The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: Dragon Fighter

"This... are you doing something shameful?" Han Yan looked at the mask that Yu Duxiu handed over, and a curious color flashed in his eyes. The mask was crystal clear, but a layer of mist was gradually rising and changing. Unpredictable, put an end to any magical peeping, definitely not made by ordinary ice. ?

Listening to Han Yan's words, Yu Duxiu was taken aback, and then smiled relievedly: "Although it is not shameful, it is better not to see anyone."

While talking, Yu Duxiu put on a mask, only a pair of eyes leaked out, and her figure was tall and straight, like clouds in the sky, ethereal, united with the entire Kunlun universe.

"Good Realm" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu and gave a compliment. The realm of Yu Duxiu was indeed beyond Han's expectation. Such a unity of nature and man may not be able to be achieved even by Han Yan, if not with his own eyes. Seeing Yu Duxiu standing here, Han Yan would not believe that there was a person standing here.

Yu Duxiu smiled freely: "How?"

"Although you are supreme without a certificate, it is a bit deeper than the realm of the supreme strong!" Han Yan praised.

After Han Yan finished speaking, she put on a mask, dressed in a blue attire, and gradually merged with the void. However, he couldn't achieve the point where Yu Duxiu was, and there was still a spirit that kept leaking outside.

Yu Duxiu took a step forward and grabbed Hangan's palm, and the whole person emitted a wave of fluctuations, resonating with Hangan's whole body: "Heaven and man are one, you are not in place, I will teach you how to truly be heaven and man. Oneness."

After hearing Yu Duxiu's words, Han Gang only felt that the distance between him and the heaven and the earth was constantly getting closer, and the countless mysteries and the laws of the heaven and the earth were all emerging in front of them, as if they were within easy reach in the next instant.

"This is the unity of man and nature? The real unity of man and nature?" Han Yan's eyes were full of shock.

"Comprehend the mysteries of heaven and earth carefully, remember the true feeling of the unity of heaven and man, and enlighten you on the great path of heaven and earth in the future, the benefits are innumerable" Yu Duxiu's thought passed through Hangan's heart.

Han Yan chuckled, "Thanks."

"There is no conflict of interest between you and me, but you are the most reliable ally of the heavens and all realms. Why do you need to say thank you? If you improve your cultivation, it will be of inestimable benefits to me."

After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, her mind fell into silence, and she brought Han Yan to the dragon head of Kunlun Mountain and stood still.

"What a majestic dragon vein" Han Yan looked at the dragon veins at his feet. At this time, the nature and man are united. More secrets in this dragon vein are collected by him. The mighty power in the dragon veins is constantly nurturing in it, historical changes, the vicissitudes of life, Kunlun is the most primitive existence accompanied by the opening of heaven and earth. Kunlun Mountain is majestic, ruining the two most powerful chaotic gods since the opening of heaven and earth.

The flesh and blood of Innate Fusang and Chaos Ancestral Dragon have mixed into this heaven and earth pillar Kunlun Mountain, and all traces of the creation of heaven and earth can be found in this Kunlun Mountain. What's more, this Kunlun Mountain can be traced back to the Chaos Period, and there is a chaotic Taoist rhyme.

The demon clan and the demon **** clan from the outside world started a earth-shattering duel. At this time, the Yin Si was fighting into a pot of porridge. The Yin Si prince faced all directions, and the earth-shaking energy storm was rolled up wherever he passed, and countless ghosts flew away in the storm.

"The power of the ghost brake is so strong! The Yama Dao is really mysterious. It is worthy of being one of the most powerful ways that require the power of the two realms to cultivate. It controls the life and death of Luofu's endless beings, changing the world between thoughts, and calling it the strongest. Well-deserved" Fox God stretched out his palm, enchanting the heavens and worlds. Everywhere he passed, countless strong men who were fighting were all face changed wildly, lost their souls, and were taken away by the palm of the Fox God.

"Prince, if you want to solve the problem of the Yin Division, you must first break through the channels between Yin and Yang and destroy the heavens and stars, making the strong in the Yin Division a rootless source. In this way, the Yin Division's calamity is naturally solvable." The good and evil are struggling to support, and take the opportunity to roar.

Upon hearing this, the prince of Yin Si moved in his heart: "Look at me breaking through this great array of heavens and stars."

