countless fairy machines flowed in the red thread and injected into the body of the matchmaker. .

"Thousands of miles of marriage together ~ The little fox put his love and thoughts on you back then. The higher your cultivation level, the faster the love will mature. Now it is finally completely successful. The little fox has bred his life. Lingbao, you are completely enlightened! Even though someone had calculated the romantic affairs between you and the Fox God, there was also the credit for the red thread." Seeing the red thread in Yu Duxiu's hand, the ancestor of Jade began to speak.

"Thousands of miles of marriage? This is to improve yourself by someone's cultivation base, so you can reach the sky in one step! You old thing has long known if it is right?" Yu Duxiu watched the red thread injected into the little fox, the little fox's vitality changed, and he started to recover. To be young, as if it was a reversal of time.

Yu Duxiu glared at the old jade ancestor: "Why don't you tell me such important things."

"What's the point of telling you? I'm thinking and thinking, can you find it?" Old Jade Ancestor laughed strangely.

Listening to the words of the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu thrust it into the Yin Division with a kick, and then saw that the little fox was overflowing with magic, and the energy between heaven and earth rushed into the little fox.

The sky is falling chaotically, and the ground is springing with golden lotus.

Countless auspiciousness is overwhelming, spreading to every corner of the world, countless sentient beings worship, this is the awe of life.

There is another law of detachment from the strong, immortality!

"Does anyone prove it?"

"who is it?."

Everyone in the field fought slowly for a while, and subconsciously scanned the audience and saw the matchmaker in white fluttering.

"How is it possible, why did you do it overnight, just proving the truth!" The prince Yin Si was full of shock. At this time, there were too many puzzles and wanted to say it.

"Run" Black and White Impermanence came to the Prince Yinsi, erected the Prince Yinsi, and disappeared instantly.

"I hate it! I hate why this last knife was not cut out in time, otherwise, how could this enchanting enlightenment have a chance?"

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