The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: Prelude

Facing the wrath of the wolf god, Yu Duxiu's complexion was unwavering, a pair of eyes met him indifferently, and finally the wolf **** was defeated: "Okay, I will go and ask for you on this matter. ."

After speaking, the wolf **** got up and walked out of the hall and disappeared into the wolf **** tribe.

A wave of fluctuations spread from the hands of the wolf god, spreading across the entire wild land. The twelve demon gods all felt their hearts. A pair of eyes looked into the distance, and their brows frowned: "Weird! What do you think the wolf **** summons everyone? thing?."

Lion God Tribe

At this time, the demon gods came in rush, and they all saw joy in each other's eyes.

"Hahaha, I don't know who it is. He actually suppressed a monster of the monster race, but it solved the hatred of my heart." The bull demon **** laughed up to the sky, the laughter spread all over the wild land, up to the starry sky, listening The three demon gods looked pale.

"Yes! Yes! I don't know which fellow Taoist did this and other good things, he is really a good person! A good person!" Centipede ancestor walked crookedly.

"I will definitely drink three glasses today."

"Hahaha, brothers, I'm not talented, I stole the purple gold and red gourd, and I suppressed the little fox." The lion **** laughed, and the purple-gold brilliance flashed in his hand, and a sparkling gourd appeared in an instant.

"You actually did it? It's really a good son of my demon clan! When the float is a big white," the centipede ancestor laughed.

Listening to the centipede ancestor laughing, the other demon gods approached and circled the purple gold and red gourd, taking their eyes to watch, the E **** tweeted: "Good treasure, good fortune!"

"How did you get this treasure?" Niu Demon said.

"It's not the idiot of Jade, this **** has done a little trick, and he has succeeded." The lion god's face was full of triumph.

Hearing the words of the people, the wolf **** suddenly turned gloomy and looked at the lion **** in amazement:

"I didn't expect it to be the treasure you stole?"

The lion **** had a triumphant smile on his face: "Yes, the purple gold and red gourd is here. This gourd is really a good treasure. I only greeted the little fox by me. I took it in without any effort, Hong Jun this People really cannot be underestimated."

"Enough!" Seeing the lion god's triumphant expression, the wolf **** slammed the table: "Stop talking! You idiot, Hong Jun has come to the door."

"Hong Jun came here?" The demon gods were all taken aback.

"I won't hand over the purple gold red gourd, nor can I hand it over. The demon **** is suppressed in it. If it is handed over, it is equivalent to letting the tiger return to the mountain for future troubles. This seat will never hand it over."

"What do the fellow daoists think?" The wolf **** looked at the demon gods.

"This gourd can be handed over, but what should the little fox suppressed in it do?" Niu Shendao.

"Bah, this is the treasure of my ancestor, my demon clan, until I wait for it to be in my hand, how can I hand it over? If it is handed out, it doesn’t appear that my demon clan is afraid of Na Hongjun?" The centipede ancestor’s eyes rose with anger. The battle with Hongjun back then is vivid.

"We should think of a compromise and hide this treasure gourd. Forgive Na Hongjun for no evidence, and we can't help it. After all, my demon clan is not easy to bully" E Shen said unhurriedly.

"Hongjun has a great effect with my Demon God Clan. Whether these twelve gods and evil spirits are large formations or the way of cultivating demon gods, they are all created by Hongjun himself. Moreover, Hongjun's own power and allies should not be underestimated." The wolf **** persuaded.

Listening to the words of the wolf god, everyone, look at me and I will look at you, the lion **** said: "The wolf god’s words are not good. Whether we are the demon god’s true body formula or the twelve gods’ evil formations, they all trade treasures. It’s here, instead of receiving Hongjun’s favor in vain. It’s enough to give Hongjun this face. It doesn’t matter if we don’t give it. My demon clan doesn’t owe Hongjun to Hongjun. Besides, Hongjun passed on to us the law at that time, it may not be safe. Good mind,"

Listening to the words of the lion god, the wolf **** was rebutted and speechless. He looked at the demon gods with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "Since you think so, then come up with a charter and go to Hongjun. Where did you dismiss it? If there are any sequelae in the future, don't blame me."

