The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2091: Long Jun is frightened, take refuge in the lock demon

After hearing Ao Le’s words, Jinlin sneered: “You’re good to say, but it’s too simple to think. The heavens and the world are the weak and the strong. The winner survives and the loser perishes. Although the twelve demon gods are not detached, they are not much weaker than the detached ones. Their strength on the earth has increased by 30%. They are the kings of the earth, the devil rises up to prove the way, the matchmaker of the demon race proves the way, the devil race Had Yi not been subjected to a dark calculation, he would have roared the heavens a long time ago, and only my dragon clan would still stand still. If there is no improvement, only death. The fastest update"

Listening to Jinlin's words, the cold light in Ao Le's eyes did not diminish the slightest: "Well said! But have my father and Xihai Longjun treated you badly? You are that wolf-ambitious guy, and you deserve to talk to me like this."

While they were talking, the two continued to scan the surrounding riverbanks, and did not see the figures of the North Sea Dragon King and the Southeast Sea Dragon King. You look at me and I see you, and then turned into a stream of light and went away, not looking at the fish basket.

Long after the two dragons left, the Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun quietly got out of the fish basket. Looking at the fish basket, the North Sea Dragon didn’t think about the fish basket’s life-saving grace, but waved the fish basket into Yan Fan, his eyes are full of gloom, the dignified and powerful actually sneaked into the fish basket and made a loach, and it would be laughable and generous to spread it out.

"That fisherman actually died. It's a pity. I could not kill him personally. I actually dared to threaten my monarch. A mortal layman is really guilty of a thousand deaths." Beihai Longjun's eyes overflowed with murderous intent.

"What shall we do now? Although the heavens are big, the two **** Jinlin and Ao Le are chasing closely. There is no place for us, what should we do?" Nanhai Longjun wandered around the place a few times, suddenly Slap his head: "I suddenly thought of a good place to take refuge."

"Where? Brother might as well say it straight." Beihai Longjun heard this with a look of expectation.

Nanhai Longjundao: "You just follow me."

After the two dragons left, the water was rippling, and Yu Duxiu walked out of the river with no expression on her face, her eyes scanned the surrounding void, revealing a pensive look: "Nanhai Longjun actually thought of a safe refuge place, I don’t know if it is. where."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu got up and returned to Yujing Mountain.

"Master" Lingyu offered the fragrant tea, and before Yu Duxiu drank the tea, he moved and stood up abruptly, and the tea was spilled: "These two **** actually counted the money. Seat on the head."

After speaking, Tiandao* on the top of Yu Duxiu's head left instantly, and the Lingyu boy who was watching stood there blankly, his eyes stunned.

In the territory of the Demon God Clan, the Demon God Clan, the lock demon tower pierced into the sky, covering thousands of miles, has become a symbol of the entire Demon God Clan.

There are countless large and small clans of the Demon God tribe around this lock demon tower. At this time, the Demon God tribe has two uninvited guests. Only two figures are standing in the sky, with a pair of eyes looking down at the distant demon demon. Tower, Beihai Longjun was taken aback: "Second brother, what did you bring me to this lock demon tower?"

"Look at that lock demon tower, it can suppress the supreme powerhouse, inside is a big cage" Nanhai Longjundao.

"Brother, don't you think..." Beihai Longjun was taken aback and looked at Nanhai Longjun in a daze.

"Yes! That's it. There is no safer and more reliable place in the world than the demon lock tower. As long as you and my brother sneak into the demon lock tower, even if the rebel and the Ao Le **** are fierce, they will never think of us. The Brotherhood throws itself into the trap and hides here." Nanhai Longjun was proud of his face.

"Second brother, we don't know what's going on inside the demon lock tower, we don't know the details. The strong person who enters the demon lock tower has never come out."

Beihai Longjun looked hesitant on his face: "It's easy for our brothers to get in, but it's harder to get out."

"I have no choice. If you want to escape the pursuit of Jinlin and Ao Le, whether you go to the Demon Clan or the Demon Clan, you have no sense of security. You can only be a thief for a thousand days. Where can you defend against a thief?" Nanhai Longjun smiled bitterly.

Listening to Nanhai Longjun's words, Beihai Longjun was silent, and said after a while, "Well, we brothers have no choice but to go out and go to this lock demon tower for a while. What is the mystery in this lock demon tower."

Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun made up their minds, and immediately drove the streamer into the sky, turning into streamer, and slammed into the lock demon tower.

"Bastard!" The two dragons just revealed their traces, they were discovered by the wolf god, and immediately stopped the two dragons' movements.


Long Jun's shot was too hard to defend, Jinlin rushed to fight, where could he stop the two Long Jun who had been prepared.


"It hurts me so much."

The purple brilliance of the lock demon tower emerged, and the two dragons slammed into the lock demon tower. They were not sucked in by the lock demon tower, but were bounced back by Qinghui, dizzy for a while, and fell to the ground.

"South Sea Dragon Lord! North Sea Dragon Lord! Dare to sneak attack on my Demon God Clan Locking Demon Tower? Could it be that you are really bored, that Ao Le and Jinlin did not kill you, but you came here to find death" The wolf **** flew to Lock Demon instantly In front of the tower, he stood in front of the two Dragon Kings.

At this time, the other demon gods also felt in their hearts, and they came to the scene one after another, you see me and I see you, and surrounded the two dragon kings.

The big movement of the Lock Demon Tower immediately shocked Ao Le and Jinlin. They looked at Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun. Look at me, I see your eyes are filled with stunnedness, Jinlin frowned: "These two What does a **** run to the Demon Race? Is it because he wants to take refuge in the Demon Race? Want to use the power of the Demon Race to fight us?."

"If we really take refuge in the Demon God Clan, we would really have some trouble. Those twelve barbarians are not easy to provoke." Ao Le instantly moved towards the Demon God Clan.

Seeing this, Jinlin also immediately followed.

Ao Le and Jinlin stood far away on the edge of the Demon Race, watching the movement of the Demon Race, Nanhai Longjun said to Beihai Longjun: "Why doesn't this lock demon tower take us?"

"Strange" Beihai Longjun was also confused.

The two dragons look at me and I look at you, and the **** E looked at the two dragons with a cold smile: "Why hit my attention of the Demon God Clan Locking Demon Tower?"


The two dragon monarchs violent, immediately shot, and attacked Eshen, Nanhai Longjun said: "I have an idea. Let's anger the demon **** and ask him to open the lock demon tower to suppress us."

"Dare to resist?" Seeing the two dragon kings outnumbered the enemy, the twelve demon gods immediately happily shot them together and beat the two dragon kings to the But they couldn't hurt the roots of the two dragon kings. The two dragon kings delayed leaving. Although they suffered a big loss, they were entangled for a long time.

"What are the ideas of these two old immortals?" Ao Le's eyes were hazy.

Seeing the two dragon monarchs entangled endlessly, the twelve demon gods could still use them as sandbags at the beginning. It was interesting to beat them back and forth, but after a long period of time, they never tire of it. The wolf **** chanted a curse and activated the lock demon tower. Seeing the lock demon tower whirlwind, pulling the surrounding monsters: "If you two old guys don't leave, don't blame the ruthlessness of this seat, and suppress you in the lock demon tower, and you will never live beyond."

At this time, the pulling force from the lock demon tower is very small, just frightening the two dragons. The wolf **** does not know the bottom of the lock demon tower, and is no longer willing to put more supreme power in this lock demon tower, but Nanhai Long Jun and Beihai Long Jun had their eyes bright at this time, and Nan Hai Long Jun smiled softly: "Go."



In the stunned eyes of the demon gods, the two dragon kings took the initiative to cater to the pulling force and ‘squeezed’ into the lock demon tower with great effort.

"Stop him!."

A loud roar from Ao Le and Jinlin came from a distance. Seeing the movements of the two dragons, the two immediately knew their plans, so they immediately took action and rushed towards the lock demon tower.

"Block him!" The Lion God subconsciously said.

The demon gods stood in front of Ao Le and Jinlin, but they told the two powerful men to stop, and watched the two dragons enter the lock demon tower.

"Bastard!" Jinlin scolded angrily.

The wolf **** was a little stunned: "What's the matter?"

Looking at Ao Le and Jinlin in front of him, the centipede ancestor said: "What else, these two old guys jumped into the net and took refuge in the lock demon tower, for fear of being swallowed by the two dragon kings. "Rw more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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