The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2112: Jinlin submerged in Kunlun, who is Ancestral Dragon?

Time is long, the battle between the demon clan and the demon clan, tens of millions of years!

Jade Duxiu stood silently in the void in the chaos, where there was no distinction between north and south, and no matter how turbidity was. He was just passing by but seeing time chaos and space turbulence.

A little bit of divine light flickered in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and a pair of eyes looked into the distance. The power of the disaster in the great world was constantly flowing, and it was swarming toward its swarms, and submerged in the Ninth-Rank lotus above her head.

If things remain calm like this, Yu Duxiu will eventually prove the truth one day, and then become a true supreme powerhouse. He is not afraid of anyone in the great world, but prefers things to be difficult, and there will always be various accidents.

For example, now, Yu Duxiu suddenly opened his eyes, frowning, and a little weird light in his eyes: "Weird! Jinlin is not giving up, but he still wants to swallow the dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain. Do you think that you are the opponent of this seat after swallowing Donghai Longjun?"

With words, Yu Duxiu's figure instantly disappeared into the chaos, and when he reappeared, he had reached the Kunlun Mountain dragon vein.

The dragon veins were still magnificent and immense. The scales all over the body were khaki-colored, and the runes were erratic. After seeing Yu Duxiu, it seemed to have seen the owner's puppy, and he leaped forward and began to get close.

Yu Duxiu patted Long Mai’s head: "Be quiet, and there is a restless guy who wants to run over to fight us, run over to hit your attention, I will give him a ruthless one today. Knowing this Kunlun Mountain dragon vein, it’s hard to come easily."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly stood on the head of the dragon vein, and instantly merged with the dragon vein, feeling the vast years of the dragon vein and the vicissitudes of history.

In the North Sea Dragon Palace, Jinlin wandered around the Dragon Palace, frowning, "Bah": "It's really damn, poor clanging, but I don't see the slightest treasure, so I wasted so much effort, I don't know this old man. Where the dragon hides the treasure is really hateful."

As he spoke, Jinlin raised his eyes, and the Kunlun Mountains came into view instantly.

"Kunlun Mountain Dragon Vein, I have now swallowed Dragon Lord of the East China Sea. I don’t know how much strength I have become. Taking advantage of the fact that Ao Le’s **** has never discovered the secret of Kunlun Mountain, I’ll go for a while to see if I can swallow Kunlun Mountain. If I can swallow the dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain, Ao Le will suppress it." Jin Lin said as the whole body turned into chaotic air, melted into the void, and disappeared in an instant.

"Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, you have repeatedly told me to go back down. Today, I have to see if you can stop me. I don't know where the guardian of Kunlun came from. It's too much." Jin Lin's eyes are full of things. The color of impatience.

Jinlin circulated in chaos and gradually merged into the void, and then saw a little stream of light flickering in the void, and the next moment it descended on the abdomen of Kunlun Mountain, causing the dragon veins to roar like a big enemy, and it seemed that they had met an unworldly enemy. Generally, the Kunlun Mountains are shocked constantly.

"Yeah! You idiot has gotten a lot of fat, and there is an immortal machine derived from it. If you don't swallow you, you will become enlightened, and then you will be in trouble." Jinlin looked at Kunlun Mountain Dragon Vein , Showing a hint of surprise.

Looking at the dragon veins with their teeth and dancing claws, Jinlin was not anxious to move her hands, but with her hands on her back, she looked at the cave in the abdomen of Kunlun Mountain, scanned the dragon gas everywhere, and the corners of her mouth cocked: "Come out, I know you must be here to guard Kunlun Mountain. Dragon veins, if you don’t defeat you, this seat is the dragon veins that swallowed Kunlun Mountain."

When the words fell and there was no movement, Jinlin frowned: "What? Seeing that this seat is now so powerful, you dare not come out?"

As he was talking, the ground shook suddenly, Kunlun Mountain trembled three times, Jinlin frowned: "These demon **** barbarians, really **** them, constantly stir the earth's turbidity, stir up the earth's veins, and make the earth uneasy. If you call this Kunlun The mountain collapsed and the dragon veins escaped, so he must die without a place to be buried."

The dragon veins vibrated, which really annoyed Jinlin, with anger in Jinlin's eyes, looking at the abdomen of Kunlun Mountain: "If you don't come out again, this seat can do it."

On the top of Dragon Mai’s head, Yu Duxiu wore a black robe and a mask of ice, and slowly said: "I have been here all the time. You can't show me."

