The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2101: Cangtian shot


Endless void, Jade Duxiu and Jade ancestors walk together, Yu Duxiu's mouth exudes a mysterious rhythm, and mysterious waves are curled up wherever he passes.

"I have seen the Lord."

One, or rather a giant, slowly walked out of the endless void.

Said it was slow, but it was a visual deception. The sky was just a blink of an eye, and it had come to the front from the horizon.

"This is Cangtian? Cangtian is a woman?" The ancestor of Jade was taken aback, looking at the beautiful and suffocating face in front of him, without the slightest flaw, three points sacred and more sacred than the moon, and three-point more charming and slender than the fox god. The snow-white neck and the towering chest present a perfect arc, covered with a little pale scale, the waist is soft and slender, and the delicate pale scales are intertwined. The mysterious runes flow indefinitely, and it looks not only unpleasant, On the contrary, there is a wild beauty, the beauty to the extreme.

Just looking down at the waist, it was a creepy body with eight hooves. It is not correct to say that the hooves are hooves. It should be claws. The countless scales on it are in order and the runes flow indefinitely.

Looking at the heavenly arm along the shoulder, it was white and delicate, as white as milk, it seemed crystal clear, flawless, and fascinating.

"Is this the heaven?" The old jade ancestor appeared intoxicated, and then a Ji Ling came to his senses: "It's terrible!"

"Demon God Clan! Purple gold red gourd broken!" Yu Duxiu simply spit out a few words, and Cang Tian immediately turned and left.

Looking at the back of the sky, the old jade ancestor said: "Hongjun, when will your kid resurrect the sky, you and I will kill the Quartet together, and oppress the heavens and the world.".

Yu Duxiu was speechless, ignoring the words of the Jade Ancestor, turned around and looked in the direction of the Demon God Clan: "The demon **** must stop you from collecting the Lock Demon Tower later, and the old ancestor must help."

"With the heavens, when you can sweep the Demon Clan, where is the ancestor me?" Jade ancestor shook his head.

Yu Duxiu hugged her arm and was speechless.


The three demon gods, look at me and I look at you, like God said: "Just forget it? Hongjun entered the Demon God Clan without even making a splash. This thing is over?."

"Hongjun has always acted, and he is not an impulsive person. If this matter is really done by the demon clan, it will definitely be endless. Hongjun will never give up. Let's just watch the changes." Fox God is confident.

As he was talking, suddenly Xiangshen's expression changed wildly: "The sky? The sky has actually descended on the Demon God Race."

When these words fell, all the demon gods watched together, their eyes fixed on the demon **** clan.


The twelve demon gods were drinking and celebrating after defrauding Yu Duxiu, and suddenly they felt the vitality of the sky, and their complexions changed.

"Hurry up, get up! The heavens are coming to revenge!" E Shen hurriedly shouted.

Last time, the twelve gods of the Demon God Clan injured the real body of Cangtian in a large array. At this time, Cangtian ran over to retaliate. It was fair, but it was a coincidence.

"The twelve gods and evil spirits rise up" the twelve demon gods shouted together, and the earth's muddy air surged.

In the void, Yu Duxiu sneered: "If you want to form a large formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits, you have to ask this seat whether or not to agree."

Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, and the blade of God's will like a knife pierced the void, especially if it was an incomparable lightning, which instantly cut through time and pierced into the large array of twelve gods.

"That's Hongjun's supernatural power!" E Shen, who was forming a large formation, was taken aback.

"Bang!" Before the formation of the big formation, I saw that the node where the sword light passed the vitality and the law was instantly smashed by the knife light. If it is the control of the twelve gods and evil spirits, Yu Duxiu said second, no People dare to say first.


The big array backlashed and broke, and the demon gods flew out.

"Hong Jun!" The lion roared angrily.

"I will wait for you to die endlessly" the centipede ancestor roared, crawling out of the mud.

"Wait for you to steal the purple, gold and red gourd from this seat, this seat is not easy to provoke! Today I will ask you to wait and see how powerful this seat is. If you want to be immortal with me, you will pass the hurdle of heaven first. "Yu Duxiu appeared in the sky above the Demon God Clan, looking down at the Demon God Clan tribe. At this time, the heavens had already appeared, and the Demon Gods wanted to form a large array of twelve gods, but it was too late.


