The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: Long Jun hits hard

Without really facing the great formation of the twelve gods, you will never know how strong this great formation is, just like the prince of Yinsi at this time, who originally thought that his magic sword composed of a little vitality of sentient beings was enough to deal with All foreign enemies, but when they really face the twelve gods and evil spirits, they will know how small they are. Facing the giants that cover the sky and the sun, they don't even have the courage to do it.

"So strong! Really strong!" This was the last thought of Prince Yin Si, and then saw that the magic sword collapsed, and Prince Yin Si turned to ashes under the giant axe, unable to hold a single face.


The prince of Yinsi was reorganized, and at this time the giant's second axe had already been swung down again, as if it was a breakthrough.

"Creating sins, I don't know how many souls have died of fate" Old Jade Ancestor covered his eyes: "All these sins have your share."

Yu Duxiu couldn’t comment on hearing the words, but saw the giant axe passing by, the sky and the earth were shattered, the law shattered, countless ghosts flew away, and were instantly absorbed by the large array. Then the large array of twelve demons was like a meat grinder. The three souls and seven souls are randomly combined to reincarnate into the demon **** tribe of the Yang world.

"These barbarians were clever once, combining those countless souls randomly, and it doesn't matter what the past and present. Naturally, there will not be so many causal entanglements." Yu Duxiu nodded. In fact, when he designed the six reincarnations, he had already thought With this, turn the six reincarnations into a blender, all souls are scattered, and then recombined and reincarnated.

There was a smile in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "Unexpectedly, the answer to the question that I have been thinking hard about all the time is right in front of my eyes, and I have never seen it."

The ancestor of Jade was scared by Yu Duxiu's smile. Every time he saw Yu Duxiu's smile, it was no good. Someone must be unlucky again.

"How does the ancestor think of Jinlin?" Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade.

The jade ancestor heard this for a moment: "Jinlin? Jinlin is not an easy person. He leapt through the dragon door and became a master. There must be great opportunities and great perseverance. Jinlin is not easy."

This is nonsense, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, not listening to the long-winded ancestors of Jade, but silently thinking about the things at hand.

There was a mess in the Yinsi. The devil was smashed by an axe and temporarily lost the power to fight again. Seeing that the second axe was about to slash down again, the powerful dragons suddenly became anxious. Donghai Longjun roared and turned into a huge The dragon's body turned the dragon ball and hit the giant.

The Dragon Lords followed Donghai Dragon Lord, and only heard a loud noise. The devil staggered, and was almost overwhelmed by the four dragons. The Donghai Dragon Lord who was on the brunt flew out instantly, and the whole person was split in half. , Dragon Ball is dim, and the cracks flow around.

"Big brother! Could it be that you have a devil, this is the business of the Yinsi, what are you crazy, what is your life?" Nanhai Longjun fell off the giant's left leg and turned into a human form to support the golden-faced Donghai Longjun .


A little bit of golden blood slowly overflowed from the mouth of Donghai Longjun, the dragon ball of the cracks was swallowed by Donghai Longjun, and Donghai Longjun's eyes were full of confusion: "Yes! It's obviously the Yinsi business, why am I so desperate?" ".

"Father King" Ao Le turned into a prototype, appeared in the court, plunged into Donghai Longjun's arms, tears raining down.

"It's okay! It's okay! Being a father is just injured, it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! It's fine to rest for hundreds of thousands of years" Donghai Longjun rubbed Ao Le's head.

Under this axe, Dragon Lord of the East Sea almost followed in the footsteps of Han Feng and Jade and was suppressed by the Demon God. No wonder Dragon Lord of the Seas was so worried.

Jinlin stepped forward and said: "Big brother is not mad, how can he be so desperate? Our dragons should be recharged now, big brother is crazy?."

Looking at Jinlin, the dragons were silent, and they scanned the surrounding battlefields. Jinlin reported Donghai Longjun from Ao Le’s arms: "Big brother has been severely injured. It should not be too late. In order to prevent the injury from expanding, I will bring With your eldest brother heading to the East China Sea to heal your wounds, you first entered the battlefield and dragged the Demon God clan. Now that you have decided to sell the Yin Division, eldest brother pays such a price, how can you give up halfway?"

