The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: 3 sides surrounded, fight alone

Yu Duxiu and the old jade ancestors returned to the Yujing Mountain together, and they didn't wait for the gate of Yujing Mountain, where the people blocking the door were already waiting.

"Hongjun, long time no see!" Jinlin smiled on her face.

"Miaoxiu...Hongjun, let's meet again" Ao Le sighed quietly.

"I'd rather never see you all my life" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, playing with silly cuteness in her hands, and Yu Duxiu holding the lock demon tower in her arms. She was running back and forth around Yu Duxiu, but now she quieted down instantly.

"It's a pity, some things are beyond your control," Jinlin said helplessly: "I thought we would become friends no matter how bad they were."

"Don't worry too much, I don't have time to grind with you two, don't let the road open," Yu Duxiu said blankly.

"It's okay to let the road open, but it's not difficult, but you have to ask your Excellency for a favor," Ao Le said.

"You two are worthy of me to give face? Who gave you the confidence? Courage? Just because you trained the ancestral dragon body and swallowed a dragon monarch?" Yu Duxiu had a weird face with a disdainful smile.

"Please give me back to the Dragon Clan sentient beings in the Demon Locking Tower, I am grateful," Jin Lin gave Yu Duxiu a salute.

"Oh, when this lock demon tower was in the Demon Clan, you two didn't dare to let it go. Now you come to my hand, do you think it's a good bully?" Yu Duxiu looked sulky.

Jinlin and Ao Le didn't speak, and seemed to acquiesce in Yu Duxiu's words, but instead called Yu Duxiu speechless.

"Hehe, it's very lively here today." A fox laughter rang out, but a pair of foxes, big and small, bubbling in beauty, one holy and one charming and charming, each of them arm in arm, one red and one white. When he arrived, the fox **** instantly took Yu Duxiu's arm, and the little fox also stepped forward, pushed the jade ancestor away, and took Yu Duxiu's other arm.

"Bah, shameless" Ao Le scolded angrily.

The fox **** heard the words with a cold face: "No matter how shameless you are, it will be a hundred times stronger than your **** who murdered her husband."

The fox **** is which pot is not opened, which pot is not opened, Ao Le is trembling with these words, and the chaotic air spreads around him: "You are looking for death!"

"Don't be impulsive" Jinlin blocked Ao Le: "Be safe and not impatient."

After speaking, he turned to look at the fox **** and the little fox, and bowed: "The young man is angry, why should the fox **** be angry? The purpose of looking for Hongjun is the same. After releasing the tribes in the lock demon tower, let's talk about other things!"

"This has some truth, and it can be regarded as human." The little fox nodded on the side, pinched the soft flesh on Yu Duxiu's waist, winked and said: "Hongjun, you offended this princess in your daughter's country, how do you make it up? ?."

"I was reincarnation for the tenth generation, and my memory was deceived. This is not my crime." Yu Duxiu shook her head and would never admit it.

"Huh?" The little fox increased his strength in his hands, twisting Yu Duxiu in pain.

Looking at the two foxes big and small holding her arms, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt bad. The two foxes seemed to be affectionate with him, but they locked themselves firmly and did not give them a chance to escape.

But who is Yu Duxiu? There are countless magical powers and boundless magical powers. I saw Yu Duxiu's two arms twisted and turned into two Yu Duxiu, who in turn embraced the waists of foxes and foxes, and his deity pulled out and was about to flee. The Jinlin dragon claws stretched out, covering the time and space of one party, and unexpectedly locked Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu frowned: "No wonder the tone is so tough. It turns out that after swallowing a loach, she has grown up!"

While speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm, but saw a bright long knife exuding cold light, showing a three-foot green front, murderous and majestic.

"Providence is like a knife."

"Puff" the chaos was slashed by Yu Duxiu and turned into two halves. After that, without any loss of power, he instantly came to Jinlin's body, and then split Jinlin's body apart.

Jinlin's scales and chaotic runes flowed around, but when faced with the will of heaven as a sword, there was no resistance at all, only to be killed by a spike.

"This is...this is..." Jinlin tried to compound his body, his eyes shone with shock: "Shepherd all beings, you are the shepherd who shepherds all beings!"

