The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2071: Fox god? Xihe? Xihe!

Yu Duxiu is bathing. It is indeed a bath. The channel between Yin and Yang has been opened up before. It looks simple. It seems that he lifts weight lightly, but he does not know that Yu Duxiu has already used up all the strength of his body. Abolished. ???≠

Compared with the fascinating Huahua World in the past life, the only advantage of Xianxia World is that people can influence the world, transform the world, and even create the world, such as the small world where Yu Duxiu is at this time, and the hot springs at this time.

With his eyes closed, letting the spring water flow over the psoas, Xiao Yu next to him was pecking his skin back and forth. The feeling was really intoxicating.

A light footstep sounded, with a hint of hesitation, a familiar fragrance, that familiar softness.

Yu Duxiu half-squinted her eyes, knowing who is here without turning her head.

"Aren't you participating in a race war? Why are you here? Congratulations, the little fox proclaimed," Yu Duxiu said.

The footsteps stopped by Yu Duxiu's side, and then a sound of crickets rang out, and the sound of the clothes falling to Yu Duxiu's ears.

The water was rippling lightly, and someone got into the water. Yu Duxiu looked half-awake at the vague outline of the fox god, with a handsome posture, slowly closed his eyes and showed a wry smile, without saying much.

The familiar breath approached, the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant, and a pair of warm palms massaged Yu Duxiu's body back and forth, and then Yu Duxiu's body tightened, blood gathered all over his body frantically, and that soft figure slowly leaned up.

Yu Duxiu was a little puzzled when the sound of the sound began. How this Hu Meizi's movements were compared with the past, seemed a little rusty, and seemed not as comfortable as before, but Yu Duxiu, who was more provocative, was agitated.

"What tricks are you going to play again?" Yu Duxiu hugged the person in her arms and fumbled up and down, but it made the person in her arms seem to push and refuse, making Yu Duxiu's rough movements more brutal.

After a long time, the waves stopped, Yu Duxiu slowly released the fox god, the head of the fox **** was resting on Yu Duxiu's ear, and the whole body hung on Yu Duxiu.

"Your technique of covering the secrets of heaven is unparalleled, and I don't know if you can use the technique of covering the secrets of heaven with me." The words in his ear sounded.

Yu Duxiu patted the fox god's buttocks: "Why do you think of the magic trick to cover up the secret? The monster star formation is enough to cover up any secret, even if it is too easy, the old guy can hardly see it."

"The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array of the Monster Race. I want to cover up my own secrets."

The fox **** bit Yu Duxiu's ear, but it made Yu Duxiu's lower abdomen instantly fire. He wanted to move, but was suppressed by the person in his arms: "You give me the trick first."

Yu Duxiu sneered: "The magic trick is easy to say, I will teach you seven steps to return to the secret. After this magical power is completed, the secret of the secret will be turned seven. The technique of deceiving the enemy will have a game in the game. If you want to see the real secret, you need Only by seeing through seven false secrets can we see the truth. Is it good to pass your secret trick?"

"Okay" the person in his arms hesitated for a while and nodded.

Yu Duxiu spit out the true tactics. These seven techniques of returning to heaven, Yu Duxiu arbitrarily deduced, just like today's rapid progress in the practice of swords, Yu Duxiu's return to the sect, this magical deduction is just a moment , Although it is a random deduction, this technique to cover the secrets of heaven is already the top supernatural power of the heavens and the world.

In the distance, the old jade ancestor stood on the tortoise shell and looked at the hot spring, but seeing the steaming clouds over the hot spring, obstructing the sight of the old jade ancestor, the jade ancestor sneered: "Hongjun, Hongjun, this time Tell you boy to know how powerful Tao Hua Jie is."

While speaking, the ancestor of Jade took a breath, and the Qi machine broke through the clouds and fell in.

"Jade, what are you old things calculating?" The Prime Minister tortoise under the body of Jade Ancestor turned his head and looked at the movements of Jade Ancestor, but he was puzzled, knowing that this man must have done nothing good.

"Quack, you old boy, just wait to see the excitement," the old jade ancestor laughed wildly.

