The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2095: Purple Gold Red Gourd Dacheng

"If you are lucky, the old thing is lucky, otherwise the young master must tell you to know the greatness of Yamada Dao today." The prince Yin Si glared at the blood demon. This is the truth, even if he is facing this time. The Gorefiend in the sea of ​​blood had already murmured in his heart, but he could not show the enemy's weakness.

"Little hairy boy, when my ancestor I crossed the world, your mother hadn't given birth to you yet!" The blood demon sneered coldly.

"You..." Hearing the words of the Gorefiend, the prince of Yinsi was so angry that he wanted to do something, but was dragged by the black and white impermanence on one side: "The prince calms down his anger, and the crown prince calms his anger. It's still your Majesty's call! It's your Majesty's call!"

"Huh!" The prince of Yinsi snorted coldly, and glared at the ghost master: "If anyone lives for a long time, whoever has high mana and powerful supernatural powers, what are you still practicing, and what are you fighting for? Just compare the life before the fight. One by one, learn tortoise **** and work hard to survive."

"The prince is forbidden. The Prime Minister tortoise in Yujing Mountain is not an offensive lord. There are many offenses in the prince's words. If he is perceived by the prime minister, I am afraid that a terrible disaster will come and the ghost lord will not be able to save you." Bai Wuchang was so scared that he quickly covered the Crown Prince's mouth.

Hei Wuchang glared at the Gorefiend: "Boss Blood, what are you proud of? When the ghost master chaos reincarnate, it will be your death."

"Let's take a look! There may be people who can kill me in the heavens and all worlds, but I dare to kill me. I have never seen one of the ancestors." The blood demon held the long sword, his face was full of disdain. A look that you dare not do it.

Seeing the Gorefiend, everyone gritted their teeth with hatred, but they had to endure it. No one except the ghost master in the Yin Division could suppress this old guy.

The prince of Yinsi flung his sleeves away, came to the secret realm of Yinsi, and met the ghost master who was intertwined with the power of reincarnation.

"Father God" said Prince Yin Si.

"I am calling you here today to explain two things to you." The ghost master slowly opened his eyes.

"I don't know what's the matter?" Prince Yinsi said.

"First, in the future, the entire Yin Division will be handed over to you! We will entrust the distribution of air and luck to you," the ghost master said.

As the ghost master's words fell, the judge walked to the prince Yinsi with a tray on one side: "Prince, the seal is here. Please check it."

The crown prince lifted the black silk and satin with his hands, but saw the black jade carvings. The black air around his body was filled with ghosts. The seal in the shape of a skull appeared in his eyes. It was indeed the authority of the yin.

The prince of Yin Si respectfully took the seal into his arms: "Please also my father to order the second thing."

"The second thing is the six reincarnation formations. You must find the six reincarnation formations." The ghost master said solemnly: "I didn't expect the **** of death to be too difficult. Without the six reincarnation formations, I actually practiced it. It’s a miscalculation for the father, otherwise it won’t make the demon race and the demon **** tribe army presumptuous."

"The six-dimensional reincarnation formation, in Hongjun's hands, the child is afraid that he may not be able to catch it." The Yinsi Crown Prince looked distressed.

"This matter can be found in the Dragon Power Alliance. Jinlin and Ao Le are now competing against each other. In my Yin Division, there are countless dragons who have been arrogant since the ages. As long as the two dragons can regain the six reincarnation formations, the dragons will definitely "Revival" ghost master slowly closed his eyes.

"Yes, I'll go down and do it now," the prince of Yinsi respectfully saluted and turned to leave.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, and hesitating flashed in her eyes: "The lock demon tower should find a chance to take it back, and then put it in the demon clan. I am afraid it is wrong. The demon clan barbarians are now facing the lock demon. The tower’s self-confidence is unprecedentedly strong. The Demon Locking Tower has reached its limit. If we continue, I am afraid that it is not appropriate. After all, the Demon Locking Tower is still a little short of Dacheng."

It's a little bit worse than the demon tower, but it's not even a little bit worse.

Thinking like this, suddenly Yu Duxiu's mind moved, and saw a purplish red gourd slowly emerging in the void, and saw the purple gourd appearing in purple gold, and the dots on it seemed to be diamond-like starlight endless, orderly. The cloth is meticulous and rigorous, and quite atmospheric.

