The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2086: Jinlin attacked and hit the East China Sea hard


Dragon Lord of the East Sea was swallowed and killed by the Jinlin, and Lord Dragon of the West Sea was full of lament.

Compared with the Dragon Palace in the East Sea, the West Sea is not much better. The entire West Sea is extremely cold, and there are vaguely a few innate immortal auras rising into the sky, adding a bit of popularity to the West Sea.


As soon as Xihai Longjun stepped into the Dragon Palace, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then he spun around and flew out by himself.

"Who? Jinlin! You rebellious, you dare to come to my Xihai Dragon Palace." After Xihai Longjun saw the visitor, an angry color flashed in his eyes, he staggered to get up, and wanted to recover his injuries and mobilize Dragon Ball, but found out Dragon Ball in the body has no sense.

"You don't have to struggle in vain. This monarch has already used magical powers to cut off your dragon ball from your physical body. Now you don't have the slightest power, and you are no different from ordinary people. Or honestly ask me to swallow you." Jinlin smiled constantly, like a spring breeze .

"Bastard!" Xihai Longjun's eyes were full of anger: "How did you cut the connection between the physical body and the dragon ball?"

"How did I do it? This is a good question." Jinlin clapped his palms and looked down at Xihai Longjun: "You Sihai Longjun want to resurrect the glory of the ancestral dragon and make the ancestral dragon reborn in the world. How can it be true now? Zulong is right in front of you, but you don't know the real dragon?".

"Ancestral Dragon? Are you Ancestral Dragon?" Xihai Longjun's eyes were full of shock: "Isn't the Ancestral Dragon already dead?"

"The power of the dragon race is the bloodline power, and the bloodline power urges the dragon ball. If you understand the dragon bloodline, who can be worthy of this seat?" Jinlin came to Xihai Longjun: "Is there any question? Do you wait for the resurrection of this seat, without merit and hard work, the ancestors can make you die clearly."

Looking at Jinlin, Xihai Longjun said: "You used this blood technique to cut off the induction between Donghai Longjun and Dragon Ball, and then you swallowed Donghai Longjun? Yes, except for the strong like Ancestral Dragon, Who has the feeling that can cut off the dragon clan and his own life dragon ball, I only hate that I have not practiced the human clan, otherwise I will never give you a chance."

"You are wrong! To deal with the severely injured East Sea Dragon Lord, where it is necessary to have such troubles, I directly use the means to forcibly swallow the East Sea Dragon Lord, and there is no bone scum left." Jinlin Dragon's claw stretched out, He patted Xihai Longjun's face: "No doubt, then go to death."

"Wait! I still have something to ask" Xihai Longjun said with difficulty.

"It's really long-winded, just tell me, there is nothing else to say" Jin Lin said impatiently.

Looking at Jinlin, Xihailong Jun said: "Since you are an ancestor dragon, why don't you have the power of ancestor dragon? What kind of cultivation is the ancestor dragon, how can you value our brother's power."

"You four brothers were originally part of my ancestors. Only when you return will my ancestors recover my strength. To be honest, if Hongjun hadn't gotten the demon gods to resurrect the demon gods, I might not be able to It’s just that you don’t treat people now and don’t care so much. Anyway, you are all a part of my ancestors, so let’s return to the roots as soon as possible."

After the words fell, Jinlin grabbed Xihai Longjun and grabbed it.

On Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu sits on the top of the mountain, looking down at the world, with jade-colored discs in his eyes.

"The matchmaker has proved it, don't look at it, it's a ruthless person." The fox **** appeared in front of Yu Duxiu with a graceful appearance, looking at Yu Duxiu with grace.

"What can happen if you take care of me? This little fox borrowed me to go to the sky. I haven't asked him to settle accounts." Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god, but he looked at the fox **** with horror: "Why are your eyes so scary? ."

The disc in Yu Duxiu's eyes slowly converged, and then she sighed softly, "You have just retreated from the monster clan. If you don't settle down the funeral of the monster clan, what are you doing here?"

"Hmph, you are ashamed to say, have you seen the mighty power of the Demon God Race?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "I saw it, how?"

"The Dragon Race rebelled against the Demon Race. How can my Demon Race resist such a powerful formation?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu.

