The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Jade calculations confuse Xihe

A misstep becomes an eternal hate, and it will be more than a hundred years back. ???

"This old thing Taishi is too unlucky. It actually fell into your hands. I don't know what happened in the Yin Division. Taishi has been suppressed into the lock demon tower. Why the ancestors of the teachings have not been able to feel it." Ancestor sighed.

Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and countless demons gathered and turned into a black chain with the thickness of a thumb, winding towards the innate spirit treasure of the Taishi ancestor.

"Your kid is really cautious. I have never seen the old ancestor what this chain is." The old ancestor of Jade looked curious.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and ignored the old jade ancestor. After a while, she sighed: "It's also due to fate. These old folks of Human Race are too annoying."

"Would you like to go down and say hello to Taishi, I'm here at our site anyway?" The jade ancestor showed a playful look in his eyes.

"No, don't mess with me." Yu Duxiu grabbed the old jade ancestor by the neck and disappeared into the lock demon tower.

"Go" the snake **** suddenly sighed.

"What's gone? Are you leaving? Where are you going?" Taishi taught ancestors for a moment.

"I mean that person is gone." The zombie took a bite of chicken wings.

"Who is that person?" Taishi taught ancestor's heart moved.

"Master of the Lock Demon Tower" the snake **** said.

"Who is the owner of the Lock Demon Tower?" Taishi Jiaozu's eyes flickered.

The zombie smiled bitterly: "You know this person, he is your acquaintance, I can't tell his name."

"My acquaintance?" Taishi taught ancestors for a moment.


A mouthful of golden blood spurted out, and the snake **** looked pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Taishi taught ancestors for a moment.

The snake **** smiled bitterly: "Although it did not reveal the secret secret, it was contaminated with a trace of the secret secret, and it was actually eaten back."

"Don't ask me in the future, I won't say it." The snake **** smiled bitterly.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Hongjun, ancestor, I solemnly tell you, you dare to pinch ancestor my neck like this, we are endless! We must be endless!" Jade ancestor kicked Yu Duxiu's calf .

Yu Duxiu was noncommittal, walked into the main hall of Yujingshan and released the old jade ancestor. The old jade ancestor ran out angrily, but before he ran a few steps, he bumped into a pair of beautiful legs and stopped quickly: "Xihe? Why is this little crow here again?."

"Xihe came here today because there is something to ask the ancestor." Seeing the jade ancestor, Xihe respectfully saluted.

"What's the matter?" The old jade ancestor looked at Xihe with a look of doubt.

Xihedao: "It's about Gantian. I want to ask my ancestors how to make Gantian awaken the memory of his past and present life as soon as possible. I don't know if there is any other mystery in this imperial avenue. After Gantian proved the way, he did not awaken his past life. Memories."

"What? This is impossible." The Jade Ancestor categorically rejected: "Since the emperor's law has been proven, why hasn't the memory of previous lives been awakened?"

"This matter is about to ask the ancestors" Xihe looked respectful.

Looking at Xihe, the old ancestor of Jade suddenly thought of the familiar aura that he had sensed on Gan Tian that day, and frowned: "Could it be that Gan Tian was also a character in ancient times, and he was conspired by others. ?."

"Surprised by someone?" Xihe was startled.

"Perhaps it was a certain supreme power who took the action and sealed the memory of Qiantian, so that even if he proves the law at this time, he will still be suppressed by the power of the supreme law." Jade ancestor said.

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Xihe suddenly became anxious: "I also ask the ancestor to help, Xihe is willing to pay any price."

The ancestor of Jade looked at Xihe, looked up and down, and then said after a while: "This kind of thing will have a big cause and effect. The ancestor I am now in bad luck. If I take action, good things will also be turned into bad things. "

Xihe looked disappointed after hearing this: "In that case, I will go back and ask the Fox God to take action."

"The Fox God can't break the seal even when he makes a shot. If he wants to break the seal of the dry sky, there is only one person in the heavens and ten thousand realms." A cunning color flashed in the eyes of the Jade Ancestor.

"That person?" Xi He was taken aback.

"Hongjun! Only Hongjun's blade can break everything, and the seal of dry heaven is naturally not a problem," said the ancestor of Jade.

