The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Tae Shi

In the void, the Tiger God was looking at the two Yinsi powerhouses, and the two powerhouses stared at the base camp of the demon clan. At this time, neither of them did anything, and the atmosphere froze for a while. ??

At this moment, I saw a purple imperial aura permeating the air, and then a dry sky dressed in imperial clothes appeared in the field, looking at the two powerful men of the Yin Division, and then at the opposite Tiger God, facing the Yin Division The two strong men bowed: "Two messengers, I have something to talk to the Tiger God, and I also ask the two messengers to retreat and return to the Yin Division to help the Yin Division get out of the predicament."

"Can you hold the Tiger God?" The two Yinsi powerhouses were taken aback.

"I have already proved the emperor's avenue, and the mystery of the emperor's avenue is beyond imagination. I also ask the two envoys to retreat."

Dry heaven.

The two Yin Division powerhouses looked at each other and looked at the Yin Division who was showing signs of decline. They were very anxious. Hearing that Qian Tian had to bear all the pressure, they were anxious to do so, and turned to Yin Division in an instant.

"Qiantian, where are you from?" Tiger looked at Qiantian with a gloomy expression: "You want to stop me, are you kidding me?"

"The Tiger God must not blame it, and I have to say this as a last resort. If we distract the two strong men, we have a big thing to plan with the demon god," Gan Tiandao.

"What's the big deal?" Tiger God frowned.

"What does the demon **** think of suppressing a ancestor of the human race?"

Gan Tian looked at Tiger God with his hands on his back.

"Suppress the ancestors? The eight ancestors are inseparable, don't joke!" Tiger God's eyes were full of sneers.

"As long as the demon **** agrees, I will talk to the strong demon **** clan. At this time, taking advantage of the war, I will draw the human clan strong from the underworld, and use the lock demon tower to use thunder means to suppress the ancestor, but it is effortless. "Qiantiandao.

"Can you talk about being with the Demon God Race?" The Tiger God was taken aback.

"When the monster race and the demon **** race fight, there is bound to be a wound. The human race is looking at it, and the human race is the biggest threat. If the monster race and the demon **** race fight to the end, it will be picked up by the gods and ancestors, and it will be annoying. Zhi" Gan Tian laughed.

Listening to Qiantian's words, the tiger **** touched his chin: "If we can suppress the ancestors, we can cooperate on this matter."

"It's okay for the demon **** to agree, and ask the demon **** to later, I will go to the demon **** clan for a while." Gan Tian turned to leave.

When Qiantian came to the Demon God Clan, the two powerful Yin divisions were beaten by the centipede ancestors and the E God. Qian Tian quickly stepped forward and shouted: "Two demon gods, stop first! And stop first! I have something to say. Say."

"Qiantian, what's the matter with you boy" Eshen stopped, looking at Qiantian with a pair of eyes, and when he saw the opposing Yinsi strong reorganizing his body, he ignored him.

The centipede ancestor also stopped, and looked at the dry sky with a pair of eyes. The two powerful Yin divisions got a chance and immediately took the opportunity to escape.

Ignoring the powerful Yinsi who escaped, Qiantian said: "I came here today. I want to do a big deal with the two demon gods."

"What business?" E Shendao.

"Suppress the ancestor!" Gan Tian said.

"Suppress the ancestors?" The two demon gods were all taken aback when they heard this, showing a look of shock, E Shendao: "How to suppress?".

The ancestors of the teachings and the demon clan lived on the earth at the same time, and the ancestors of the demon clan had long been troubled by sleep and food, but the methods of the ancestors of the teachings were difficult, and the demon gods did not dare to provoke them.

"The ancestor was suppressed by the lock demon tower. At this time, taking advantage of the war to draw the ancestor out of the Yinsi, we will use the thunder method to suppress a ancestor with the lock demon tower, which can weaken the strength of a human race. It's one point.

The centipede ancestor looked at Qiantian with a pair of eyes, and looked at Qiantian horribly: "Teaching the ancestors with high magic power, how can it be suppressed? Now that the Yinsi war is rolling up, it is difficult for the strong to be cloned. What should be done?"

Gan Tian smiled: "This matter is simple, the monster star battle array can be used at one time, ask the two demon gods to hide the lock demon tower into the monster heavens array, and then tell the big array to deliberately reveal it. Flaws, roll up the ancestor of the teachings, and the matter is considered complete. It is not that the two of the threats of the ancestors do not know, and one can be eliminated."

"This lock demon tower is in the hands of the wolf god, and this matter has to be discussed with the wolf god" E Shendao.