There was some truth to this. The three Longjun nodded, and Nanhai Longjun said, "I hope that brother Xian will take good care of his eldest brother. Don't let his injury worsen."

"Three brothers, don't worry." After Jin Lin finished speaking, she hugged Donghai Longjun and left instantly.

"I don't know why, there is always an uncomfortable feeling in my heart" Beihai Longjun looked at Jinlin and hugged Donghai Longjun away, revealing a solemn color.

"Is it wrong? Why is it wrong? Is it possible that the **** of Han Yan wanted to fall into the trap and take the opportunity to attack?" Xihai Longjun's eyes flickered with cold light: "Big brother is only suffering a heavy injury, and he has not completely lost his resistance, even if it is cold. If the **** sneaked on, we could also arrive in an instant and retreat the bitch."

"I don't know, I don't know why my heart is always uneasy. It seems to be goodbye since then. In the future, brothers will be strangers, and Yin and Yang will be separated." Beihai Longjun cried and laughed.

"Boy, you, the twelve gods and evil spirits are too powerful. Dragon Lord can strike a heavy blow. If it weren't for the restraint of the heavens and stars, the gods and gods are already in the world of the devil race, and all are supreme. The strong will be exiled."

Yu Duxiu's eyes quietly watched the disturbances in the lower realm. He turned a deaf ear to the words of the old jade ancestor. After a while, he said, "Old ancestor, what do you think of Jinlin?"

Listening to Yu Duxiu's question, the ancestor of Jade was taken aback. It seemed that Yu Duxiu had asked before.

Just about to speak, Yu Duxiu said: "I don't know why, watching Jinlin take Donghai Longjun away, a bad premonition is rising in my heart."

"What's your nerve? Jinlin is a dragon, a brother of Donghailong, what can be wrong? Could it be that the mad lady of Han Yan wants to take the opportunity to attack Donghai Longjun and drive him into the endless abyss without life?" The jade ancestor was taken aback.

"The ancestor, the arranger behind him, is not the work of a hero." A cold air drifted by, and Han Yan walked in with a gloomy face, staring at the jade ancestor: "The ancestor is also a powerful figure in the heavens and all worlds. Behind the scenes."

Seeing Han Yan walked into the hall in a blue shirt, with snowflakes brewing in his eyes, the jade ancestor smiled, stood up and rushed out of the hall: "You talk! You talk! The ancestor suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with."

Han Yan bounced off the bedding where the jade ancestor had The ice and snow surging, weaving a mat, sat on the opposite side of Yu Duxiu: "You said, should I take revenge now?"

"This is your business, why do you ask me?" Yu Duxiu smiled.

Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "You have always been resourceful and resourceful, and you have to advise me on this matter, why? Not willing? I am immersed in the gentle village of Hu Meizi, even my palace ignores it?. "

"Where?" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "I think that Jinlin seems to be something wrong. This revenge is coming slowly, and I can't be anxious. The dragon must change. You wait for good news.

Suddenly, Yu Duxiu furrowed her brows: "I almost forgot one thing, and I have to go for a while."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stood up and looked at Han Yan: "Mianxia is interested in letting me go for a while."

"Alright, I have to see what you have in mind." Han Wei smiled.

In the Kunlun Mountains, two figures appeared, and Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu with a puzzled look: "What did you bring me to Kunlun Mountains?"

"Take you to see the greatest destiny in the Kunlun Mountains" Yu Duxiu stepped slowly, seeming to have passed through a strange world, Han Yan followed closely behind, only heard a roar, a giant that covered the sky and sun. The dragon roared.

"Shut up~" Yu Duxiu scolded angrily.

The dragon's roar was instantly blocked, turned into a whimper, and looked at Yu Duxiu pitifully.

Han Yan followed Yu Duxiu, looking at the Kunlun vein that covered the sky and the sun, and his eyes widened: "It's really a strange space. I have lived in Kunlun for a long time. I don't know that there is such a mysterious under Kunlun Mountain. The power of this dragon vein is already No less inferior to the supreme power, as long as you can escape the shackles of Kunlun Mountain, you can soar into the sky and prove the supremacy.

Yu Duxiu slowly stretched out her hand and handed Han Yan a crystal mask: "Here you are." 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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