"Huh?" Jinlin heard the words, followed the voice, looked in the direction of Yu Duxiu, and then froze for a moment: "Are you here?"

"Why, don't you give up your heart?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jinlin, his voice became deep and heavy through the mask.

"Dead heart? If this dragon vein is not swallowed, I will never be able to become enlightened. Do you think I will give up my heart?" Jin Lin sneered.

"Oh! Jinlin, I still want to advise you, although you are of the dragon clan, although the ancestral dragon is the ancestral dragon of the dragon clan, but the ancestral dragon belongs to the ancestral dragon, not yours!" Yu Duxiu's eyes were expressionless. : "You have taken the wrong path."

"No! I am Zulong, and Zulong is me!" Jinlin shook his head.

"You are the ancestral dragon, but the ancestral dragon is not you, the East Sea Dragon is the ancestral dragon, the West Sea Dragon is the ancestral dragon, the North Sea Dragon is the ancestral dragon, the South Sea Dragon is the ancestral dragon, you are the ancestral dragon, and Ao Le is the ancestral dragon. , The dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain are also Ancestral Dragons, but you are only a part of Ancestral Dragons, and Ancestral Dragons are not you." Yu Duxiu said.

"All nonsense, Zulong is me, I am Zulong" Jin Lin said.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "You have jumped over the Dragon Gate, you have extraordinary talents, and you have obtained the inheritance of the Ancestral Dragon Essence and Blood. If you give me your Essence and Blood, that is your chance to get rid of the Ancestral Dragon Avenue, but you don’t know how to cherish it. On the road of the ancestral dragon, otherwise with your wisdom, you will not follow the road of the ancestral dragon, and you may not be unable to reach the realm of the ancestral dragon."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu stared at Jinlin, the Da Zizai Devil kept bewitching Jinlin's mind: "You are in fear! But you have to continue to swallow it, you don't continue to swallow it, Ao Lehui It swallows you, so you have no choice, but even if you really swallow all the dragon bloodlines, what about it? If you restore the true body of the ancestor dragon, perhaps your will will be the will of the ancestor dragon Since then, Jinlin has not been swallowed, only Ancestral Dragon."

"Don't say it!" Jinlin's eyes reddened: "Since I swallowed Donghai Longjun, all of this has been irreversible. The vicious circle has started, or I swallowed Ao Le and went to fight. The will of the Ancestral Dragon, or Ao Le swallowed me was swallowed by the Will of the Ancestor Dragon" Jinlin's eyes lingered murderously.

Looking at Jinlin, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly. It was true that her guess was correct. Jinlin had acquired the memory of the ancestor dragon. This Kunlun mountain is the torso of the ancestor dragon, and the four sea dragons are the limbs of the ancestor dragon. The Jinlin fish jumped over the dragon gate and obtained the essence and blood of the ancestor dragon.

When Jinlin gave himself the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon, he hoped to get rid of his fate and escape from the cloud of Ancestral Dragon, but Jinlin regarded himself as Ancestral Dragon and went astray again.

It can't be said that Jinlin is unwise, but that Ancestral Dragon is too powerful, and that vast memory, even Jinlin, the supreme powerhouse, can hardly control his own character.

"Say so much to do, Zulong is dead! After devouring all the strong, I am Zulong" Jin Lin angrily scolded Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu suddenly remembered the spine he had flew away, and then looked at the Jinlin in front of him, and smiled inexplicably: "The power of the ancestor dragon is vast. It is beyond my imagination. You have already won the calculation of the ancestor. The dragon chess piece is unknowable!"

"Don't gossip, this seat is as strong as iron, defeating you today, swallowing the Kunlun Mountains dragon veins, I can swallow Ao Le, break into the lock demon tower, and become the supreme ancestral dragon." At this point, Jinlin was curious. Looking at Yu Duxiu: "In fact, compared to the Kunlun Mountain Dragon Veins, I am really curious about who you are. With such a cultivation base, you are willing to protect the Kunlun Mountain Dragon Veins here. Are you the reincarnated soul of the Innate Fusang tree? ."

Although Jinlin's words are not true, they are not far away.

The causal relationship between Yu Duxiu and Xian Fusangmu, coupled with the love, hatred and hatred of Taiyin, cannot be described in a few words.

"Don't tell! Don't tell! When you beat me, you'll know who I am" Yu Duxiu sighed softly, "You can do it, you can see your current cultivation."

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