The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2092: Heavenly Way*** Dragon King See Through

The wolf **** looked at Ao Le and Jinlin who rushed over, and immediately closed the lock demon tower. The two dragon monarchs, look at me and I see you, facing the twelve demon gods who are staring at him, the unfathomable lock demon tower, one Time hesitated and dared not step forward. Fastest update

Ao Le and Jinlin have just emerged now, and have not yet shown their ambitions. Facing the lock demon tower, they didn't have the courage to go inside and become prisoners of the demon clan.

"Count you cruel!" Jinlin gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

Seeing Jinlin's leaving back, Ao Le sighed and followed. There is no way that the Demon God Clan is powerful, and there has never been a person in the Lock Demon Tower.

"These two old loaches are a good fortune. I actually thought of running to my Demon Clan to take refuge, and I really took advantage of it." E God smiled bitterly and turned to look at the lock demon tower: "That is, I can't wait. Knowing the method of getting in and out of the demon lock tower, otherwise you have to make these two **** suffer retribution."

As he spoke, the situation in the lock demon tower was already changing.

Yu Duxiu stood quietly at the top of the lock demon tower, stroking the town demon monument, and looked at the two dragons who were confused, and smiled bitterly: "Trouble!"

"The days in the lock demon tower, I don't know when it will be the head" Taishi taught ancestors drinking dull wine.

The fearful man sneered coldly: "There are the supreme strong guards in the lock demon tower, as well as the unfathomable master. It is harder to go out than enlightenment. If you want to go out, you can only hope for the lock demon. There are more and more supreme powerhouses in the tower world, and finally the lock demon tower can't bear it and burst open by itself."

The snake **** smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The two are afraid that they will lose their minds. The world of the lock demon tower is getting stronger and stronger. The longer the delay, the smaller the chance of going out..."

Speaking of this, the snake **** was suddenly taken aback:

"Oh, there are two guests here today, you two are blessed, maybe you really have a chance to go out... You are here later, I will go back."

Watching the snake **** walk away, the Taishijiao ancestor and the fearful powerhouse, you look at me and I look at you, all with wide-eyed eyes.

"Hope of going out?" Taishi taught the ancestor for a moment.

"He just said about the two guests. Could it be that two supreme powerhouses have come again? I just don't know that this time it was the hapless guy who came here." The fearful powerhouse grinned and suddenly smiled.

"Regardless of the two who are here, the strength that the lock demon tower can withstand is limited, and it is not difficult for the two of them to work together to break the lock demon tower." Taishi Jiaozu smiled.

"Watch it change," said the fearful man.

"It's really troublesome. This time there are two supreme powerhouses. It is not difficult to suppress the supreme powerhouse with your power, but the lock demon tower cannot withstand such a vast aftermath, and it is not easy to handle the lock demon tower. The broken is now" The snake **** did not know when he came behind Yu Duxiu.

Looking at the Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun, Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back: "No matter what, since it is here, there is no reason not to take it in."

"You are on the sidelines, it seems that this time I am going to show my true ability, and ask you to wait to open your eyes." Yu Duxiu stepped away after speaking.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's calm back, the snake god's eyes moved: "Hongjun is kind, no wonder he has such an achievement, and he can't hit all kinds of catastrophes. Hongjun is too powerful."

For some reason, a sense of admiration suddenly rose in the snake god's heart.

"This is the Lock Demon Tower?"

The two dragons only felt that the sky was spinning, and when they appeared again, they had reached the inner world of the lock demon tower. They looked at the endless void, and for a moment, thousands of small worlds appeared in the eyes of the two, and the demon and dragon tribes were safe in it. Contentment, joy and harmony, each in his own place, there is no such slaughter solemn as the outside world, the monsters are constantly praying, and they don't know the **** who prays.

"Hey!" A sigh sounded, as if thunder resounded in the ears of the two dragons, and both dragons were stunned. A pair of eyes looked at the void and saw a figure in a robe approaching in the distance. The figure in the Taoist robe wore a mask of ice on his head and couldn't see the true face.

"Who are you?" Nanhai Longjun looked at the person in front of him, immediately vigilant, his mind tense.

"You shouldn't enter here" the voice passed through the ice mask, without the slightest air of firework.

