The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2085: Join forces to break the formation, Taishi is gone!

"This little girl doesn't want to die, thinking that she can do whatever she wants by proving the Dao for longevity." The old jade ancestor muttered into the heavens and stars, and there was an uproar below.

"We can't watch, let Ao Le go up by himself. Now the Demon Race wants to capture the Yinsi and unify the recklessness. Let's work together." Tai Yi Jiaozu couldn't sit still, and the Innate Lingbao in his hand escaped.

Since Taiyi taught the ancestors, the six human ancestors shot one after another, six bright streams of light soared into the sky, and six congenital spirit treasures smashed toward the demon god.

Why are the six ancestors? .

In addition to Taishi and Taisu, Taidou Jiaozu could not take action, so there were only six Jiazuzu.

"Everyone is working together," the prince Yin Si shouted. As an ally, the Dragon Clan has already made a concerted effort. As the leader who bears the brunt, how can the Yin Si save his surplus? .

Therefore, under the leadership of the prince of Yinsi, the three powerhouses of Yinsi and the ghost master shot at the same time, and they all attacked the demon god.

Everyone used the innate spirit treasure and the supreme real body, and the spread was unprecedented.


With a loud noise, everyone's Congenital Lingbao was shaken off, and the giant was also shaking violently. Seeing this, Jinlin in the dark also changed his complexion, stretched out his palm, and secretly attacked the demon god.

The giant exploded, blood spurted from the mouth of the twelve demon gods, and everyone watching was relieved.

"How unpopular the Demon Clan is, and it's obviously a good situation, but it was also ruined by it" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

The general trend of the Demon God clan is gone, and the success or failure of the victory or defeat is changing.

"Shen E! Obey or refuse?" Tai Yi Jiaozu saw the demon god's array being broken, and walked out of the void slowly, with a turtle shell on his back.

E Shen coldly snorted, and his eyes scanned the void: "Huh! This time I counted my demon clan planted, and those despicable monsters of the demon clan actually betrayed my demon clan, and my demon clan is not wronged."

After speaking, the twelve demon gods walked out of the mud with gray heads and faces, looking at the powerful men who came around, cold light flashing in their eyes: "Why, I still want to kill my demon clan?"

"That's not necessary, I just ask you if you are not convinced!" Prince Yin Si shook his head.

The demon gods took a cold look at the ancestors of the teachings, then turned and dived into the depths of the earth. The ancestors of Taiping said with a gloomy expression: "Why don't you see the traces of the teaching ancestor Taishi?"

"Taishi is gone!" The teaching ancestors were also panicked. Look at me and I see you. After looking around, the teaching ancestor of Taishi is gone.

"Did the fellow Taoists ever see the trace of the Taishi Jiaozu?" Taiping Jiaozu saluted everyone.

"Never saw" everyone shook their heads together.

"Everyone should go to find them separately." The ancestors looked gloomy, and the joy on their faces disappeared. They did not want to thank the prince of Yinsi, and immediately went to the ancestor Taishi.

Now that the war has been won, but the Taishijiazuo ancestor has not been seen for a long time, how can everyone not be surprised? .

In a short time, the ancestors of the teachings felt bad.

Watching the ancestors leave, the prince of Yinsi came to Ao Le and bowed to Ao Le, with a sincere expression: "Thank you for the princess! Please also princess to mourn. Donghai Longjun is an ally of my Yin Division, and there is an alliance. Yep, if fellow Daoists find traces of Jinlin in the future, my Yin Division will definitely do my best to help you."

"Thank you, prince." Ao Le nodded to the prince Yinsi: "The Yinsi is ready to go, so Ao Le won't bother me. I have to do the funeral of my father in Donghai."

"When Xiao Wang rectifies the Yinsi, he must come to offer condolences himself" The Yinsi Prince patted Ao Le on the shoulder.

Ao Le nodded, and led Sihai Longjun to turn away and turn around.

After a storm, the dust settled, and Yu Duxiu stood quietly in the Yujing Mountain: "The situation in front of us is a bit tricky. Jinlin suddenly appeared, and we still need to find a way to get rid of her arrogance. The monster race is gone. The dragons help, I don’t know if they can hold the demon gods. However, the ancestors of the gods are not fools. Let the demon ancestors grow bigger and destroy the demon clan. At this time, the ancestors of the human race are playing the role of the dragon clan in the past. Profit."

Sure enough, Feng Shui turned around, Yu Duxiu retracted her eyes and closed her eyes.

