The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2104: Qiantian admits his mother, and heaven grants blood

"Qiantian? Why did he come?" Yu Duxiu scanned the void with a pair of eyes, but was taken aback, and unexpectedly discovered the traces of Qiantian.

Yu Duxiu had to admit that Qiantian’s concealment technique is indeed unique to the heavens and all realms. It is extremely powerful. Under so many powerful eyelids, no one has discovered the deeds of this man, if it were not for his own providence, it was extremely powerful. At this time, it is just in the state of operation, and there will never be traces of dry sky.

"Huh?" In response to Yu Duxiu's gaze, Gan Tian trembled, and muttered, "No, right? Did this guy find my trace?"

When Gantian was very nervous, he saw that Yu Duxiu seemed to be okay, turned his head, and then slowly let out a long breath: "It's okay! It's okay! I'll just say it, the supreme strong, No one who is detached and strong can find my traces, so how virtuous and capable is Hongjun as a servant, and how to discover my traces."

"Let's go! The purple golden red gourd shattered, and the demon lock tower retracted. There is nothing for us here. It's better to leave quickly." Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor who was entangled with the demon gods in the field.

At this time, the demon gods were itching their teeth with hatred, and everyone was still unable to suppress the sky, so there was no time to deal with this old bastard.

The old jade ancestor nodded, jumped out of the battle circle, and looked at the bad luck around the demon gods, before he smiled triumphantly: "Go! Go!"

Yu Duxiu and the Jade ancestor left, the ancestors of the human race were a bit unable to sit still, and the Taiping ancestor said: "The power of the sky is vast, and the Demon Race is by no means an opponent. Let's help the Demon Race to suppress the sky quickly. Right! The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The Demon Race is one of the important forces of my heavens and worlds against the sky, but it can't really be suppressed by the Demon Race like this."

While speaking, the ancestors of the teachings, look at me and I see you, and the ancestors of Tai Yi Jiao zu and others have all shot, fighting towards the sky.

With the new force of the Human Race, the Demon God Race immediately recovered its decline and began a war with the sky, but it still couldn't help but win the sky.

Cangtian is not stupid either. After completing the task of his master, of course he will not stay, and there will be time to settle the ledger in the future.

The heavens are about to leave, and no one can keep the heavens.

The heavenly beautiful eyes scanned the audience, and set their gazes on Taiping Jiao Ancestor. A crystal-like jade palm was so delicate that it slowly stretched out, locking a space and time, and it was impossible for peace to escape.


Huangtu was pierced by the palm of the sky, and the Taipingjiao ancestor fell into the depths of the earth and disappeared.

At this time, the Taipingjiao ancestor was repulsed, and the heaven got the way, broke through the void in an instant, and flew toward the outside of the world.

"Don't chase it anymore" Seeing the ancestors still chasing them, Tai Yi Jiaozu immediately stopped.

The teaching ancestors stopped, and the demon gods of the Demon God Race were angry: "Why don't you chase? Cangtian has already been defeated, and it is now that Cangtian is suppressed."

Hearing this, Tai Yi Jiaozu smiled coldly: "My human race is determined, how can you allow you to ask more questions about the devil race!"

After speaking, Li ignored the demon gods and turned and left.

All the ancestors looked at the demon **** who was so angry that they all laughed and turned away.

"I..." The Bull God was about to get angry, but was pulled by the Wolf God: "Don't be impulsive, the power of the human race can now control the general situation of the heavens and the world. The success or failure of the battle between the demons and the monsters is the human race. In the hands, we must not offend Human Race at this time."

"I'm pooh, what are you proud of? Didn't we be driven out of the Central Territory like a bereaved dog back then? When my demon clan unifies the heavens and all realms, I must have the human dead clan exterminate the species," the centipede ancestor hummed.

"Heaven! Heaven! I am your son, Gantian, and I have been ordered by heaven to prove the emperor's way. I am the son of heaven, Father God, please wait for me." Gantian turned into a purple streamer and chased towards the heaven.

It's just that Cangtian's speed is too fast. In the blink of an eye, the Great Thousand World Barrier appeared and entered the chaos, and that Qiantian was chasing after him.

"What does Qiantian do when chasing heaven?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, and stopped with the ancestor of Jade.

"The kid Gantian has a lot of tricks. At this time, he must see the power of the sky and want to find a backer! It is really improper to abandon the ancestor me." The ancestor of Jade stomped angrily.