Cang Tian stretched out a hoof claw, and instantly pressed it towards the centipede ancestor.

The centipede ancestor roared and turned into a demon god, with thousands of arms united, and then responded to the hoof.


The centipede ancestor did not take a single blow, and was instantly shot into the earth. Then the rune flowed on the hoof claws of the sky, and the centipede ancestor was sealed.

"Quick shot" Eshen shouted, turned into a devil, and bit towards the hoof claws of the heaven.

At this time, the enemy is currently, and everyone has no time to care about Yu Duxiu.


God E followed in the footsteps of the centipede ancestor, and was instantly held down by a hoof claw of the heavens. It was as strong as a demon god. The magical powers in the heavens and all realms could break the existence of the world, but under the hoof claws of the heavens, he could escape. The magical powers of the earth couldn't be used, and all the magic was banned.

"These guys depend on the number of people! The heavens are too terrible, the demon **** is not an opponent at all. Back then, the heavens and all realms condemned the blue sky, but now a heaven, how can the demon **** clan be an opponent?" The Jade Ancestor held his arms and shook his head: "We are rampant in the world, the unification of the heavens is just around the corner."





With seven consecutive sounds, the seven demon gods were shot on the ground as if they were flies. They were constantly suppressed by the sky, and a claw of the sky stood and stabilized.

"Hahaha, we have a large number of people, we still have six people, you only have two hands, how can I wait for the opponent?" The wolf **** screamed up to the sky, and suddenly came in spirit.

"This silly robe! Heaven's two arms are the big killers, because the arms are much more flexible than the legs." Old Jade Ancestor sneered: "The devil really has no soul, and his brain is broken."

"Ordinary creatures, the power of their legs is much greater than the power of their hands, but the sky is not. The two arms of the sky are more powerful than the combined power of eight legs." Yu Duxiu shook his head: "The main purpose today is to break. After taking the purple gold red gourd and taking away the lock demon tower, the demon **** will spare him once. If the demon **** is sealed, the demon clan will be the only family and life will not be easy."

"Heaven! Heaven!" Gan Tian's eyes were full of enthusiasm, flashing madness: "If I can get help from the heavens, and unify the heavens and the world, I will be just around the corner. I am the son of heaven, heaven. In theory, for my, I must find a way to take refuge in heaven."

"Husband, things about the heavens have never happened before. Only now is suddenly born. Everyone doesn't understand the "Heaven". If it causes a big trouble and seeks skin from a tiger, wouldn't it be..." Xi He persuaded.

Without waiting for Xihe to finish talking, he saw Gantian stretch out his hand and instantly blocked Xihe's words: "Needless to say, Concubine Ai, I have no choice now. I am indeed a frog at the bottom of the well. !".

After speaking, Qiantian instantly turned into innate immortal aura and rushed out.

"Your Majesty" Xi He yelled, followed closely, his face full of regret: "The Great Way of Emperors is not shallow."

"Hahaha, let's all go together. This heavenly fist is hard to beat with four hands. Today is when my demon clan soars into the sky and slaughters the heavenly sky." The wolf **** roared, and instantly tore away towards the sky.




The six demon gods instantly turned into blood mist and exploded, but saw the sky stretched out their hands and killed the six demon gods in seconds. The six demon gods were indestructible and resurrected in an instant. Their eyes were full of astonishment: "Damn, what kind of monster is this? How am I waiting to provoke such a monster."

Hearing this, everyone looks at me and I see you. Their eyes are full of speechless, and the wolf **** said: "Attack the leg in the middle, find a way to move it, and release the other six demon gods." The wolf **** smiled bitterly and had to once again. Rushed up.




After seeing the great power of the sky, the demon gods did not dare to take care of it, and tried desperately to make a move, cautiously dealing with them, not dare to fight hard, it was somewhat useful. At this time, the demon gods who were suppressed by the claws of the heavens also began to exert their strength, shaking the body of the heavens and breaking the balance of the heavens.

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