"I'm afraid that the monster **** will have to calculate us in turn" Centipede ancestor said.

Qian Tian smiled: "I can pull the strings for the two and make a contract with the demon god. If there is any remorse, it will inevitably suffer a backlash from heaven and earth."

"It's pretty reliable. Your kid is simply the biggest traitor of the human race, but I like the ancestor." E Shen smiled.

The two demon gods didn't even consider whether the lock demon tower could hold the supreme powerhouse, and directly uprooted the lock demon tower, holding it and flying.

"The demon **** runs the lock demon tower. Is it because he wants to ransack the Yin Division and eliminate the Yin Division's race?" In the human race, Tai Dou taught ancestors to speak to himself, and his eyes showed the color of gloat: "If it is really possible to kill the Yin Division It would be better to take all the tribes away. Let's see how the old ghost master jumps."

"Brother Dao should not be distracted. It is a business to seize the time to comprehend the mystery of the heavens and the stars. Now the situation of the heavens and the world is changing. Today is the Yinsi, tomorrow it may be my human race."

Seeing the two demon gods carrying the lock demon tower into the demon clan's heavens and stars through the Yinsi channel, Tai Dou Jiaozu did not think much.

The two demon gods carried the lock demon tower into the formation, but they were shocked by the group of monsters and the rabbit **** in the big formation. The rabbit god's fur was exploded: "Devil **** barbarians, what do you want to do?"

The heavens and the star battle array ran, and instantly locked the two demon gods firmly, and the E **** slowly said: "Don't worry, the elephant **** is here, you will know."

Not long after, the Tiger God turned around and entered the big formation. The Rabbit God greeted him, "What's the matter?"

Looking at the huge demon **** carrying the lock demon tower, the tiger **** whispered in the ear of the rabbit god, and the rabbit **** heard this, his eyes lit up: "I have seen the old guys of the human race a long time ago. If it can be suppressed, it would be the best. , We Demon Race and Demon God Race can rest assured to fight."

"The details of this matter need to be carefully scrutinized. Let's start swearing the covenant now," Tiger God said.

The two demon gods and the two demon gods secretly made a covenant in the big formation, swore an oath, the centipede ancestor scanned the audience and looked at the rabbit god: "The lock demon tower has no wolf god, it is difficult to open, the wolf **** is now fighting with the Taishi ancestor. , I secretly believe in the wolf god, you urge the heavens and the star battle array, as if you were swayed by the little fox, you are isolated and difficult to handle, tricked the unlucky guy Taishi into."

"it is good."

The two demon gods nodded The tiger **** controlled the stars of the heavens, and saw the light of the big array gradually dimmed, and the eyebrows of the fox **** who saw one side raised: "How the stars of the heavens are crumbling. ?."

As he was thinking about it, the wolf **** over there suddenly received a letter from the centipede ancestor, and immediately scolded his mother with anger: "Damn! No brain! We don't know the bottom of the lock demon tower. If it is suppressing a supreme powerhouse, it will be exploded. What should be done then?."

However, the centipede ancestor could not be contacted, and the centipede ancestor hid in the stars of the heavens. Hesitation flashed in the eyes of the wolf god, and the Taishijiao ancestor seized the gap and fisted.

It's also a coincidence that this great ancestor taught the ancestors to not fly in other directions, but fell on the edge of the stars of the heavens.

Looking at the crumbling star formations behind him, the wolf god’s eyes flashed cunningly: "Old man Taishi, dare to enter this great formation and fight me?"

After speaking, the wolf **** turned around and plunged into the big formation without a trace, and the tiger **** yelled from the big formation: "Wolf god! Dare! Don't get out yet! He wants to cut off the little fox's chance of enlightenment. Get out of here quickly."

The great array of divine light is shaken, and the aura is mobile, obviously there are strong players fighting.

Taishi taught the ancestor with a spear in his hand, and his eyes showed a clear look: "The wolf **** is not a good thing. He wants to use a knife to kill people, and I use my hand to break through the large array and peep into the mystery of the large array. "

Looking at the crumbling stars of the heavens, the Taishijiazuo stepped in without hesitation.

It’s not that the ancestor of Taidou teaches the great, but the human race also has a great array of heavens and stars, and the two come from the same source. The Taishijiao ancestor is confident that he will enter the great formation, even if the great formation cannot be broken, the great formation will not be troubled. Live yourself.

"Hey, why are the eyelids beating so hard?" Tai Yi Jiaozu was entangled with the elephant god, but suddenly on a whim, a bad feeling arose. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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