Seeing the joy on Xihe's face, the old jade ancestor said, "Do you want to ask Hongjun?"

"Ancestor Yingming" Xi He flattered.

The old jade ancestor vomited the grass roots: "Ghantian and Hongjun are dead enemies, natural enemies, do you think Hongjun will unlock the seal for Gantian? You are wishful thinking! Gantian is Hongjun's wife who slept."

"Ah!" Xi He was taken aback, at a loss for a moment: "Please ask the ancestors to teach me."

Jade ancestor looked at the pitiful Xihe, his eyes rolled, and he regretted: "Finally! Stop! Stop! Who calls the ancestor I am kind, I will help you, but this method is somewhat...I am afraid You can't stand it."

"Ancestor, Xihe is willing to endure anything, as long as he can prove the truth and awaken his memory, everything is worth it."

Xihe knelt to the ground, his face was firm and his voice was sonorous.

The old jade ancestor nodded: "Well, let me tell you, Na Hongjun is the hungry ghost in the color, the most romantic."

"The ancestor will not call me..." Xi He was taken aback.

"Of course not, if you come to the door, Na Hongjun will see you, I'm afraid he will run away long ago, so as not to trouble his upper body." The ancestor of Jade snorted, "Furthermore, it's just a layer of flesh and blood. ."

"The ancestor said lightly."

Xi He glared at Old Jade Ancestor.

The old jade ancestor said: "I will change you into the appearance of a fox god, and you will pretend to be a fox god, while Hongjun is bathing, and Na Hongjun will ensure that Hongjun, the servant, will be on his mind and obey you. "

"This! This! This! Don't, don't... If I do this, how can I stand up to the sky" Xi He shook his head repeatedly.

The ancestor of Jade patted Xihe on the shoulder and looked down at Xihe. The ancestor of Jade showed a treacherous smile, fleeting, and his face was righteous and said: "You don't know the situation of dry sky, you think dry sky How long can it last? There is no way to find the memory of the previous life, there is only a dead end, or it can be turned into a puppet."

"Since you are willing to sacrifice everything for Gantian, now the method is in front of you, why don't you choose" Jade Patriarch looked at Xihe: "Compared with your innocence, is Gantian important or your innocence important? Besides, you and Hongjun’s illegitimate son, I also know some of the ancestors."

When Xihe heard this, his face suddenly became bloodless, and he said in amazement: "How did the ancestor know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, you have given birth to Hongjun children, isn't it just a romantic As long as you are greedy, everything can be resolved. You have all the children, and you are still missing this. Once true?" The Jade Ancestor looked at Na Xihe.

The words of the ancestor of Jade suddenly broke Xihe's defense.

This is the biggest secret in Xihe's heart, and the most shameful secret is suddenly revealed. There is a panic and trance in Xihe's heart. It seems that the old jade ancestor's words have some truth, but the ghost nodded: "Alright! Patriarch."

After saying that, Xihe was sober and could not wait to draw his own two big mouths. He hadn't waited to change his mouth. The ancestor of Jade had made a final decision: "Okay, if you have this intention, then I will fulfill you, but the matter is revealed. , You must not say that the ancestor I instigated you."

"Yeah" Xihe nodded sheepishly.

Looking at Na Xihe, Old Jade Ancestor's face was full of triumph: "Ancestor, I don't use my mind all year round. It's a bit rusty. Some lovers eventually get married. I didn't sleep with Hongjun's wife in dry days, but Hongjun slept. All my wives, it’s fun this time, telling your kid to be disrespectful to my ancestors, ancestors, I will teach you a taste of the ancestors' methods, this beautiful Chinese cabbage is delivered to you, but you are blind."

While talking, the jade ancestor stretched out his palm, and a layer of azure light enveloped Xihe: "This is the ancestor I used to harm the powerful in the past. This supernatural power Hongjun will never see through. Don't worry, go boldly. Everyone knows this. You know I know. There is nothing to be afraid of. The vixen is passionate and unrestrained.

"Yes" Xi He unexpectedly nodded in response.

The old jade ancestor said: "Hongjun loves the fox **** the most. You just need to be the fox god. There is absolutely no flaw in this matter, and it will happen naturally."

As the words of the jade ancestor fell, Xihe was stained with a layer of brilliance. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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