"Han Yan, Jinlin, please see me."

In the Kunlun Mountain, Jinlin walked slowly, a pair of eyes scanned the entire Kunlun Mountain void: "This monarch knows that Your Majesty Han Yan must be living in seclusion here, and please see Your Majesty Han Yan."

"Jinlin, why are you looking for me?" The void cracked, the coldness overflowed, and Han Yan walked out of the void slowly, dressed in blue.

Looking at Han Yan, Jinlin's face was filled with joy: "I also congratulate Your Excellency for the revenge, Donghai Longjun's unsuccessful man has been cut by this seat."

Han Yan looked at Jinlin up and down: "You have some abilities. Donghai Dragon Lord can eat it, but it is extraordinary. It's just that the Four Seas Dragon Lords have enemies with me. Now it is just one Donghai Dragon Lord who has died. The three dragon kings are dead, and I will get revenge."

Listening to Han Jian’s words, Jinlin smiled: "I’m telling you, I should have noticed the movement of the Lord’s attack on Dragon Lord in the East Sea before, but now everyone in the heavens and thousands of realms knows that I and the dragon clan have already got together. Because of the endless hatred, I have hatred with the dragons, and I have hatreds with the dragons. Why don’t we make alliances? As a transcendent powerhouse, I can suppress the dragons of the four seas, and I can completely kill the dragons of the four seas to relieve them. After worrying about the future, why not do it forever? After the event is completed, this monarch is willing to use the world as a betrothal gift to marry the crown. I don't know what the crown thinks?."

"Not interested in."

Looking at Jinlin, Han Yan said coldly before returning to his home cave to hide.

Looking at Han Yan's back, Jinlin's complexion instantly darkened: "This **** is also ignorant of good and bad. After I swallow the other three dragons, I have to make your mother and daughter look good."

Jinlin turned angrily and left.

In the four seas, an atmosphere of sorrow is endless.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Le looked at the three Dragon Kings: "Uncles, please turn around. I can take care of this East China Sea. I will choose a good day and auspicious day for my father and king."

"Fortunately, I am busy in Xihai. My master wants to guide the earth veins and cultivate younger generations, so I won't stay here anymore. In the future, my niece will have something to do, even if I say hello," Xihai Longjun looked sad.

"Several uncles, don't worry" Ao Le nodded.

The three dragon kings turned to leave after hearing the words. Everyone is a big family and can't stay in the East China Sea forever. What's more, nowadays, it is subtle, all over the world are waiting for prosperity, everyone is cultivating younger generations ~ ~ accumulating dragon energy , There is no time to waste.

Seeing the three Long Jun leaving, Ao Le rubbed his head: "It's really a headache."

"Have you found the trace of Taishi?" Taiyi Jiaozu looked gloomy at the teachers who had returned from Lu Xu.

"I don't see people in life, or dead bodies. It seems to evaporate in the great world." The Taiping ancestor looked nervous: "I don't know why, there is a sense of anxiety in my heart."

"Don't talk nonsense, Taishi is the supreme powerhouse, how could something happen? Maybe something has been delayed? Not seeing that the explosive ape has disappeared for some years, and the world of great controversy has not caught up." Tai Dou taught the ancestors. One sentence.

"What should I do now?" Taiyi Teacher Ancestor's face was full of anxiety.

"Deduction, we must find the clues of Tai Shi" Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was serious.

East China Sea, Yugu.

In the midst of Zhanxian Flying Saber, the Explosive Ape grinned: "I'm a good boy, it's messy outside. Old ancestor, I can't go out at all. It's better here! It's still safe here. It's only tens of thousands of years. With so many things happening, it is nothing but wrong. Going out is to send myself into trouble. Patriarch, I should concentrate on practicing here."

In the world of the lock demon tower, the strong fearful and the Taishijiao ancestor sat opposite each other, and the strong fearful said with a glass of wine: "I really didn't expect that in the past we would be able to sit here and drink."

"The same is the end of the world, everyone is trapped in this lock demon tower, no matter where there is any enmity, it is the right way to find a way to go out" Taishi Jiaozu smiled repeatedly.

"Go out? It's hard to climb to the sky" The snake god's eyes were full of melancholy: "As soon as you enter the lock demon tower, the hope of going out will become smaller and smaller. I will tell you, if you want to go out, you need to be as early as possible! This lock demon tower is getting stronger all the time, one breath later, you have one less chance to go out."

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