In the hot spring, Yu Duxiu passed the magic formula, grabbed the person in her arms and started exercising. He just did it for a while, and suddenly only felt something was wrong. The figure under her changed suddenly, and her whole body began to shrink. , Yu Duxiu opened her eyes abruptly, the gasp in her ears has changed its taste, looking at the panting figure in her arms, she almost softened her breath, her vitality boiled for a while, and all she vented into her arms. Inside the middle figure, the shocking Xihe screamed constantly, clamping Yu Duxiu.

"Xihe~" Yu Duxiu was so scared that she almost lost her soul. She wanted to push Xihe away, but saw that Xihe seemed to be like this, firmly entangled Xihe.

"How could it be you? Is it the fox **** or Xihe?" Yu Duxiu's eyes turned on the jade plate, looking at the figure in her arms, and finally determined that the person in front of him was indeed Xihe, and Yu Duxiu was immediately confused.

After a while, Xi He slumped slowly, fell into Yu Duxiu's arms, panting heavily, and whispered in a low voice: "Don't panic!"

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu looked at Xihe in her arms, neither did she hold it, nor did she hold it.

"The ancestor said that you have a secret trick to cover up the secrets of heaven, that I will become a fox god, so you go to unlock the seal of the past and this life for Qiantian. The ancestor said that the memory of the past and present life was sealed by Qiantian. Only you can solve it. Open, and then the ancestor shot me and turned me into a fox god, saying that you love the fox **** the most, and you will never violate the will of the fox god."

Listening to Xihe's words, Yu Duxiu hesitated for a while, and hugged Na Xihe in her arms: "Did Tian is worth your sacrifice for him? Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it!" Xi He's answer was only two words, but Yu Duxiu's heart trembled and her heart trembled.

"It's worth it" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "Why do you still listen to Jade's endless words, this guy is lying to you."

"Now that things have been revealed, I still ask Mian to take action. I beg you." Xi He raised his head and looked at Yu Duxiu pitifully.

"Oh" Yu Duxiu slowly let go of Xihe, and slowly stood up: "You tell Gantian to come and walk in the mountains of Yujing."

"Thank you, Mianxia," Xi He was overjoyed when he heard the words, and showed off to Yu Du, naked in the water.

Yu Duxiu slowly put on her clothes, looked at Xihe in the pool, and smiled helplessly: "I'm going to find the old thing to settle the account."

"Oh, Hongjun is out." The old jade ancestor watched Yu Duxiu walk out of the hot spring from a distance with a gloomy face. He immediately knew that the matter was serious, and immediately drove the streamer to run away.

Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm, and at the ends of the world, he immediately came to the top of the jade ancestor, and grabbed it to the jade "

The old jade ancestor exploded and turned into green smoke and disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, the formation of one side descended from the sky to suppress all directions. The thirty-six innate spiritual treasures on that formation were secretly tangled, forcing the sky full of smoke to come back and turning into the real body of the jade ancestor.

"Lao Ba, why do you want to be right with my ancestors?" Old ancestor Jade scolded Prime Minister tortoise, turned his head to look at Yu Duxiu who was approaching, and smiled: "Old ancestor, I just watched Xi and this The child is pitiful, just sympathize with her! Besides, you sleep with such a lively and charming beauty, and your kid has made a lot of money."

Yu Duxiu grabbed the ancestor Jade by the neck, got up and walked towards the hall: "Old ancestor, our account should be calculated."

"Hongjun! Don't think about it! Old ancestor, I am also good for you. Think about it. If you don't marry Xihe back, what will you do when you grow up at 6?" Emoji.

"This is Gantian's true worship wife. If Gantian knows about this stuff, she must be immortal with me. My ancestor has caused a lot of trouble for me." Yu Duxiu fell Jade Patriarch to the ground.

Seeing Yu Duxiu, the old jade ancestor quacked with a weird smile: "What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Gantian is your opponent. As long as you kill Gantian, you can get Xihe in your bag. What a great beauty, you married Xihe and suppressed the death to death. Those nine little golden crows became your cheap sons. Those are nine supreme powerhouses. You think about it yourself. This deal is really a bargain. Extremely."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu's heart moved in an instant. It would be great if he could gather ten supreme powers into his bag and turn them into subordinates.

"Asshole, your old thing's tricks to deceive people are not bad." 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading institute

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