"Blame you, find an excuse to get rid of it" the centipede ancestor said impatiently.

"Simply put, is Hongjun so easy to send?" The wolf **** said with a gloomy face: "If Hongjun takes revenge, I'm afraid we can't afford it."

"Don't want to build up the ambition of others to destroy your own power and prestige. Hongjun is just a quasi-superpower. Even if we have the ability to conquer and teach ancestors, we have twelve demon gods. How can Hongjun be our opponent."

The lion **** didn't care.

"Heaven must make people mad," Yu Duxiu sighed suddenly.

The old jade ancestor walked in from the outside world and looked at Yu Duxiu curiously: "But have you checked it out?"

"It's clear and clear" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

"Since the investigation is clear, let's go ask for it, and forgive him for not daring to hand it over." The old jade ancestor rolled up his sleeves: "I want to see that bastard, how dare to act like this!"

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu shook her head: "This time the other party is really a **** who eats scales, and he is determined not to hand it over. It is useless if we go. It is better to make another plan, so as not to startle the snake. Let you see how powerful the sky is."

"City?" The ancestor of Jade was taken aback: "Is that the monster you refined by collecting the blood of the devil in the chaos last time? The thing that has the same origin with the sky?".

"Ran Ye" Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "Our plan should be gradually implemented."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes: "Look at how the wolf **** defended her."

"Cangtian? I saw Cangtian take action several times before, but I didn't know what this Cangtian looked like," said Jade Ancestor.

"You will see it" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

As he was talking, he saw the wolf **** walk into the hall blankly and sat on the chair opposite Yu Duxiu.

"How?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf **** unhurriedly.

"You are wrong this time, the purple gold red gourd is really never in my Demon God Clan." The wolf **** picked up a piece of meat on the case table and threw it into his mouth.

"Really? But my instinct tells me that the purple gold red gourd is in the devil clan" Yu Duxiu said.

"You don't believe me?" The wolf **** moved for a while, then stopped, his eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu.

"This is not a question of disbelief, but that I trust my intuition more" Yu Duxiu said.

"You just don't believe me, this seat has already asked all the demon gods ~ never steal your purple gold and red gourd" Wolf God said.

"But my instinct tells me that my purple gold red gourd is in the hands of the demon **** clan, and in the hands of the lion god" Yu Duxiu stared at the wolf **** with a pair of eyes.

"It's impossible!" The wolf **** was almost choked to death by Yu Duxiu's words. A pair of eyes stared at Yu Duxiu, and he categorically rejected it. Had it not been known before that Yu Duxiu did not know the whereabouts of the purple gold red gourd, the wolf **** would have almost tolerated it. Can't help but admit it.

"If you are a liar, you will suffer retribution if you are greedy for what you are here." Yu Duxiu closed her eyes.

"What do you mean by this guy? Are you saying I'm lying?" The wolf **** glared at Yu Duxiu.

"Farewell" Yu Duxiu didn't even look at the wolf god, turned and left: "I hope that the demon **** clan will not be retributed."

"Hey, when your kid gets retribution" Old Ancestor Jade ran out from the side hall, sneered at the wolf god, and chased it out.

Out of the wolf **** tribe, the ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu: "What shall we do now?".

"How to be good? Of course it is to act according to the plan, so that the demon clan knows what is meant by retribution. The purple gold red gourd is made by the causal sacrifice of this seat. It is about to use the hand of the devil to break the purple gold red gourd, and then the cause and effect I moved to the Demon Clan and asked the Demon Clan to take care of it for me. This is what the Demon Clan asked for. No wonder this seat is cruel. After cutting off this cause and effect, this seat should also become a fairy.” Yu Duxiu’s eyes are full of longing: "Become a fairy. To gain the Tao, to be immortal, is the goal of my generation's practice."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu and Jade Patriarch disappeared into the void.

"Let's go!" The wolf **** sighed slightly, his gaze retracted, and his head lowered: "Hongjun will report to you. It's not a troublesome lord. I'm in trouble this time."

After speaking, the wolf **** slowly closed his eyes and swallowed the meat in his mouth: "My demon clan now has no flaws and fearless of everything, even Hongjun may not be able to get it!".

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