The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2097: Fox God Thief Sword

"Your Majesty's battle in the lower realm of the human race, stop!" Xi He sighed slightly.

"Why did Aifei say this?" Qian Tian was taken aback.

"Five parties and five emperors are not fools. What happened in the lower realm has already been noticed. If your Majesty doesn't want the spies and forces painstakingly put in the human race to lose all of them, please stop as soon as possible." Xi He sighed slightly.

"It's still love concubine for my sake." Qian Tian held Xihe in his arms, his eyes were full of touch: "But the Demon Slaying Sword on the Yaozu side is far worse."

"The battle between the Demon God Race and the Monster Race is unpredictable. Your Majesty should think about how to protect yourself," Xi He said.

"At present, all the ancestors are thinking about how to find the Taishijiazuo, but they don't care about me. Compared with the Taishijiazuzu, I am nothing!" Gan Tian sighed slightly.

"Your Majesty! There is news from Xihe from the human race that the supply of human corpses has stopped within the human race." A quasi-monster **** saluted the fox god.

"Huh?" Fox God frowned, "Why?"

"It is said that the actions of Qiantian have been discovered within the human race" that quasi-monster **** said.

Hearing this, the Fox God closed his eyes and said, "How many swords have been refined?"

"Thirty million" quasi-monster gods.

"It's almost enough, tell Gantian, just forget it like that" Fox God nodded.


The quasi demon **** didn't dare to look up, and immediately retreated and left.

Seeing the quasi-demon **** leaving, Xi He slowly stroked the sword in his arms, but saw the stars twinkling on the sword, and the heavens and star battles had fallen, seeming to echo the entire starry sky.

"Come here!" Xihe said.

"What's your command?" A quasi-demon **** walked in.

"Go and place this divine sword in the center of the stars of the heavens." Xi He put the long sword in the sword box.

"Yes" Quasi-Monster respectfully took the long sword.

"Send someone to guard it day and night to avoid any omissions," Fox God exhorted.


Inside the human race, Shaoyang stood not far from the ancestors with a gloomy expression:

"Enlighten to teach ancestors, in recent years, under my human race, there have been constant wars, and no less than billions of people have been killed or injured. I and the gods have repeatedly calmed down the chaos, but no effect has been seen. , And please teach the ancestors to decide!".

Listening to Shaoyang's words, the ancestors' expressions moved, and the ancestor Taidou subconsciously said: "Monster!"

"It must be the demon clan. The demon clan is thinking about refining the Slaughter Demon Sword. I once asked my human race to multiply. This seat is on guard all night, but I never thought that I was hit by the demon clan's strategy. Asking my human race to donate tens of billions of people to confuse my attention, but secretly, it is causing a **** storm in my human race. This monster Zhou Tianxing star battles my human race thousands of times. Our formation did not stop them, too. In reason," Tai Yi taught the ancestor's complexion, the tortoise shell in his hand turned endlessly, and the fate flowed: "The war on earth will stop, this is the destiny."

When the words fell, I saw that all countries in the ordinary world had inexplicably raised excuses and reasons for the truce. For a time, the countries asked for peace, and the war stopped.

The human race changes, I can’t hide from Gantian and Xihe. You look at me and I see you. The two of them look at me and I see you. Their eyes are full of weird colors. The corners of Gantian’s mouth are sneered: "Everyone who teaches the ancestors really took action, but I don’t know if these old guys have Grab my handle."

Seeing Qiantian's expression, Xihe smiled softly and put his head in Qiantian's arms: "Your Majesty has gotten better these days."

"That is, Emperor Avenue, I have some experience now" Gan Tian said, touching Xihe's smooth skin.

Xihe's eyebrows trembled: "Your Majesty awakens and keeps the true memory. I don't know how to deal with the Taiping ancestor? The Taiping ancestor will not be able to get around after all."

The action of Qiantian stopped, pushed Xihe out of his arms, closed his eyes, and the whole body was full of purple gas: "I have been preparing, the old and immortal jade is unreliable, and I can only rely on myself. The road to Emperors is very mysterious. To teach ancestors, I have the power to protect myself."

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was sitting in the pavilion, looking at the scenery in the distance, suddenly a rush of footsteps came, Lingyu's face was anxious: "Teacher, it's not good! The big thing is not good!!"

"Why is it so panic?" Yu Duxiu said slowly while holding tea.

"Teacher, the seven-star sword in the alchemy room is gone."