Yu Duxiu smiled inexplicably: "I'm afraid Gantian made the wrong calculation."

As I spoke, I saw a flash of light in the distance, transforming into a quasi-monster **** of the fox race. He respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu and handed a gold sticker: "I have seen the diadem, please diade the fox **** Go down into the demon court as a guest."

Looking at the gold sticker in her hand, Yu Duxiu looked at it a few times, and handed it to the ancestor of Jade: "What did the ancestor say?"

"There is no good wine for wine, no good feast for a feast." The old jade ancestor attached the gold, looked up and down the quasi-monster **** of the fox race, and said: "I'm afraid I want you to lock the beast in the demon tower."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to this banquet." Yu Duxiu shook her head, put the gold sticker away, and looked at the quasi-monster, saying: "Tell a few demons and say that this seat is not available."

In the chaos, the dry sky turned into a streamer, chasing into the chaos, but seeing the air of chaos in the void rolling, I can’t distinguish the north and south, and a giant beast is standing in the chaos, covering the sky and the sun. The flow stopped under the pressure of the giant beast.

"Cang Tian" Gan Tian looked happy, and hurriedly flew over, came to Cang Tian's feet and bowed down: "The Lower Realm Emperor Qian Tian, ​​I have seen the sky."

"Ghantian? Why are you looking for me?" Heaven's voice was charming and pleasant, but it seemed to be indifferent and indifferent.

"The emperor of the lower realm, Qiantian, was ordered to see the heaven today. It is fortunate for Sansheng to stand for the heaven and worship day and night." Qiantian looked respectful.

"What's the use of secular worship?" Cangtian looked down at Gantian with blank eyes.

Qiantian climbed two steps, came to the feet of the sky, kissed the hoof of the sky: "I am the son of the sky, you are my mother, the child has seen the mother, and the mother is invited to take it in."

Cangtian was speechless for a long time after hearing the words. He just looked at that Gantian, and his body trembled, but he still insisted on himself.

"Never mind! Never mind!" Cang Tian said.

"My child has seen my mother" Qiantian respectfully said, his face full of joy.

Cangtian said: "Get up."

"The mother, the child is oppressed by the ancestors of the human race day and night, and asks the mother to be the master." Gan Tian knelt on the ground and refused to get up.

Cangtian heard the words and the cold light in his eyes flickered: "The human ants have not exhausted their luck and cannot be killed. When the ants are exhausted, I will take action to suppress them. Since you recognize me as your mother, give it to me. You can smelt a drop of blood from this palace, and you can use the power of this palace in the future to help you fight against the **** ancestor of the human race while talking, but see a drop of pale blood flowing out and falling on the dry sky. Before you.

It is said to be a drop, but this drop is the size of an adult elephant. Seeing the heaven and earth rhyme in the pale blood, Qiantian's face is excited, and he jumps into the blood suddenly, and begins to run the emperor’s innate immortality. , Absorbing the blood, it was just a few breaths, and it had been absorbed, but the pure emperor's purple light was enveloped in a layer of pale brilliance.

"Good mysticism! Good mystic blood! Good mystic power" Qian Tian's eyes were full of exclamation: "Mother, if there is something to do with a child in the future, how can I find you?"

"If something happens to you, this palace will feel it." Cang Tian was expressionless.

Qiantian nodded: "I don't know where the queen mother comes from?"

"This palace was born in Hunyuan Wuji. It is the master of heaven and earth, shepherding sentient beings, and maintaining the operation of heaven and earth. Since you have my approval, you can shepherd sentient beings."

"Hongjun, how did you give the blood of heaven to Gantian, it's just a problem for raising tigers?" In the chaos, two figures appeared, and the jade ancestors jumped with anger.

Yu Duxiu's expressionless face: "How easy is it to earn money from this seat? After smelting the blood of the heavens, the power is greatly increased, and you can use the power of the heavens to be true, but... its immortal attributes will also be destroyed. Every time Qiantian dies, he will contribute a part of his indestructible power to the heavens until there is nothing to give, and he will completely return to nothingness."

Of course, Yu Duxiu would never tell the ancestor of Jade about this kind of thing. This old thing had smelted the blood of the blue sky back then. If he knew this kind of thing, he would definitely fight himself.

"Let's go, I have my own plan." Yu Duxiu didn't rush to carry her hands and turned away.

"Hey, wait for me, wait for me."

The ancestor of Jade shouted.

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