The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2067: Dry sky action

Seeing the immortal machine overflowing all over her body and the matchmaker who is constantly condensing her real body, the resentment in the heart of the Crown Prince Yin Si can be imagined. It is almost impossible to wash away the three rivers and five lakes.

It only took one shot to kill the little fox, but it was a pity that the little fox had already become enlightened without time to cut it out.

The matchmaker became enlightened, and not only was the prince of Yinsi frightened, but all the powerhouses of the heavens and the realms were full of waves in their hearts.

It stands to reason that Hongjun is the first person in this world. Even if he is enlightened, Hongjun should be the first to prove the Dao, but he was preempted by this little fox. How can he use the word'shock' To describe it, it's a beeping dog. The worst thing is that Miaoyu has become the first to become a Taoist. After all, Miaoyu was the leader in the past, but the young generation of the current generation is the first to prove the position of immortality.

It's a pity that things are really impermanent, and this little fox was asked to take the lead. It can be said that the right person is chosen, and it can save a lot of detours.

"The matchmaker is enlightened" The Fox God's eyes are full of surprises: "In this way, the two supreme powers of my fox clan will have a higher right to speak in the heavens in the future, and you are afraid of being beaten by you, the old thing. Wrong calculations, my palace will settle accounts with you today."

The Taiping ancestor opposite the fox **** looked gloomy, slowly letting go of the emperor map in his hand, and looked at the place where the little fox was. The storm continued to roll up, and the energy between the heaven and the earth was rolling, submerged in the star formation of Zhou Tian. In the fox body, the little fox enlightened and robbed the energy of the world through the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, which caused a lot of load on the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, and gave the Yin Division a chance to breathe.

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array itself was a little stagnant because of the departure of the Elephant God and the departure of the Fox God. At this time, it was even worse when the little fox pierced the pole.

"It's worth it, a little fox proves that there is another supreme power in my palace. Even if the defeat of the Yin Division fails, it is worth it."

The Tiger God urged the heavens and stars to fight the big formation, and at this time he did not care about embarrassing the Yin Department, but tried his best to supply all the stars to the little fox.

"The little fox has actually become enlightened. These animals are so lucky." Tai Yi Jiaozu's expression turned gloomy, and when he looked at the opposite elephant, the haze slowly rose in his eyes.

Once enlightened, it is an irreversible process, and within a period of time after enlightenment, the enlightened person will be branded and blessed by the laws of heaven and earth, and the strength will be outrageous, not inferior to those of the older generation.

"Hahaha, people are not as good as the heavens. This time my monster race and the demon **** race are determined to win." The elephant raised up to the sky and laughed wildly. He punched billions of dragon elephant worms and shot his divine power, hitting Taiyi Jiaozu.

"The matchmaker is enlightened."

Not only the Human Race was shocked, but those who wanted the Demon Race to be strong were also shocked. The anger rose in the eyes of the Bull Demon God: "If it were not for the Monster Race, Yi would have become the supreme strong person long ago. How could it be called the Monster Race? Bo's top pick."

At this moment, the hearts of the people are shaking, and the monsters and the demon tribes have a heart to respond, but the victory of this battle is related to the quality of the reincarnation of the monsters and the demon tribes, even if they are in the heart, they can’t wait to give the little fox. After tearing it off, he had to endure the irritability in his heart at this time, and continued to entangle with the strong Yinsi.

"Hongjun! The situation seems to be a bit bad, because the matchmaker's sermon has touched that sensitive nerve in the heart of the demon clan again, and the relationship and atmosphere between the two parties have become more delicate. Let's withdraw! Now that the Yin Division channel has been opened, There is nothing to do with you." The ancestor of Jade stood beside Yu Duxiu and muttered, his eyes passed through the channels of Yin and Yang to see the scene in Yin Division clearly.

Yu Duxiu nodded when he heard the words: "It is true. The human race's ancestors help the Yinsi and help the monks to abuse. If the human race suffers a catastrophe in the future, all the sins will be on the ancestors. My human race is gradually declining, and it should also be on the ancestors. This seat has nothing to do."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu glanced at the ancestor of Jade, then turned and headed towards Yujing Mountain.

