The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2080: Jinlin Swallowing Dragon King

"That's the East China Sea Dragon Palace? What is Jinlin doing?" Han Fang stared at Yuan Jing with a start.

"Arrangement" Yu Duxiu said without urgency.

"Arrangement? What kind of formation?" Han Ling was taken aback: "My palace always feels that there is something wrong with this formation."

"There is indeed something wrong, this formation can kill Donghai Longjun," Yu Duxiu said.

After the words fell, I saw Jinlin in the round mirror slowly approaching Donghai Longjun, a roar, instantly transformed into the supreme real body, the power of the entire Donghai ancestral veins was used by Jinlin, Donghai Longjun originally The broken dragon ball had no resistance, and was instantly suppressed, and then the golden scales opened his mouth, and he actually swallowed Donghai Longjun.

Donghai Longjun seemed to have noticed something wrong, and rose up to counterattack, but he couldn't beat the blessings of the earth veins and the brocade scales with infinite power.

"Jinlin! What are you doing?" Donghai Longjun roared.

Half of Donghai Longjun’s body has been swallowed by Jinlin, and Jinlin’s eyes are also red at this time: "Why? I want to swallow you, and I will be able to achieve great consummation by swallowing you and return to the supreme style of the year. You wait for your short-sightedness and pretend to be a dragon, and the face of the dragon will be lost by you.

"Damn! You can't help me, don't let me go! Xihai Longjun, Nanhai Longjun, Beihai Longjun will not let you go, they will rescue me sooner or later, you dare to betray the dragon, you belong to the dragon "Traitor" Donghai Longjun roared, his muffled voice came from Jinlin's belly.

Regardless of this, Jinlin continued to devour the flesh of Donghai Longjun: "Let you come out? You are a part of this seat, but now it is just returning to your roots. If you are eaten by me, you will truly be with me. Blending together, I will get your cultivation base and strength. Do you think those three guys are still my opponents?."

"When I swallow all of you Four Sea Dragon Lords, I will have the power of Ancestral Dragon. I am the real Ancestral Dragon." Jinlin's face was full of madness.

"You're crazy! You're crazy!" Donghai Longjun kept twisting and struggling, but it was only a little delay, and he was swallowed by Jinlin, and the endless power of the dragon seizing formation madly went towards Jinlin.

"Jinlin swallowed the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea?" Han Yan was taken aback: "Do you want to help?"

"Didn't you and Donghai Longjun want to fight for life and death? Why do you help?" Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan.

"I think there seems to be something wrong with Jinlin, I'm afraid that Donghai Longjun will be dead, and there will be a bigger trouble." Han Yan frowned.

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath when he heard the words: "Really? The Dragon Fighting Array is already in operation, unless the monster race is driving the heavens and stars, and the Demon Race is driving the twelve heavens and gods, otherwise they want to rely on themselves. The force shook the dragon battle formation, it was simply wishful thinking."

"You are not afraid that Jinlin will really swallow Donghai Longjun and cause big trouble?" Han Ling said helplessly.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "I'd rather watch the excitement."

At the moment East Sea Dragon Lord was swallowed, the hearts of the Four Seas Dragon Lords were connected, and they felt instantly. Although East Sea Dragon Lord did not perish, the anxious emotion was passed on.

At this time Ao Le came to the battlefield: "Three uncles, then..."

Without waiting for Ao Le to speak, but seeing a magic sword piercing the void, a supreme powerhouse of the Demon God Clan grabbed it and interrupted Ao Le's words.

"Niece Yin, why are you back? Didn't you ask you to take care of your father?" Xihai Longjun said in time.

Under the oppression of the supreme powerhouse, Ao Le steadily retreated, unable to speak, and could only retreat continuously. The three Dragon Kings watching were anxious.

The corner of Yu Duxiu's eyes shone with brilliance, and she looked at Han Yan and said, "Kunlun Mountain, otherwise there will be a fierce battle."

The round mirror was shattered. The round mirror was shattered by the scales.

"I don't know who dares to embarrass you" Han Yan was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, her eyes filled with weird colors: "Wait, you'll know."

"Who would dare to peek?" Jin Lin screamed angrily, shattering Yu Duxiu's supernatural powers with a palm, transforming into a human form, with a big belly, and a gloomy look at the void: "As long as I can swallow Donghai Longjun, it will be The other three Dragon Lords rushed over, and I was able to kill them and swallow them, but instead made me complete. The most important thing right now is to digest the East Sea Dragon Lord."