A purple qi burst into the sky, bursting from the purple, gold and red gourd, illuminating the chaos outside the endless world.

"How much cause and effect I have saved, I never thought that the purple gold and red gourd would be great." Looking at the purple gold and red gourd floating in front of him, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, and the light of the sword flashed on his fingertips. Engrave a mysterious rune on top.

"This is my cause and effect. It's a pity that this treasure must be broken and cut off before I can put all my cause and effect into nothingness." Yu Duxiu sighed lightly, her eyes full of solemnity.

"Oh! What a treasure." The Fox God swayed and walked into the big formation, his eyes fixed on the purple, gold and red gourd.

"Huh?" When the fox **** arrived, Yu Duxiu was instantly alert and hid the purple, gold and red gourd, and hurriedly stuffed it behind his waist. The fox **** had quick eyes and rushed over in an instant. Yu Duxiu quickly blocked and rolled with the fox god. In a ball, the old jade ancestor at the entrance of the hall stretched out his head and peeked. Taking advantage of the two people's tumbling opportunity, he leaped forward and pulled on Yu Duxiu's back. He grabbed the purple gold red gourd and turned it into The green smoke disappeared.

"Jade!" The Fox God was angry, and patted the green smoke in the air, but saw the green smoke swaying and disappearing invisible.

"Bastard!" The Fox God tickles his teeth with hatred, and he doesn't know whether he is cursing the ancestor of Jade or Yu Duxiu.

"I blame you, if you weren't thinking about robbing treasures, how could this old immortal jade have a chance to take advantage of" Yu Duxiu said annoyed.

"I'm not looking at your treasure and looking beautiful, just want to look at it, who knows how stingy you are" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu angrily.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, if the treasure falls into your hand, I am afraid it is not as simple as just a few glances, but you will see it as your own.

"Your treasure is secretly in harmony with the mystery of cause and effect, and it can only be used by the matchmaker to achieve its maximum effect. It was unexpectedly posted by the jade bastard. You have to explain this to the palace." Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "The jade ancestor came and went without a trace. Looking for him is like finding a needle in a haystack. What can I do."

Yu Duxiu really didn't know what power Dacheng's purple gold red gourd had. Before Yu Duxiu could figure it out, Fox God ran in and made trouble.

"I don't care about it, anyway, you have to give the gourd to the or else your Seven-Star Sword is also good" The Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with big eyes, and Yu Duxiu was panicked when he heard of Fox God Asking for the Seven-Star Sword, like a cat with its tail stepped on: "No! No! No! No!"

"The Seven-Star Sword is in harmony with the stars of Zhou Tian. Under the sacrifice of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, it can increase the power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array." Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu: "Although your Seven-Star Sword is powerful, it has not yet passed. Star Dou blessing is a rare Fa-rectification."

"There is some truth to what I said," Yu Duxiu touched her chin: "But I still can't borrow."

The Seven-Star Sword was not melted into the Qinglian because of Yu Duxiu's emphasis on the Seven-Star Sword. This seven-star sword has inestimable benefits for Yu Duxiu's enlightenment of the Zhoutian Star Dou Dao.

"Stingy" Fox God curled his lips and glared at Yu Duxiu: "My palace went to the Holy Child. I haven't seen the Holy Child for a long time."

Fox God turned and left, Yu Duxiu quickly opened the eye of time, looked at the whereabouts of the jade ancestor, and traced the traces of the jade ancestor.

"What a good treasure! What a good treasure!" The old ancestor of Jade took the purple gold red gourd with a smile in his eyes, stroked the purple gold red gourd with a smile, his eyes scanned the wild land, and then said dejectedly: "His mother Yes, the Demon Clan has done absolutely nothing. There are no monsters in this wild land and climate. How did my ancestor, my purple, gold and red gourd test its power?"

Zijin Red Gourd’s method of imperial envoy is obvious to all the mighty generations of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Back then, Zijin Red Gourd accepted the quasi-monster gods on the road to the sky. The power was impressive, and it was secretly thoughtful. After all, it was so strange. The magic weapon of cause and effect is really the first time I have seen it.

"I have no choice, I can only use you demon savage savages." Old Ancestor Jade looked at the purple, gold and red gourd, and then looked at the people of the Demon Race of the Earth Tribe, with a weird smile in his eyes: "Hahaha! I am coming, ancestor Yeah."

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