The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2098: The gourd is down, the matchmaker is town

"That's good, with you taking care of me, I can rest assured" Yu Duxiu nodded.

The fox **** writhed his eyes, instantly stood up and pushed Yu Duxiu, and fell into the bed: "You idiot can't understand the beauty of beauty too! What a damn!"

Outside, the ancestor of jade is going crazy in search of purple gold and red gourd. So far, he has never suffered such a big loss except for the motherhood of chaos.

The endless starry sky is vast, and the mighty starlight of the stars of the heavens is pouring out toward the big array. The energy storm of the sky rolls up a whirlpool, and a figure in the whirlpool seems to be a bottomless pit, spinning endlessly, constantly devouring the world. Energy storm.

At this time, no one had noticed that in the vast starry sky, an obscure figure slowly came to the edge of the storm.

The figure looked around, no trace of the strong monster clan, with a sneer in his eyes: "Okay, this purple golden red gourd falls in the hands of this seat. It is worthwhile for your monster clan to have this calamity. I don’t know if this purple gold red gourd can A matchmaker was suppressed."

Looking at the figure, it is not the lion **** who can still have that. When the lion **** saw the jade ancestor secretly counted on his own descendants, he did not say anything, secretly did not know, but sneaked into the cloud, turned into thunder and concealed in the jade ancestor In the calamity, the treasure of the jade ancestor was robbed.

Holding the purple gold red gourd, the lion **** unplugged, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Matchmaker, I call you, do you dare to agree?"

"Who calls me?" The matchmaker who was cultivating in the storm was taken aback, and then the purple gold red gourd formed a wave of unparalleled power, and together with the vast star vortex, they were involved in the purple gold red gourd.


The lion **** plugged the plug, with a sneer in his eyes, looked at the purple, gold and red gourd, and then at the empty starry sky, perceiving everyone's peeping eyes, and instantly disappeared.

"Nothing? Is it because the matchmaker has successfully exited?" Xiang Shen was stunned.

The galaxy storm suddenly stopped. Of course, such a big movement could not be hidden from the demon gods. The tiger **** and the elephant **** got up together and headed towards the source of the galaxy storm, only to see the galaxy empty. Not only did the energy drop, but also the matchmaker. Up the trail.

"All Star Gods, have you ever seen the traces of the matchmaker?" Xiangshen glanced around and asked without seeing the matchmaker.

"Return to your Majesty, before I saw the sky full of wind and clouds gather, the galaxy energy even entered a gourd with the matchmaker demon god, and then the gourd disappeared," a star **** jumped out.

"What?" The expressions of both the elephant **** and the tiger **** changed, and the tiger **** said, "Quickly go to pass the fox god."

"No need to pass on, this palace is already here" Fox God looked gloomy.

Besides, the fox **** had to use Yu Duxiu to practice his kung fu, and the two of them were getting better and better. They were tumbling by the waves. Yu Duxiu's clothes were covered by the ears of the jade rabbit, his eyes were covered, and his cheeks were flushed.

Suddenly, the energy storm in the sky converged, and both the Fox God and Yu Duxiu felt in their hearts. The Fox God stuck his head out of the waves, grabbed Yu Duxiu’s hair, and fixed Yu Duxiu’s brain. Ground: "The matchmaker is out? Shouldn't it be so fast?"

After speaking, he kicked Yu Duxiu with one kick, put on his clothes and flew out: "The time is wrong, it shouldn't be so fast."

"It's true that the time is wrong" Yu Duxiu helplessly got out of the quilt, putting on her clothes unhurriedly.

The atmosphere in the arena was solidified. The Fox God's face was blushing, but his breath was cold. Elephant God and Tiger God did not dare to look at it. Fox God said coldly: "The matchmaker is the arrogant of the Fox family. After the investigation, the matchmaker must be rescued."

"If you talk about the gourd, Hongjun's gourd is the most powerful gourd in the heavens and all realms. There are congenital gourds to suppress the snake gods, and the purple, gold and red gourds the day before yesterday. You should ask Hongjun about this matter." Xiangshendao.

"The two searched for the trace of the matchmaker, and my palace went to find Hongjun." The Fox God turned and walked towards his bedroom.

Watching the fox **** walk away, the tiger **** shook his head: "The fox **** is full of vitality and flushed, Hongjun is really pitiful!".