"What?" Yu Duxiu nearly squirted out a sip of tea, choking herself coughing constantly: "This is impossible. I have a tight defense in the Yujing Mountains and an old tortoise guards them. The one who has the ability to steal swords from the Yujing Mountains."

"The disciple asked Prime Minister Turtle and said that it was taken by the younger brother," Lingyu said.

"Go and call the Holy Child," Yu Duxiu said.

Lingyu took the order and left, not long before only a few streams of light flashed across the void, Wangchen dragged the holy infant and descended on the scene.

Lingyu followed, hurriedly chasing, and followed without rushing from the dust.

"Why are you here?" Yu Duxiu secretly said in her heart, and said calmly: "I have seen junior sister."

"Brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I heard that you are looking for the Holy Infant, so come and have a look." Wang Chen said.

"Sister, sit down."

Wangchen sat next to Yu Duxiu, staring blankly at Yu Duxiu, making Yu Duxiu uncomfortable.

"I have seen my father" Sheng Ying saluted.

Yu Duxiu nodded, then Lichen and Lingyu rushed over, and Lichen smiled, sitting beside Wangchen, his eyes were full of teasing, and he didn’t know what was going on between them, causing Wangchen and Lichen. Get into a ball.

"Teacher" Lingyu didn't dare to look up: "They have to follow, because their disciples are lowly, so they dare not say anything."

Hearing this, Yu Duxiu shook her head and sighed, "Wait."

Lingyu stood respectfully on the side when he heard the words, and Yu Duxiu looked at the Holy Infant: "Holy Infant, the Seven-Star Sword in the Palace of Dust, but you got it?".

"Yes" Saint Infant nodded.

"Where is the Seven Star Sword?" Yu Duxiu didn't expect the Holy Child to admit it so easily.

"Auntie Fox God said that she would borrow the Seven Star Sword, and asked me to fetch the Seven Star Sword. The boy gave the Seven Star Sword to her aunt. Auntie said that she would send me four beautiful fox sisters to play with me." Infant Road.

Yu Duxiu was speechless, raised her slap and said, "This rebellious son, what a treasure is that Seven-Star Sword, how can you borrow it?"

"Brother" Wangchen quickly grabbed Yu Duxiu.

"I saw that you were intimate with Aunt Fox God, not like an outsider, thinking that it would be OK to borrow the Seven Star Sword," the Holy Infant said aggrieved.

Yu Duxiu's complexion turned red, Wangchen Jade's hand twisted fiercely around her waist: "Brother, how did we provoke the Fox God? It's still so close."

"Nothing, it's all this **** talking nonsense" Yu Duxiu said with a dry smile: "Forget You should withdraw first, since this Seven-Star Sword has been borrowed, it is from the Fox God Temper, I just want to get it back."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at Wangchen and said, "My brother is going to go to the Fox God to get back the Seven Star Sword. This Fox God is not good, and the children use it."

After speaking, turn into streamer and go away.

"Brother..." Wangchen yelled, seeing Yu Duxiu walking away without looking back, and turned his head to look at Mingyu: "Your master and Fox God are walking very closely?"

Lingyu's face was embarrassed, and he didn't say anything. Wangchen hummed, "Okay, I will stay in the temple in the future. It depends on how he affects the Fox God."

After speaking, Wangchen hummed coldly, and left with anger.

In the world of the fox god, Yu Duxiu walked slowly into the fox god's bedroom, but saw that the fox **** had half-naked shoulders and was grooming.

In this scene, Yu Duxiu's calves were soft, but she said calmly: "Fox God, you are so boring, you can even use it with a child."

"I can't help it!" The Fox God turned his head, his face was soft and charming: "Besides, I just borrowed it, and gave the four fox maids to the holy infant as daughters-in-law, wouldn't it be great? It doesn't count as a disadvantage for you, and you don't want this palace to be bullied by that demon **** barbaric.

Looking at the Fox God, Yu Duxiu stepped forward and pulled up the Fox God's clothes. After finishing the order, he said: "Forget it, this Seven-Star Sword is in your hands. You can return it to me as soon as possible, but I want to ask you, that purple gold red Did you steal the gourd?."

"The purple golden red gourd is lost? Didn't the old jade thing take away?" Fox God was taken aback.

Seeing the expression of the fox god, Yu Duxiu shook her head and revealed the topic: "What happened to the little fox?"

"Dao Guo is stable, just wait to exit." Fox God smiled lightly, winking like silk: "You don't need to worry."

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