The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2111: Slaughter Demon Sword Out




With the sound of the war drums, the heavens and the stars shook, and the hundreds of millions of monsters army controlled the starlight, accompanied by the heavens and stars, to kill the demon gods.

"One battle will determine the victory, defeat my demon race as the overlord of the heavens, and defeat..." The star Dou in the eyes of the wolf **** shook, reflecting the power of the heaven and the star Dou, watching the monster army falling like raindrops, the murderous intent began in his eyes. Converge.

"Failed? Even if my demon clan is defeated, it is a big deal to withdraw from the center of the world, and one day, it can make a comeback." The Lion God smiled coldly.

"Formation" centipede ancestor roared up to the sky, revealing the real body of the devil, but saw the twelve demon gods turned into the real body of the devil, and then roared up to the sky to kill the demon clan's stars.




Clouds of smoke were rolled up on the earth, countless strong monsters fell to the earth, thousands of mountains were shaken, birds were frightened, and beasts rushed in panic.

Compared with the Demon Race, the Demon Race is also not weak. The power of the Demon Race on the earth has increased by 30% out of thin air. Although it has been suppressed by the great formation of the stars, it is still very powerful and difficult to match.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered, and a pair of eyes looked at the overwhelming calamity, and saw his head change for a while, and the silk fell off in an instant, turning into a fake head, and the real head flew away instantly.

Not only the head, but the rest of the body also resorted to the method of getting out one after another, detached from the hands of the major powers, and disappeared.

In the chaos, the black lotus in Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered, looking down at the great world, and overwhelming calamities rolled in.

"How come some of the tribulations are waiting, but there is no response?" Yu Duxiu felt puzzled in her heart, then touched her chin, possessed the tribulations to check, but said in amazement: "It turns out that the Yinsi army is waiting. The few old guys of Human Race are not at peace, wanting to take the opportunity to get a share."

"In this battle, I will definitely prove the tenth rank of Dao." Looking at the overwhelming calamities, Yu Duxiu had a mysterious feeling. After this battle, he became enlightened.

In the lower realm, the large array of twelve gods and evil spirits rolled up and came to suppress the Zhoutian Star Dou array of the demon race. The heavens and star Dou array did not show any weakness, suppressed instantly, and continued to run the star Dou, with the help of the power of the starry sky, Come to suppress the giants transformed by the twelve demons.

"Come on, let's determine the victory or defeat in the first battle" The giant roared frantically, his hands sprayed with muddy suffocation, forming a black axe, continuously running profound arts, dividing the world of stars.

"Has the Slaughter Demon Sword ever been divided?" The Matchmaker sat in the back of the Demon Race, commanding the Demon Race's army to attack.

"Give me back to Niang Niang, it's already been divided," a quasi-monster said respectfully.

"Only if my monster race and the demon **** clan are both defeated, or if my monster clan is defeated, the old foxes will send out their troops and order them to go down and tell everyone to show off the demon sword and kill the demon **** clan, and then take advantage of the opportunity to retreat and retreat. That Slaughter Demon Sword was lost on the battlefield. It was a big gift package given by my monster clan to Yinsi, Human Clan, and the Four Seas." The cunning meaning in the matchmaker’s eyes flickered: "Who wins and who loses is still unknown!"


The strong monster of the Demon Clan with the Slaughter Demon Sword jumped out of the Heavenly Palace and rushed into the battlefield instantly. The tyrannical Demon God's true body was under the Slaughter Demon Sword, as if it were paper, vulnerable.

The demons were unprepared, unable to defend themselves, and suffered heavy casualties. The already scarce population instantly lost three to four out of ten.

It was just a wave of sneak attacks that called the demon tribe to make meritorious deeds, and the demon tribe who killed them was unstable, their hearts swayed, and their faces were full of fear.

"Bastard! How could this be?" The giant was fighting against Zhou Tianxing, his supernatural powers were earth-shaking, his mana boundless, the situation in the lower realm was instantly perceived, but his face was angry.

"You beasts dare to count against my Demon God Clan, and you must make you wait to die." The giant fought back frantically, trying to break through the heavens and stars. As long as the heavens and stars were broken, the demon clan was defeated.

The tug-of-war started. After the Demon Race knew that the Demon Slaying Sword was powerful, they did not dare to make a random move, but secretly forbeared, and each took extra care. The Demon Race occupies a better place than the Demon Race, which is really difficult to deal with.