After speaking, Jinlin released the technique, and the dragon capture formation instantly shattered, and Jinlin disappeared in the field and disappeared.

In the Kunlun Mountains, a figure surrounded by chaos and haziness, slowly came to the edge of Kunlun Mountains, a pair of eyes looked up at the Kunlun Mountains, which covered the sky and the sun.

"Kunlun Mountain" the figure smiled softly.


The dragon veins at the feet of Han Yan and Hongjun twisted uneasyly, but saw Yu Duxiu's feet stamped, the dragon instantly restored peace.

"Quack, Kunlun Mountain Dragon Vein, I must devour you, come back, you are a part of me." The black-robed man stepped into the hidden space in Kunlun Mountain, and he was taken aback: "Why is that chain gone? ."

When I came by myself last time, the dragon veins were still **** as if they were rice dumplings. I thought it would be effortless to come this time. I never thought that Kunlun Mountain dragon veins would lose their bondage, but they caught the people in front of them by surprise.

"What if there is no bondage? Today I will definitely devour you. You and I are born from the same origin. How can you let you become the Dao" The black robe man smiled coldly, with a palm wrapped in chaos, and grabbed it towards the dragon vein.

"Invert yin and yang."

"Is that him?" Han Yan asked intently, standing beside Yu Duxiu, watching the monk stepping into the hall.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Your Excellency is watching a good show."

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu used his magical powers, yin and yang were reversed, the law was reversed, and the black-robed man's palm was instantly turned back.

"Your Excellency," Yu Duxiu's voice came out slowly.

"Anyone?" The black-robed man was taken aback, raised his head and looked at the two small figures on the dragon, so small that they would be ignored in an instant.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked down at the black-robed man: "Your Excellency swallowed Donghai Longjun. Don't find a place to refining Donghai Longjun with peace of mind. Instead, you come to me to make trouble. The palm tells you to open your mouth and release the East Sea Dragon Lord, destroying your plan."

"You...what are you talking about! I don't understand" the black-robed man's movements were stagnant, staring at Yu Duxiu firmly: "Donghai Longjun is the supreme powerhouse, who can refine him."

"If I were you, I would obediently find a place to hide, until after refining is talking about others" Yu Duxiu smiled gently.

The figure looked at Yu Duxiu, his whole body hesitant, after a long time, after a long time, he was hesitant, and he snorted coldly, turned and left.

Looking at Jinlin's leaving back, Han Ling said, "This person is Jinlin? He swallowed Donghai Dragon Lord, instead of going to honestly find a place to refine Donghai Dragon Lord, he ran here to find Kunlun Mountain. What does Longmai do?"

Yu Duxiu shook her head, did not explain to Han Yan, but looked at the intersection of the four seas in the distance: "With this kind of thing, you don't need to take action, the dragons of the four seas will not have a good life. Jinlin can swallow the East Sea Dragon. After getting the cultivation base of Dragon Lord of the East Sea, his strength has improved further, and the Dragon Lord of the South Sea, the Dragon Lord of the West Sea, and the Dragon Lord of the North Sea are no longer talking about it.

"You made a mistake. The Dragon Race still has Ao Le! Ao Le changed his blood and got the blood of the Ancestral Dragon. Ao Le is the hope of the Dragon Clan," Han Yan said.

Yu Duxiu took off her mask and glanced at Han Fang, "Then it depends on your methods."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure was distorted and disappeared.

"Three uncles, it's not good... My father seems to have encountered Jinlin Longjun's plot, and he also invited the three Longjuns to investigate." Ao Lezhen reorganized, took a gap, and faced the three Longjun. Shouted.

"Be calculated by Jinlin?" The three Longjuns were taken aback. Beihai Longjun's eyes flickered, looking at the demon **** on the opposite side, kicking it flying, and instantly rose into the air: "I'll see Big Brother."

"It seems something went wrong in the East China Sea?" The Prince Yinsi watched Beihai Longjun leave the battlefield, his eyes flashed: "Can't drag on any longer, drag the dragon clan to evacuate, my Yinsi will be alone and will be defeated."

Thinking of this, the prince Yin Si stretched out his palm, and a crystal clear long knife slowly emerged. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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