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful that the Fox God goes crazy, and quickly gather the people to find the trace of the matchmaker" Xiangshen quickly covered the Tiger God's mouth.

Seeing the fox **** walking into the bedroom with a cold face, Yu Duxiu just sorted out his clothes: "What's the matter?"

"My palace asks you, may your purple, gold and red gourd be superb?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

"It should be okay," Yu Duxiu said with hesitation: "I have been stolen by jade before I can test the power."

"What's wrong?" Yu Duxiu looked at the matchmaker worriedly.

The matchmaker's face was cold: "If you guessed correctly, the matchmaker was pretended to be pretended to go by the purple gold red gourd."

"What?" Yu Duxiu was surprised: "Really?"

"Can this be a joke?" Fox God glared at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath: "Don't worry, the purple gold red gourd is at best sealing the matchmaker, and it won't kill the little fox."

"You are the owner of Zijin Red Gourd, can't you sense the traces of Zijin Red Gourd?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Of course Yu Duxiu could sense the traces of the purple golden red gourd before. After all, the purple golden red gourd was refined with his own blood, but... Since Yu Duxiu carved the rune on the purple golden red gourd, she really felt it. Less than the Qi Jinhong Gourd Qi.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's wry smile, the Fox God slowly sat on the bed: "Purple gold and red gourds are the harmful things you refined. You must find a way."

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me think about this matter. There are countless powerful people in the heavens and ten thousand realms, but there are really few who have the ability to steal treasures from jade. They are only a handful of them." Yu Duxiu beat After holding the case, I walked slowly in the fox god's bedroom: "I will look for jade, then board the major races and check it for myself. As long as the purple, gold and red gourd is within ten miles of my side, I will be affected by it."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned around and walked out of the small world of Fox God, descended into the Great Thousand World, and came to the old jade ancestor. At this time, the jade ancestor was like a flies without a head, stalking everywhere.

"Hongjun, the gourd was really not taken by your kid?" Seeing Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade asked.

Yu Duxiu's face was gloomy: "Ancestor, you have caused a big disaster! The matchmaker was taken away by the purple gold red gourd."

"What?" The ancestor of Jade widened his eyes when he heard the words, and covered his mouth and said: "Really? That treasure can really collect demons and gods?"

"Nonsense" Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu, and scurried back and forth: "The Fox God will definitely fall on me this time. You have to testify to the ancestor. I really did not do this thing."

"Okay, I know about You follow me to the human race" Yu Duxiu grabbed the jade ancestor and headed towards the human race.

"The three old fellows of the human race really have the ability to take the opportunity to steal the treasures from the ancestor and me," said Old Jade Paidian.

"Hongjun! Jade! If you are visiting, I would like to invite you to see you."

"Why are these two guys here? Looking at Hongjun's gloomy face, is it because we suspect that we have stolen the purple gold and red gourd?" Tai Yi taught ancestors for a moment.

Taiping Jiaozu frowned: "Although we didn't steal it, we really have a lot of suspicion. We have that strength."

"Invite them in first, Jade is a tough guy, but Hongjun is not an unreasonable person" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

The big formation slowly opened, Yu Duxiu and Jade Ancestor entered the formation, facing the gazes of the ancestors, Taiyuan Jiaozu did not conceal his hostility, and before the two could speak, he mocked: "Oh, it won’t be. If you suspect that we stole your treasure, did you go to the door and ask the crime? If you don't have the strength to guard your own treasure, then don't blame someone to steal it."

"Taiyuan, your boy has a lot of virtue in your mouth, otherwise I will tear your mouth out of your ancestors." The ancestor Jade yelled at the ancestor of Taiyuan, and he rolled up his sleeves and was about to shoot.

Yu Duxiu grabbed the shoulders of the old jade ancestor, looked at Taidou and Taiyi with a pair of eyes, and then respectfully said: "Excuse me, have you seen the purple, gold and red gourds in this seat?"

"Hongjun, you found the wrong person, we really didn't make a move this time" Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly.

"Hongjun, even though I take action and calculate people, I never disdain to lie" Taiyi taught the ancestors: "I have never been in a big battle since the Yinsi war. I can't look for Taishi but I can't take care of you. Where can I miss you? Purple gold red gourd."

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, turned and left without saying a word.

"Hey hey, don't go, we haven't asked yet" the old jade ancestor shouted.

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