The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2090: Yulong Formation Dafa


Nanhai Longjun was turned into blood mist by Ao Le's palm.

"Uncle" Ao Le exclaimed.

"Nizi" Beihai Longjun rushed towards Ao Le.


Beihai Longjun followed in Jinlin's footsteps.

"I didn't mean it" Ao Le just swallowed Xihai Longjun, unable to control the power in his body.

"Second brother, the strength of this rebel is too strong, we are not opponents, so let's flash early."

The two dragons reorganized their bodies, and the Beihai dragons horrified.


The two Long Jun looked at Ao Le, instantly rose up into the sky, turned and disappeared into Qing Ming, giving Ao Le no time to react.

"These two Dragon Lords have now become horrified birds. They will not be swallowed by you, but also by Jinlin. In that case, why can't you be done?" Ao Le's mind suddenly remembered the words of Xihai Dragon.

"Yes, the two uncles are not Jinlin's opponents at all. They will not be swallowed by me, but also by Jinlin. Instead of this, why can't I be fulfilled?" Ao Le was shocked and looked at the two dragons. The direction that Jun left, instantly drove the streamer to chase the past.

"You can't let Ao Le succeed. These two Long Jun should at least leave one for me." Jinlin couldn't sit still in the dark, and immediately rose to the sky, following closely behind.

"Second brother, that Nizi is chasing over." Beihai Longjun took the opportunity to look back, and his mind suddenly moved, and his speed instantly increased.

"Jinlin! Jinlin is also catching up." Nanhai Longjun looked gloomy.

"Jinlin and Ao Le are already strong enough, but we can't increase their power and go further." Tai Yi taught the ancestors to turn the turtle shell in his hands, and the fate passed: "If Ao Le and Jinlin really swallow a dragon, in the future The situation in the heavens and worlds will be truly uncontrollable."

With the skill of talking, Tai Yi taught the ancestors' fate, and he has secretly calculated.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "It's enough. I haven't proved the truth yet, so I can't let you go beyond your control."

With words, Yu Duxiu revolved like a sword, and her fate changed in an instant. Yu Duxiu jumped and landed on the edge of the wilderness, turning into a fishing fisherman.

When the two dragons saw Jinlin and Ao Le chasing after him, they flee even more desperately. After seeing Jinlin, Ao Le became nervous and accelerated again.

"Big brother, converge, let's go down" Beihai Longjun looked at the human being who was tracking behind him.

"Never mind."

Nanhai Longjun sighed, and the two dragons landed together. Suddenly they saw a village in the distance. There was a fisherman in the river outside the village. Suddenly, the Nanhai Longjun stepped forward and bowed to the fisherman: "Old man, help, there are two thieves behind chasing and killing my brothers, and I ask Mr. Zhang for help."

The fisherman had a handsome face and was not very young. He wore a hat on his head. He threw his fishing line and said, "I'm a fisherman, how can I save you?"

"I want to use Mr.'s fish basket to hide" Beihai Longjundao.

"The fish basket is so big, how do you pretend to be two people?" The fisherman said in amazement.

Seeing the twin auras gleaming in the sky, they have already chased them. The two dragons turned into auras instantly and fell into the fish basket, but saw a dozen loach crawling in the fish basket. The carp that Wei Longjun transformed was too conspicuous, and he had to change it again into two loaches.

Loach and Shenlong are like the difference between heaven and earth, clouds and mud. The dragon roars the sea, traverses the world, drinks the water from the spring, and is free for nine days away, while the loach lives in the darkness of diving, drinks filthy water, lives on mud, and acts. How do you compare if you are close to each other and cannot be bright? .

If they fall into the eyes of outsiders, they will never believe that the two supreme powerhouses will turn into such lowly things as loach.

Dragons and snakes cannot live together, everything in the world is distinguished from inferiority, let alone a dignified dragon? .

Looking at the two loaches in the fish basket, the fisherman chuckled lightly. He did not know where he brought countless baits and slowly hung them on the hooks: "The two are actually legendary monks. After that, how will the two repay me in the future?".

"I will send the tenth generation of heroes to glory and prosperity" that Beihai Longjun Road.