"It turned out to be asking me for the crime" Yu Duxiu nodded.

"The monster clan is not only the monster clan in this palace, but also yours. The monster clan now has five strong matchmakers. I and the matchmaker are all obedient to you. This monster clan has five points. The second is yours, why don't you help the monster race?."

"Be compliant with me? Not necessarily! In your heart, the importance of race is much heavier than my concubine, and there is no comparison at all." Yu Duxiu did not hesitate to expose the lies of the Fox God .

The Fox God didn't change his face, he still smiled and said: "Oh, I haven't concealed it from you. It seems that you are indeed very shrewd. No one can fool you."

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and ignored the fox god's provocation. The fox **** simply fell into Yu Duxiu's arms: "Hongjun, you have to give me an explanation."

"What do you want to say?" Yu Duxiu looked down at the fox **** in her arms: "How can the human ancestor make the demon family dominate? You can go to the human ancestor to help."

"The ancestors of the human race wish that my demon race and the demon **** race will lose out. Putting hope in the hands of the ancestors is tantamount to seeking his own death," the fox **** said angrily.

Listening to Fox God's words, Yu Duxiu touched the Fox God's head unhurriedly: "Then you can find a way to cultivate and make breakthroughs."

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu turned into a streamer and went away. The fox **** couldn't resist falling on the bluestone. He grinned in pain and said angrily: "Hongjun! You can't escape."

In the celestial star formation of the human race, the ancestors gathered together, and the tortoise shells in the hands of the ancestors of Taiyi kept hovering: "Please also help me to explore the trail of Taishi."

The Taishi Jiaozu disappeared suddenly without any warning, which immediately caused the hearts of the teaching ancestors to be disturbed, and even Qiantian couldn’t take care of them. They all tried to find the whereabouts of the Taishi Jiaozu. The role of a supreme power in the race It is impossible to estimate.

After hearing the words, the ancestors nodded, their magical powers flowed, and instantly fell on the tortoise shell of the ancestor of Taiyi, I saw that the tortoise shell turned steadily, and the chaotic destiny was soaring, and the overwhelming wave was in the power of the ancestors. Rolled up from the bottom, upstream, looking for the traces of Taishijiaozu.

In the High Heaven Palace in the Zhoutian Star Formation, Qian Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and his magical powers flowed: "Seven return to heaven."

"His Majesty."

Xihe called in a low Aifei don’t worry about it. The ancestors actually started to explore the whereabouts of the Taishijiao ancestors. This matter is going to happen to me. It will definitely fall on me. Fortunately, there is a magic trick that Aifei asked for, otherwise it will be miserable today."

The long river of destiny has changed, and there is no way to hide the power of the heavens and the world. At this time, everyone sees me and I see you. God E said: "These old guys of the human race are panicking, and a supreme strong man is missing. thing."

"We also have a share in the disappearance of Taishi's teaching ancestor." Tiger God's expression is gloomy: "Secretly make a move to stir up the muddy water, don't ask the teacher to touch the secrets of us, those demon gods and barbarians are not able to understand the secrets, so let the barbarians carry this matter down and watch the crowd. If Wei Jiaozu dared to attack the lock demon tower, we can also take the opportunity to send troops to rescue the trapped tribe."

"The way of the devil, alas!" Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly, and the will of heaven in his hand moved like a knife: "The lock demon tower can't be exposed anyway, and this seat will help you deal with the aftermath."

As he spoke, the magical powers in Yu Duxiu's hand flowed, a few breaths in the wind over the long river of fate rolled up, the gravel brought a tornado, and all the secrets instantly returned to chaos.

"Someone disturbed the secrets of heaven, and someone really calculated this matter secretly. Taishi must have encountered an accident."

Seeing the secrets being disturbed, the hearts of the teaching ancestors sank. Tai Yi taught ancestors to look at the tortoise shells that seemed to have fallen into the quagmire in his hands. The spinning speed continued to slow, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Following the roots, never give up, thinking that if you disturb the secrets, you can stop the prying eyes of this seat?" Tai Yi Jiaozu smiled coldly: "Please also ask the fellow Taoists to help me."


The teaching ancestors all responded, and then they saw the innate spirit treasures of the teaching ancestors flying out, suppressing on the top of the turtle shell, and echoing each other.

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