"How? You can also stop me?" Yu Duxiu sneered on her face.

"What about us, then?" But seeing bursts of sneers, the twelve demon gods crossed the void and came together.

Looking at the twelve demon gods, Yu Duxiu's expression suddenly changed: "I let you go before, but you still don't know how to repent, and you dare to provoke again. I really have the courage."

"Hongjun, no matter how sharp you are, if you don't hand over the lock demon tower today, we will never let you go, we will deal with you to the end" E expression said with a gloomy expression.

"Hongjun, what should I do?" The old jade ancestor came to Yu Duxiu's side, with no bottom in his heart: "The monster race, the demon **** race and the dragon race are united. This is for your life. At that time, you were asked to steal it secretly You don't believe the lock demon tower, you just swaggered like this, this time it's all right! Something has happened! It's really a bad idea for every day and the ground is not working."

Seeing the old jade ancestor with a crying face, Yu Duxiu is still like a mountain, and the tribulations in the void are rolling towards him, and he is instantly absorbed by him.

The light of the sword in Yu Duxiu's hand slowly dissipated, turning into a green lotus, which was looming in chaos, making it hard to see its true appearance.

At the time of heads-up, the unsuccessful God's Will, such as a sword, is naturally all disadvantages, but now it is not! For Yu Duxiu consumes too much, so many supreme powerhouses, one can't cope with it, that is to be suppressed.

Yu Duxiu opens the universe in his palm, packs the jade rabbit, the stupid cute, and the lock demon tower into the universe, with a fearless look on his face: "The tenth-grade flower is not far away! I can feel that the tenth-grade flower is there. Within the last hundred years."

"Fox God, are you embarrassed with me?" Yu Duxiu looked at the Fox God.

"This palace doesn't want your lock demon tower, but you want you to lock the demon creatures in the demon tower. As long as you release the demon creatures in the demon tower, the slave will help you retreat from the demon gods and dragons." The fox **** seemed to be angry. Like joy, she looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of wonderful eyes, with expectation in her eyes, even if she was heartbroken, she would be moved.

Yu Duxiu smiled coldly: "Fox God, don't want to confuse me, let alone you people, even if you add the old folks from the human race, I am not afraid of it."

The old jade ancestor dragged Yu Duxiu's clothes and said through the sound transmission: "Boy, heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. Based on our ability, who can get us if we want to slip away? Back then, I was just as stubborn as you were. Just now I suffered a big Yu Duxiu grabbed the shoulders of the old jade ancestor, stepped back to one side, and pushed the old jade ancestor out of the battle circle: "Old ancestor, today is my battle for enlightenment, either enlightenment or enlightenment If I die, if I am unfortunately suppressed, I will ask my ancestors to pay homage to me every year, and my family of Yujingshan will be protected by you. "

"You!" Jade ancestor pointed at Yu Duxiu, not knowing what to say for a while.

"What a rich calamity." Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, full of intoxication, and said: "The calamity of this tenth world's reincarnation was also like this. The heavens and the world are all surrounded. Now it is the same as before. That's the situation, but the only difference is that Hongjun has already cultivated an immortal body, and is no longer the ant who is slaughtered."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the matchmaker: "Little fox, do you want to shoot me too?"

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the matchmaker hesitated, then withdrew from the battle circle, smiling bitterly at the fox god: "Niangniang, I'm sorry."

"Forget it, your child is soft-hearted. You will know when you live for a million years." Fox God shook his head.

The ancestor of Jade widened his eyes from a distance: "Hongjun! Why is this! Why is this!"

Yu Duxiu smiled, and glanced at the ancestor of Jade: "You don't understand! I remember that he had three cups of wine with me, and remember to pay homage to me."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly twisted the green lotus in her hand, placed it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it lightly: "It's so rich, the smell of flowers blooming in ten products, today I will ask you to see my Hongjun's Great."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu didn't hesitate and began to urge the mantra of calamity.

"He is using the mantra, using the mantra without reservation" Xiang Shen exclaimed.

"You don't want to die?" Fox God Huarong paled.

"The first style, open up the world!" The light of chaos in Yu Duxiu's eyes flowed, and the green lotus passed by, and the chaos was hazy. rw

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