"I will send the tenth world a splendid future to the hero" Nanhai Longjun Road.

"It's all vulgar, I don't bother." The fisherman shook his head.

"Then what do you want?" Nanhai Longjun was anxious, seeing the streamer getting closer and closer, said a little impatiently.

"Old man, I have heard that there are four seas in the four poles of the book, and there are dragons living in the four seas. The dragons have inherited the magic method of fish and dragon transformation. I wonder if the two can give it to you?" The fisherman said unhurriedly.

"I think it's a magic trick. It turns out to be a fish-and-dragon, I will pass you on." Xihai Longjun smiled, spit out a jade book, and landed on the edge of the fish basket.

The fisherman picked up the jade book and smiled softly. This magical power has been known for a long time, and it is not seen. This magical power is the root of the dragon clan, and the foundation of all decree is the fundamental secret of the ancestral dragon road. It is a pity that Sihailongjun despise this fish and dragon. It is really absurd to regard it as an ordinary method.

This is that the tactics are not related to unfavorable people. The fish, dragons, and dragons have few cultivators. Generally, they cultivate lowly things. They cannot be orthodox dragons. Naturally, they do not have the blessings of dragon treasures. Even though they have practiced this basic trick, it is difficult to achieve. Daqi.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "The treasure is in the dust. If you want to explore the foundation of Ancestral Dragon and find the flaws of Ancestral Dragon, you have to start with this ichthyosaur."

Yu Duxiu sighed here. Two streams of light had already descended from the sky over there, and they were instantly on the scene, turning into two handsome men and women. At this time, they looked at the fisherman Yu Duxiu had transformed.

"Jinlin, if you dare to kill my father, this monarch will definitely live with you, and you still dare to appear in front of this monarch now. It's almost reckless." Ao Le glanced at Jinlin with murderous intent. Holding back without doing anything, looking at the surrounding world with a pair of eyes, inspecting the abnormal Qi, Jinlin said: "I saw the two old guys here before, why are they missing?"

As he spoke, Jin Lin stared at Yu Duxiu, looking up and down, no flaws in the fisherman. Regarding the fish basket next to Yu Duxiu, he just glanced at it and never looked again. What a proud dragon is , Even if it is down and out, how can it be turned into a loach? It simply humiliated the identity of the dragon clan.

"The fisherman, my son asked you, have you seen anything unusual about this place before? A monk passed by?" Jinlin stepped forward and came to Yu Yu Duxiu looked at it. Jinlin glanced at Jinlin and looked up and down for a while, then suddenly put down the fishing rod in his hand: "This brother, I have been proficient in some strange prediction methods since he was a child. Seeing your face today, I am afraid that there will be catastrophes and ruined lives. ."

Jinlin sneered when he heard the words: "What kind of nonsense, what kind of person is this monarch, who can ruin my life and cause me to suffer calamity? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you suffer calamity."

Yu Duxiu sighed softly when he heard the words: "It's a pity! It's a pity, it's not a good idea to use it for yourself.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Jinlin stepped forward and grabbed Yu Duxiu's mind, and said viciously: "I'm asking you something, have you heard?"

"Hear! Hear! Watching you two walks, flying to escape is the monks and others, I am a mortal with naked eyes, how can I see you waiting for the monks?" Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

"Forgive you, even a mortal can't find the methods of those two old thieves." Jin Lin pushed Yu Duxiu away, a divine light flashed in his hand, and instantly saw the fisherman's body separated by Yu Duxiu and fell into it. In the river.

"Why don't you see the three souls and seven souls of this fisherman?"

Seeing the fisherman plunged into the river, Ao Le stepped forward and stared at the river carefully.

Jinlin was also taken aback, and then went to look for the fisherman's corpse, but it was no longer there.

"This fisherman doesn't know what's so mysterious." Jinlin's face was gloomy.

"It doesn't matter what mystery that fisherman has, it's important to find two dragons." Ao Le walked slowly along the edge of the river bank.

"It's better to divide you and me fairly. How about the two old ones, one of us?" Jinlin looked at Ao Le.

"You wolf and ambitious guy, I found two uncles for rescue, but you did it to kill, because my father treated you like a brother, did you repay that way?" Ao Le exclaimed.

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