The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: Steal the Lock Demon Tower

In the void, Yu Duxiu and the jade ancestor stood side by side. The jade ancestor danced and shouted and cheered. He hated the demon gods by gritting their teeth and wishing to kill him.

"Okay, don't play anymore, I will charge the lock demon tower first." Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with a jade-colored disc, and she chanted a curse as she wandered through the void, only to see the lock demon tower trembling, rolling up clouds of smoke.

"Your kid is crazy, so swaggering to collect the lock demon tower, you are not afraid to provoke the demon clan, dragon clan, and demon **** clan to besiege, this lock demon tower suppresses the heavens and hundreds of clans," the old jade stone ancestor exclaimed behind.

"No catastrophe cannot enlightenment, this seat is in need of countless catastrophes" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, scanning the void with her eyes.

The lock demon tower is the lifeblood of the wolf god. At this time, the lock demon tower moved abnormally, which instantly attracted the attention of the wolf **** and stirred the nerve of the wolf god.

"What happened to the lock demon tower? How could the lock demon tower move on its own?" Bull God took the time to turn back and said.


Taking advantage of the stupefying efforts of the demon gods, the heavens suppressed them, instantly turning the three demon gods into blood mist and muddy flesh.


"Huh? This demon-locking tower is a waste of mana when it is mobilized. Could it be that the more things you pretend, the more mana it consumes?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, feeling the trembling of the demon-locking tower. Has arrived in front of the lock demon tower.

"Hongjun!" The wolf **** came back to life, instantly blocking Yu Duxiu and the lock demon tower.

Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf **** blankly, and the wolf **** stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "What are you going to do? If you dare to trespass the lock demon tower of my demon clan, we will never stop! Locking the demon tower is the foundation of my demon clan. If you act violently, my demon clan will never stop."

"The Demon Locking Tower of the Demon God Clan?" Yu Duxiu laughed at what the wolf **** said: "Since it is the Demon Locking Tower of your Demon God Clan, then you call him to see if he should answer you!"

"Shameless thief, this demon lock tower is the thing of this seat. Back then, when you killed people and seized treasures in the hands of this seat, you already planted cause and effect," Yu Duxiu said coldly.

At this moment, everyone in the heavens and ten thousand realms looked at the lock demon tower, and looked at Hongjun and the wolf **** in front of the lock demon tower. They all looked at each other. Look at me and I see you. Tai Yi taught the ancestors: "Fun Now! It’s fun! This Hongjun is going to use the Demon Race, it seems that the Demon Race has annoyed Hongjun, and Hongjun is about to make a move."

"The Demon Race is too strong! It should have been contained long ago!" Tai Dou Jiaozu snorted coldly.

"This is reasonable! The demon clan should have been contained long ago. Hongjun suddenly shot the lock demon tower. There must be a reason. Let's watch the changes and see what drama Hongjun is singing." .

Monster race, three monster gods, look at me and I see you, Fox God said: "Hong Jun really made a move!"

Among the Sea Clan, Ao Le and Jinlin raised their heads and looked towards Manghuang, their faces were weird, and they didn't know what to think.

"Hongjun! The purple, gold and red gourd was really not stolen by my demon clan. Don't make trouble unreasonably, or go back quickly." The wolf **** glared at Yu Duxiu.

"I am making trouble unreasonably, this lock demon tower is the thing of this seat." Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god: "You said this lock demon tower belongs to your demon clan, then you can call this lock demon tower to cater to your call. Drink, you call it to see if he agrees."

When this was said, the angry wolf **** trembled: "Okay, I will chant the curse now to see how it agrees."

After speaking, I saw the wolf **** chanting the curse. After chanting for a while, the wolf god's expression suddenly changed, and the lock demon tower had no response.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "Wolf God! Since you said that this lock demon tower belongs to your demon **** clan, why has this lock demon tower been so slow to respond?".

"I" the wolf **** was speechless, and he did not give up and began to chant the spell again. This time, the lock demon tower still had no response.

Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, looked at the anxious wolf god, and said unhurriedly, "Let me call it."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu chanted the curse, but saw the lock demon tower gently swaying, catering to Yu Duxiu and echoing each other.

"Hongjun, what tactics did you use? You actually interfered with me casting a spell." The wolf **** glared at Yu Duxiu.

