The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: On the eve of the war, lethal intelligence

In the Demon Garden

Yu Duxiu continued to wash away the bad luck with the power of calamity.

As soon as this bad luck was cleaned up, a figure flickered in front of him, and the old jade ancestor appeared in the void holding the wine jar.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's face suddenly turned green.

"Hongjun, I'm still the ancestor, and I treat you best. I can't bear to bear you, and I specially brought you drinks." The ancestor Jade held the wine jar.

Without waiting for the jade ancestor to take a step, Yu Duxiu instantly touched the restriction, which once again alerted the Fox God.

"Huh? Why did your kid touch the ban on his own? The fox **** lady is here, and the ancestor is gone." After speaking, the jade ancestor turned into blue smoke and dissipated in the void.

Seeing this Yu Duxiu heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't wait for the breath to go down. I only listened to the voice of the old jade ancestor from the void: "Don't worry, I will come back to see you, ancestor."

Listening to this, Yu Duxiu's face turned greenish, greenish purple, and almost squirted out blood.

The Fox God walked from the void, looked at Yu Duxiu, whose expression was changing, and said strangely: "Why is someone touching the restriction again?"

"The old jade guy is here" Yu Duxiu took a deep breath.

The Fox God was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "It really doesn't stop."

"Can't you put a ban in the hall?" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god, so speechless, a sense of powerlessness rose in her heart.

"Yeah, I forgot about this" Fox God patted his head in amazement.

Yu Duxiu was speechless, closed her eyes, and didn't look at the fox **** at all.

After setting up the restriction, he looked at Yu Duxiu, the Fox God sighed slightly, and turned away.

After a while, there was another light footstep, stopping in front of Yu Duxiu, a strange fragrance lingering on the tip of her nose.

"Matchmaker, why are you here?" Yu Duxiu opened her eyes, the little fox's body fragrance was the most unique.

"Hey" The matchmaker looked at Yu Duxiu's head and sighed faintly. She didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she said, "I will let you out."

He said that the ban was to be lifted, but Yu Duxiu said anxiously: "Stop! Don't!"

"What's the matter? You don't want to come out?" The matchmaker was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "I have my own plan. Why should you intervene? Now that the monster race and the demon **** race are fighting, you should just leave me alone and do other things."

"You have no conscience" The little fox nodded Yu Duxiu's head and turned away angrily.

Seeing the little fox walking away, Yu Duxiu let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally left."


Qian Tian and Xi Duan were sitting in the Palace of the High Heavens.

Since Qian Tian had smelted the blood of the heavens, the increase in supernatural powers was incredible. Looking through the void with a pair of magic eyes, there was no secret inside and outside the human race.

"What is the ghost ghost servant doing to my human race at this time?" Qiantian's expression was difficult to understand.

Xihe said: "Ghost brakes are the most difficult thing to do. Finding a lot of ancestors during this trip is no good."

Gan Tian closed his eyes, and said after a while: "The ghost warrior went to the Dragon Palace, and went to the ancestor. Just now the East China Sea secretly reported that the ghost is uniting the Yinsi and the human race, preparing to take advantage of the loss of the monster race and the devil race. Take a sneak attack."

"What?" Huarong faded after hearing the words: "If the Dragon Race, Human Race, and Yinsi are united, my demons and demons will be more or less fierce, and I will inform the Fox God Empress about this matter."

"Let's do it slowly" Gan Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed Xihe's arm.

Xihe looked at Gantian and waited for Gantian to explain.

Gan Tiandao: "This matter should not be fantasised. The demon tribe should be prepared. Just a little bit, it will make the demon tribe suffer a big loss. The demon tribe can take the opportunity to pretend to be defeated, and then invite the tribe coalition army to fight the demon tribe. You live and die, don’t leak this kind of news, otherwise your life will be hard to protect."

"Well, I just said that the ghost is coming to the human race." Xihe nodded, and then he was taken aback: "How does the husband know that the ghost has gone to the world?"

Qian Tian chuckled softly when he heard the words, "I don’t want to look down upon me. I am not a wine bag or rice bag. Over the years, I have been infiltrating the Sea Clan. Those strong in the Sea Clan are very dissatisfied with the Dragon Clan. , There has been anger long ago."

"That's it." Xi He nodded, and the letter in his hand flew out.