Soon after Yu Duxiu's departure, the fight between Yin Division and Yang Shi became more intense. It seems that the monks of the Demon Race will vent their dissatisfaction with the Monster Race, and all their dissatisfaction with the Demon Race will be vented to the strong Yin Division. It is also difficult for the ancestors to withstand the power of the powerful.

"The matchmaker has proved it!" In the Tiangong, Gan Tian looked at the void in the distance, and two purple real dragons flashed in his eyes, seeming to be able to investigate the affairs of the sun.

Xihe also looked ugly on one side: "I thought I should be the first to prove the truth among the monsters, but I didn't expect that the matchmaker would never show up and rise suddenly. Indeed, none of the strong fox clan is a fuel-efficient lamp, matchmaker. In this demonstration, most of the demon clan's air luck will be intertwined with it, but it was caught off guard by the palace.

Gantian patted Xihe on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you become enlightened. In the future, your safety will be left to me."

Xi He fixedly looked at Qiantian: "Your Majesty, it shouldn't be, now your Majesty has been preaching for a while, why don't you see your Majesty awakening his life memory?".

Qiantian frowned: "Weird! Weird! People's proving the Dao is a memory that can be awakened for hundreds of millions of years in an instant, and I have no signs of awakening memory."

After speaking, Qian Tian said, "But now it's not that much anymore. Now that all the ancestors are blending into the battle between the Yinsi and the demon clan, I have a plan in my heart to get rid of one of the ancestors and relieve me of pressure. "

"Your Majesty wants to do something to the ancestors? Don't mess around! If you fail to plan, you will be bitten by the ancestors, I'm afraid your majesty won't be able to eat."

Xihe was shocked when he heard the words: "Your Majesty is still safer. The right way is to follow the steps."

"I can't wait anymore! Even if it's a quasi-immortal position, the ancestors still don't see me in their eyes. It's deceiving too much! If I continue to bear it, what is the meaning of the emperor sitting this day?" Gan Tian I stood up abruptly: "Just leave it alone, I have my own plan."

"Your Majesty!" Seeing Gantian walk out of the hall, Xihe was flicked by Qiantian's sleeves, pushed a stagger, and snorted, seeing Gantian walking out of the hall without looking back, Xihe felt uneasy: "All The ancestors are proficient in the secrets of heaven, good at calculations, and the talents of the rise of the ancestors of the human race, and the talents who died in the ancestors of the human race. Compared to her generation, it is still a bit worse. I must find a way to help her."

Of course Xihe knew that Qiantian was so demeaned, it must be the emperor's law that was at work, affecting Gantian's mind.

"We still need to find a way as soon as possible to awaken and merge the memories of your Majesty's past and present lives to suppress the power of the Emperor's Avenue."

There was a firm look in Xihe's eyes: "I'll go to the Fox God, the plan to dry the sky has already begun, if it is late, if it is found by the ancestors to be wrong, the wait for the dry sky will be lost."

Xihe entered the world of the fox god, waiting for the return of the fox god, but seeing the battle below, he did not relax. Xihe's heart suddenly became anxious.

"What to do! What to do?" Xi He stomped back and forth anxiously. All she had to do was to fight against Gantian for time and race.

I was anxious there, when I saw Yu Duxiu and Old Jade Ancestor swaying back to Yujing Mountain, their eyes lit up: "The old jade thing lives longer than the fox god. If this happens, Asking jade for help is definitely not a problem, it should be more reliable than asking for help from Fox God."

"Oh, let's ask for a leisure time this time. I will sit back and watch the demon clan and the demon clan join forces, coupled with the power of the little fox, how to strike the universe and divide the yin division." By Duxiu's side, gleefully said: "Otherwise, let's go to plot a site? You have the help of the blood demons. This should be easier than others."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu shook his head. He would say that he had already started the layout, did he count the entire Yin Division? .

"Don't mix up indiscriminately, be careful to burn yourself," Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

"Your kid is in trouble. I flew two vixens, and you will suffer in the future." Old Jade Ancestor laughed.

Yu Duxiu's face turned dark: "The vixen is not afraid, I am afraid that the lunar yin will be unpredictable. I have found Yutu, but the whereabouts of the lunar yin is still vague."

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