Let’s talk about Jinlin taking Donghai Longjun to return to the East China Sea, looking at Ao Le who is following him, Jinlin said: "Ao Lexian’s niece, the eldest brother’s injury has damaged the root cause, if not treated in time, the future road to practice will be inevitable. It’s a tribulation, and it’s broken. I have a magical formation inherited from ancient times. It is called the "Dragon Capture Formation". It is inherited from the memory of the blood of the ancestors when I fished over the dragon gate. Use this dragon battle formation for the big brother to delay the injury."

"The Dragon Fighting Array? I have obtained part of Zulong's inheritance, why don't I see the slightest mention of it?" Ao Le was taken aback.

Jinlin said: "The sage niece has not yet proven the way, how can he inherit all the ancestral dragons? That ancestral dragon was born in the chaos for years, and the ancestral dragon inheritance that the sage niece can truly inherit is limited."

"So that's it." Ao Le heard that he didn't doubt that he was there: "How to do it, please tell your uncle."

Jinlin hugged Donghai Longjun: "Brother, you are now seriously injured. I have a way to recover your injury as quickly as possible. It just needs Donghai's first spring."

Donghai Longjun looked like golden paper at this time, and smiled bitterly after hearing the words: "It's a pity that the first spring of the East China Sea was replaced and fell into Hongjun's hands."

"What?" Jinlin's expression changed: "Big Brother, that is the first spring since the opening of the East China Sea. How can I give it away."

"The world is difficult as people wish." Donghai Longjun smiled bitterly. He didn't want to hand over the first spring of the East China Sea. At that time, there was no handle in the hands of others.

"If you want to go to Hongjun to fetch the spring water, it should be too late. This treasure falls in Hongjun's hands. It is as difficult as going to the sky to get it back. Since there is no East China Sea's first spring, you can use Xiantian Divine Water. That's it," Jinlin said helplessly.

"The key to the spring eye of the Innate Divine Water was snatched by the girl of Han Yan, and it has been refined into the Dragon Ball by Han Yan. Without Han Yan, we can't open this secret realm." Donghai Longjun cried and laughed.

Jinlin heard that the blue veins on his forehead violently, and it took a while to listen to Jinlin said: "Never mind! No matter! Without the innate divine water, I can barely achieve this with the essence of my East China Sea."

While talking, Jinlin carried East Sea Dragon Lord back to the Crystal Palace, placed East Sea Dragon Lord on the case table, and then began to mobilize the power of the water veins and earth veins of the East China Sea, and the runes flowed through the ancient and vicissitudes of life. Flew out, and stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

Seeing Jinlin continuously mobilizing the ancestral veins of the East China Sea, Ao Le was frightened and frightened: "Uncle! If the ancestral veins riots like this, my East China Sea will surely be devastated, and the rest of the world will also suffer backlash."

"What are you afraid of! I will do Don't worry," Jinlin said nonchalantly.

I don't know why, watching Jinlin's magical powers and operating methods, Ao Le's heart suddenly felt uneasy.

"Sage niece, you can go to the Yinsi Zhong to participate in the battle after the Dragon Snatching Array is in operation later. There is no need for someone to protect the law. Although the coldness is powerful, it does not dare to explode the ancestral veins of the East China Sea" Jinlin is busy. Zhong pulled back his eyes and looked at Ao Le.

"Oh" Ao Ledai nodded in a daze, watching the fog gradually rising in the East China Sea Crystal Palace, squeezing herself out, the fog outside the Crystal Palace was hazy, and she was shocked: "This matter has to be passed on to several uncles. I'm going to talk to some uncles now."

After speaking, Ao Le disappeared.

In the Crystal Palace, Donghai Longjun reclining on the seat, watching the Jinlin arrange a large array, clap his hands and walk in, Donghai Longjun's eyes are smiling: "There is Brother Lao Xian."

"This is what the little brother should do." Jinlin looked at Donghai Longjun, and the dragon ball in his hand rose slowly, echoing the entire formation. Jinlin said unhurriedly: "Please close your eyes, brother."

Donghai Dragon Lord heard the words and acted, the Jinlin Dragon Ball slowly flew to the top of Donghai Dragon Lord, only heard a bang, the origin of the East China Sea swayed endlessly, attacking the East China Sea Crystal Palace overwhelmingly.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yu Duxiu felt a little bit, and actually laughed.

"Why is Mianxia laughing?" Han Yan was taken aback.

"Why laugh? The dragon clan actually started fighting. Since then, the dragon clan has not been peaceful. The heavens and worlds have become more and more chaotic." Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan, stretched her fingers forward, and turned into a round mirror: "I invite you to watch a good show."

"What's the show?" Han Yan stared at the round mirror, his pupils contracted, and he was actually stunned. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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