All the ancestors of the human race and the powerful Yinsi were watching quietly in the field. Ao Le touched his eyebrows in the East China Sea Dragon Palace: "As long as the demons and the monsters can be put down, my dragon is in this battle. If you get a piece of the pie, you're done."

The next quasi-long-jun said: "Your Majesty, please be careful. When the old Long-jun was alive, he often listened to his words: the Yin Si is more cunning, and the ghosts and gods are not credible!. This Yin Si likes dark tricks the most. It is a shot, and there must be room for it to avoid being used as a gun by the Yin Si, and the deaths and injuries of my Yang Shi fight will be exhausted. It is really cheap for the Yin Si."

"Don't worry, this lord is not a fool" Ao Le nodded: "My palace sees that the monster clan's long sword is so powerful. The human soul roars and struggles vaguely above. I don't know what treasure it is. I can ignore the truth of the demon clan. body."

"When we join the battlefield, your majesty will bring a few of them, and you will know the mystery if you look closely," said the sea clan expert.


At this time, the ancestors looked gloomy.

"The monsters of the monster race really deserve to die. They actually refine the bones and souls of my human race into magic swords. It is really time to draw the souls and lighten the sky lanterns." Tai Yi taught the ancestors to hold the tortoise shell in his hand.

"The Demon Race must be the evil method obtained from Hongjun. It actually wants to use the bones, flesh and blood and soul of my Human Race into magic weapons to break through the real body of the Demon God Race. It is not a Son of Man! You are not a Son of Man!" Taiping ancestor gritted his teeth: "Hongjun's son is a cancer of our human race, and he is determined to kill him. He actually stretched his hand to my human race. It is really worthy of death for sin, and death for sin. When Hongjun started, I should slap him to death with one palm, which saved my human race from today’s catastrophe."

Hearing this, everyone in the field look at me and I look at you, and then Taidou taught the ancestors: "Forget it, as long as my human race can return to the Central Territory and regain the orthodoxy of the heavens and the earth, some losses are also due. Hongjun will only take a 10,000 years. Within, exhausted the Qi of the Demon Race and the Demon Race, and consumed the energy of one million years to ten thousand years. If there is no cost, how could it be achieved? My human race counterattacked and re-occupied the Middle Territory, and there would be hundreds of thousands of years of recuperation. Opportunities, how many losses can be made up again."

Tai Dou Jiaozu's words are reasonable, and even the Taiyuan Jiaozu who has a lot of hatred with Hongjun among the ancestors cannot find words to refute.

The death and injury of a part of the human race can be exchanged for the peace of the entire human race, all this is worth it.

"This Slaughter Demon Sword is specially refined for the weakness of the Demon God Clan. The Demon God Real Body Art of the Demon God Clan is handed down by Hong Jun. No one knows the weakness of the Demon God Clan better than Hong Jun. Except for the strong, the rest are only killed with a single sword. The demons who killed have no power to resist." Tai Dou Jiaozu exclaimed: "Hongjun is brilliant and brilliant, shocking the ages, but it's a pity that I can't help my human race. What a pity it was used! What a pity!"

"Huh, I'm a dog-hearted guy, if I get the chance, I will never show mercy" Taiyuan Jiaozu had a cold light in his eyes.

"Have you estimated Taishi's whereabouts?" Taiyi Jiaozu Dao on one side retracted his gaze on the battlefield and looked at Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiyi Jiazuzu.

The ancestor Taiyi smiled bitterly: "There is no secret, it is strange to say that people pass by and geese pass by, but they do not see any trace of Taishi."

"This matter should not be careless. One of the ancestors is missing. For my human race, it will not be worse." Taiyi ancestor shook his head: "There is also Lao You two hurry up and find Taishi's trace to calm people's hearts."

Speaking of the Taishi Jiaozu, a haze appeared on the faces of the ancestors in the field. The inexplicable disappearance of a supremely powerful man was indeed a great event. Today is Taishi, and tomorrow it may be his turn.

"There are only a few places that can call Tai Shi's disappearance and fall. This matter will definitely be traced to the bottom of the situation" Tai Yi Jiaozu said slowly.

"In this battle, you need to be careful about the Yinsi, I'm afraid that the Yinsi drunkard's intention is not to drink. No matter what the result of the Yangshi war, the Yinsi will not get any benefits. Why suddenly think of mixing in? It is a demon if things are abnormal. Negligence, let the Yin Si take advantage of the loopholes" Taiping taught the ancestor.

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