Well, there are about three months left before this book is finished...this month is included.

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New book "Yipin Dao Men"

Introduction: The twenty-first world Taoist disciple Zhang Bairen, because of touching the congenital sword fetus, reversing time and space and descending to the time and space of Sui and Tang Dynasties.

On Dao Zhongliquan, Fighting Sword Lu Dongbin!

Suppress Xuanzang and withdraw Bodhidharma with one sword!

At this time, Bodhidharma crossed the river and thrived in Buddhism.

First, thirteen stick monks rescued King Qin, and then Wu Zhao usurped Li Tang!

Buddhism and Taoism, Sui and Tang.

Since then, the Buddhist school has prospered and its Taoism has declined.

This is the story of Taoism in Sui and Tang Dynasties!

Heaven is mighty, and we are prospering.

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