"Report!" At the court of the demon clan, the group of demon gathered, and a long and hurried cry interrupted the oath master meeting in an instant.

"Who would dare to speak indiscriminately and disturb the conference" Xiangshen scolded angrily.


An immortal aura crosses the void, falling from the outside world and rushing straight to the palace of the heavens.

"Bold, no flying is allowed in the High Heaven Hall." A quasi-monster scolded and flew up to stop it.

The aura is still self-contained, descending next to the three demon gods, and his voice anxiously said: "The sea clan urgent."

The three demon gods were all stunned when they heard the words, the fox **** stepped forward to pull the letter, opened it, and looked at it, then his expression suddenly changed.

"Report, Urgent item from the human race below" another quasi-monster expert flew up.

Reaching out to hold the urgent item, the three demon gods, look at me and I look at you, and then said quietly: "You wait to withdraw, and the swearing ceremony will continue."

The three demon gods stayed patiently. After the swearing ceremony, they gathered in the palace with gloomy faces and looked at the two letters in their hands, like Shinto: "The sea clan should send a message, saying that the ghost and the sea have joined the two dragons of the sea clan. I plan to take advantage of my demon clan and the demon **** clan when both lose and get hurt, secretly take action and harvest the fruits."

"The human race Xihe also sent a message saying that there are also traces of the prince of the underworld on the human race. If you want to plot the heavens, persuading me to wait for a false defeat, and then let the demon race and the allied forces lose both, and completely establish my demon race in the heavens and the world. Status" Fox God put down the letter in his hand: "What do you think?"

"Qiantian's words have some truth. You are the think tank and head of my monster clan, and you still have to listen to this matter." Xiangshendao.

"Then do what Qiantian said. Once the human race, the Yinsi and the Demon Race are fighting together, our Demon Race will show the Slaughter Demon Sword, slaughter the Demon Race to all, and completely solve the future troubles. I will wait for Zhou Tianxing to fight. Great formation, teaching ancestors is not a problem, dare not fight with us, these heavens and myriad worlds will be completely my monster clan’s" Fox God’s eyes flashed with a fierce light.

This remark came out immediately, and everyone decided to stop, not to say anything.

In the demon court, Yu Duxiu frowned: "How can the rich calamity be so much stronger than what I estimated before? It has increased by several times? The calamity this time is so intense that it is unprecedented, the 33rd heaven. All the calamities are rolling in. This heavenly palace is not a place to stay for a long time. You still have to find a chance to escape."

In the Yujing Mountain a group of charming ladies gathered together, Wangchen's face was sad, and the whole Yujing Mountain was sad.

The holy infant also lost his smile, sitting there dullly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wen Yingji's eyes were full of sighs: "Don't worry about a few sisters. Your husband has always considered an exhaustive plan. Being suppressed this time is definitely not that simple. Your husband is not a brainless person. How can he fight against the supreme powerhouse?"

Wangchen and Wen Yingji's faces continued to be sad, and they smiled forcefully: "It's okay, thank you sister-in-law for your concern."

"Hey, ask what love in the world is, and it is a promise in life!" After speaking, he walked over and grabbed Wangchen's hand: "Sister's mind, sister knows, Hongjun is very meaningful to you, as a master. , I am also a brother, a father and a brother. My sister endures the suffering of lovesickness all day long, but he is happy wherever the vixen is. It really should not be. After the husband comes out, I will ask him to marry you, so that my sister will not be here all day. So secretly hurting myself, I missed Daogen."

"Sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense." Wang Chen's face was flushed, and he lowered his head and dared not speak loudly. He clenched his shirt with his fingers, not knowing what to say.

Wen Yingji smiled softly: "Then it's settled, as long as the younger sister doesn't regret it, I can understand the taste of lovesickness best."

"Sister-in-law" Wangchen shouted angrily, turned and ran out.

"Mother, you will run away with Aunt Wangchen," Sheng Ying said bitterly.

"It's running away in anger. Your aunt is too happy. I'll send someone to prepare the betrothal gift." Wen Yingji sighed slightly, with a touch of sadness in his eyes. If she could, that woman would be willing to share her husband with others.

"If my sister-in-law can't get past the hurdle in my heart, don't force it." Li Chen exhorted from one side, and there was also a bitterness deep in his eyes.

"Hey" Wen Yingji sighed, hugged Li Chen's shoulder, and said nothing for a long time.

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