"You guys murdered and seized treasures back then. The lock demon tower is the thing of this seat, and that fisherman is also the thing of this seat. The treasure has been borrowed from you for so many years. It should be returned to the original owner. You will only receive it. The curse, but the curse that will not shrink, today I will tell you to look at the real control method of the lock demon tower" Yu Duxiu said as she began to chant the curse, the old jade ancestor stepped forward and hit the wolf god:" Wolf cub, ancestor, I will play with you."

The jade ancestor was entangled with the wolf god, Yu Duxiu took the opportunity to recite the curse, and the wolf **** couldn’t help but beat the jade ancestor, and he immediately got anxious: "You will shoot at this speed, this Hongjun wants to take me Demon God Race Lock Demon Tower."

As he was talking, he saw that the lock demon tower kept getting smaller, and the demon gods who were fighting against the sky suddenly became anxious. The bull demon **** took the opportunity to separate his mind and rushed towards Yu Duxiu.

Looking at the bull god, Yu Duxiu coldly smiled: "Stupid bull, do you want to stop me? The demon gods of the demon clan are about to be sealed, I don't know whether it is important to lock the demon tower or the demon god!"

Hearing this, the Niu Demon God slowed down when he came to Yu Duxiu, and he was taken aback, with a bewildered expression. It seemed that the lock demon tower was important, but the Demon God was more important.

Seeing the bull demon hesitating, the wolf **** almost died of anger: "You interrupt Hongjun's spellcasting first. Don't worry over there. If you want to seal the supreme power, you can't do it for a while."

"You have to think about it! Once sealed, it will be buried in the depths of time and space forever. Even if the Demon God Array is abandoned, it is important to lock the Demon Tower or the Demon God Array. You choose yourself." Yu Duxiu's neck grows A head is constantly bewitching the bull devil.

Watching the bull demon swaying from side to side, the wolf **** angrily rebuked: "Asshole! If you have time to hesitate, you have already taken Hongjun down."

"Wolf wolf, fight against my ancestors, and dare to be distracted?" The jade ancestor instantly hit the wolf god’s head, exploded his head, and then pressed it to the ground, dragging it in circles, then fisted Falling on the wolf god, the mana of the wolf **** that was hit was lost, and he could no longer speak, had no power to resist, let it be ravaged.

Seeing this, the Niu Demon God suddenly turned cold, seeing the lock demon tower shrinking, and instantly hit Yu Duxiu with a punch.

Yu Duxiu sneered and did not waver. Before the fist of the bull demon **** was knocked down, he saw Xu Kong suppress the devil **** with a palm covering the sky, instantly turning the bull demon **** into sludge.

The power of the heavens is unmatched, and the bull devil is instantly scrapped.


Yu Duxiu chanted a curse and saw that the lock demon tower shrank instantly and turned into a small tower 20 cm high, which was held in his palm.

"Hongjun actually collected the Demon Locking Tower" Tai Yi Jiaozu's expression changed: "Could it be that the Demon Locking Tower was made by Hongjun?"

"Treasures cannot come out of thin air. There are many people who can refine treasures in the heavens and all realms, but Hongjun is the only one such treasures as the lock demon tower." Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled helplessly: "The origin of the lock demon tower, everyone is actually early There are speculations, but there has been no evidence and cannot be determined."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Taidou, the ancestors of the teachings look at me and I see you. The ancestor of Taiping said: "The lock demon tower suppressed the dragons of the four seas. Hongjun has a good calculation. With the help of the demon gods, the dragons will be wiped out, and the descendants will be cut off. After the hatred of the year, Hongjun has a good plan! If he refuses to accept it, he will not do it!

The ancestors of the teachings, look at me and I see you, with amazement on their faces. The three demon gods in the demon race also stood up in shock at this time, and their eyes looked at the demon **** tribe's territory and stuck to Yu Duxiu's body.

"Locking Demon Tower" the fox said solemnly.

"The lock demon tower belongs to Hongjun! This servant is not shallow, just want to calculate the dragon clan, but actually implicated my demon clan in, this servant is a lunatic, must ask him to give my demon clan tribe "Send it out" Xiangshen said solemnly.

"Since the lock demon tower is in Hongjun's hands, then my demon tribe still hope to get out of the lock demon tower. This matter still needs trouble with the fox god. There is nothing that can't be done by sleeping once. If it doesn't work, then sleep. Twice" The Tiger God said bald and pursed his mouth, and said something wrong in excitement, but seeing the Fox God's expression changed, he instantly knocked the Tiger God into the wild.

Xiangshen looked embarrassed, didn't seem to hear Tiger God's words, looked at the battlefield below blankly.


Unprepared, Elephant God also followed Tiger God's footsteps.

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