"This lock demon tower is not as magical as it is said outside. This space barrier can be torn apart by both of my brothers at will. I don't know where the rabbit **** who entered the lock demon tower has gone." Beihai Longjun held his arms. Looking at everything in the field.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly, stretched out her palm, and revealed the heavenly way before her.

Looking at that day, Nanhai Longjun was taken aback: "Hongjun! You are Hongjun!".

"Why isn't it the prince of Yinsi?" Yu Duxiu's voice was unwavering.

It was the prince of Yin that took away Yu Duxiu's way of heaven under the eyes of the powers of the heavens and ten thousand realms* Yu Duxiu was very curious why these two supreme powerhouses determined their identities as soon as they opened their mouths, not the prince of Yin.

"My Dragon Clan has a good relationship with the Yin Division, and the Yin Division will naturally not hide where it is! With the cultivation base of the ghost master, I disdain to conceal it, and there is no need to conceal it, not to mention that you are famously outstanding. Although the Yin Division's prince is strong , But I want to take away the treasures so easily in your hands, but I don't believe the analysis of Nanhai Longjun.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly and slowly took off the mask. All the treasures in this world are unique. It is not realistic to want to shirk, but it looks like a little family.

Yu Duxiu really didn't want to use the Heavenly Dao* but had no choice. The aftermath of a fight between the two supreme powers was enough to destroy the Demon Locking Tower. Without using the Heavenly Dao*, it would be impossible to suppress.

"It's really you." Looking at the face behind the mask, Nanhai Longjun looked surprised: "Why did you appear in the lock demon tower?"

Yu Duxiu slowly put away the mask: "Don't you understand?"

"Could it be that this lock demon tower was made by you, this lock demon tower is basically a conspiracy, it is your conspiracy to exterminate the demon tribe, the demon **** tribe, and the dragon tribe" Beihai Longjun's expression twitched.

"The smarter the person, the faster you will die. You were chased by Jinlin and Ao Le outside. This seat didn’t want you to enter the lock demon tower, so as not to break my plan, so you waited for the first time you hit the lock. At the time of the demon tower, when I bounced you off, I never thought that good fortune would trick people! Good fortune would trick people! What can I do if God’s will be like this?"

"Do you think you can trap our brother? Although the lock demon tower can trap the quasi-demon god, it can't trap the real supreme power." Feeling the void that can be blasted at will, Beihai Longjun showed disdain Color: "Hongjun, our brothers borrowed you to lock the demon tower to take If you are acquainted, you will obediently retreat and return my dragon tribe, or we will stoke your conspiracy and tricks out."

Looking at Beihai Longjun, Yu Duxiu looked at the Tiandao* in front of him as if it was a rainbow light, illusory and transparent, and unparalleled in mystery. Tianyin continued to sing.

He chanted a spell, and saw the aurora spread out, and instantly enveloped the entire world of the lock demon tower: "Go out? You have no chance!".

Outside, the ancestors of the human race, look at me and I see you, Tai Yi taught the ancestors: "These two counselors are scared by people, for fear of being swallowed by Jinlin and Ao Le, they are really the best...".

Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor closed his eyes, surrounded by stars: "You said, at that time, the Demon Race and the Demon Race were attacking the Yinsi. Could it be that the Demon Race and the Demon Race conspired to exile Taishi in the Demon Locking Tower?"

When this statement fell, the atmosphere in the field solidified, and the needle drop could be heard.

After a long time, Tai Huang Jiaozu sighed softly: "It's very possible!"

"The disappearance of Taishi is inexplicable, all traces of it disappeared in the Yinsi war, even if it caused the sky to make a move to stir the secret, it may not be in the lock demon tower, maybe it was taken away by the sky or suppressed," Taiping taught the ancestors.

The ancestors were silent for a while, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "We should find an opportunity to probe the bottom of the lock demon tower. The lock demon tower is inexplicable. The barbarians of the demon **** tribe have no brains, and we can't follow them."

"Yes, I agree with these words" Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

Demon Court

The three demon gods sat facing each other, and the tiger **** said: "When will the matchmaker stabilize the Taoist fruit?"

"A hundred years is enough" Fox God did not hesitate.

"What if my monster race runs Zhou Tian Xing Dou to provide it with all its strength?" Xiangshen's eyes flickered.

"Ten years is enough, or shorter" Fox God smiled. rw more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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