The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2113: Invincible*** Ancestral Dragon Retreat

"Alright, I will defeat you today, but I have to see where you are!" Jinlin sneered in his eyes: "Want to shake my mind, do you deserve it?"

While talking, Jinlin grabbed it towards Yu Duxiu, but saw that Jinlin's claw seemed to cover a space and time, and the chaos of the universe made it inevitable and inevitable.

"Inverting Yin and Yang" Yu Duxiu's body turned against the chaos: "Moving mountains and rocks."

This movement of the mountain is not the other. It is not really a big mountain, but the power of Yu Duxiu.

At this time, Yu Duxiu stepped on the dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain and formed a small hill with one palm extending out. This hill does not look big, but it condenses the power of Kunlun Mountain, which should not be underestimated.


The mountains and rivers fell, the wind rolled up, and the oppressed air became liquid. I saw that Jinlin's facial muscles kept twitching, and his figure quickly retreated back.

Yu Duxiu's eyes were sneered: "How?"

"Chaos Return to Yuan" Jinlin's hands of chaotic air flow, intertwined into a chaotic world. After the jade Kunlun Mountain fell into the Kunlun Mountain in Jinlin's palm, it was submerged in the chaos and there was no movement, but it was fascinating. Yu Duxiu was taken aback.


The chaos exploded, the Jin scales flew out in a vaguely flesh and blood, stood firmly in the air, and his body instantly recovered, but it was only a skin wound.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Jinlin's complexion was solemn: "Good magical powers, your two-handed magical powers will not fall behind Hongjun."

Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm, but saw a round of crystal clear floating in the air, erratic in front of her.

Looking at the dreamlike *Jinlin, breathing quickly, a pair of eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: "Good treasure! Good treasure! Why is this treasure in your hands? Isn't it in Hongjun's hands? If not Hong Jun has been suppressed, and I really think you are Hong Jun."

Behind the mask, Yu Duxiu has a wry smile on her face. It's okay, who wants to show off this treasure. If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. If your breakthrough is imminent, you should not mobilize the power of disaster. Yu Duxiu will not show it. The open road.

"Below I am the sky" Yu Duxiu ignored Jinlin's words. Everyone has everybody's helplessness. At this time, Jinlin is no longer inferior to the detached powerhouse. He is definitely not an opponent, and can only call out the way of heaven* Retreat it.

Yu Duxiu's palm changed inexplicably, and he took it toward Jinlin. When the palm passed, time stopped flowing, and the law was still.

This palm seemed to come to Jinlin's body slowly and quickly, and pressed it towards Jinlin's chest.


Jinlin was knocked into the air by a palm, shot out of Kunlun Mountain, and fell into the sea.


The next moment the real body is reorganized, the void is distorted, Jinlin reappears in the field, looking at that powerful power with a gloomy expression, it is indeed the divine weapon that dominated the chaos back then. "

The chaotic air currents of the "Infinite Chaos" Jin scales are intertwined, turning the body continuously, and the chaotic aura spreads across the body, and the chaotic aura spreads across the body, and the law of heaven and earth is instantly assimilated, transformed into the power of chaos, and swallowed by chaos .

"You have refined the essence and blood of Ancestral Dragon, you should know that Ancestral Dragon is powerful, and that Ancestral Dragon's true ability can only be displayed in the chaos." Jinlin's face did not have the slightest emotion.

Yu Duxiu took a breath after hearing the words:

"Underneath I am the strongest, above me as the sky."

"Dominate the vicissitudes of the universe, chaos does not know how many epochs!"

"Jinlin, like today, great changes will take place in the land. I don’t want to kill you. God has the virtue of being alive. Let’s go. Don’t resist. The power is not something you can resist, even if the ancestor dragon really comes back to life. No." Yu Duxiu's voice is unwavering.

"An dare to speak wild words? The ancestors inside and outside the chaos are the strongest. Although they are powerful, they have an overview of the universe, but now they have recognized the Lord and refined by you. You can't exert one percent of your power. This seat is not impossible." Jinlin's face was full of dissatisfaction: "I have the ability to fight in the chaos of this seat."

"It's silly~" Yu Duxiu shook his head. He just wanted to return Jinlin and get through the catastrophe with peace of mind, and then settle the account after looking for it, where there would be Jinlin's Dao and play with Jinlin.

Thinking like this, I saw Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, the time between heaven and earth seemed to be still, and a palm plunged into the chaos of Jinlin.

The chaos of Jinlin seems to be a real chaos, boundless, endless, infinite, Yu Duxiu hits with a palm, no end, all power is gradually consumed by chaos.

Yu Duxiu retracted her palm and frowned, "What is this?"

"If you have the ability, you can shoot. This is the strongest move in this seat. If you can break open, you will be considered as a winner. If you can't break open, then it means you have lost. Swallow it today" Jinlin laughed wildly from the chaos.

"Awesome! It is indeed amazing! It is indeed the existence of an arm of Ancestral Dragon that has been smelted, but I don't know which one of you is stronger than Ao Le?" Yu Duxiu unhurriedly brewed the next attack.

"You are talking nonsense, telling your left hand to fight with your right hand, which one is strong and which one is weak? How can you tell?" Jinlin mocked Yu Duxiu, and actually had the patience to answer Yu Duxiu: "However, As long as this seat swallows the Kunlun Mountains dragon veins today, I will have to **** up that **** Ao Le, and it will be impossible to escape my hand."

Looking at Jinlin's tortoise shell, Yu Duxiu frowned, and a little bit of thunder light began to flicker along with the fire light, and fell towards the chaos.

Dacheng's innate **** thunder blessed the innate **** fire, as if it had opened up the world and passed through the chaos, instantly exploding the chaos, and the power of earth, water, wind and fire rolled up.

"Bastard!" Jinlin yelled angrily, mobilizing the power of chaos to suppress the power of the four spirits that were constantly rolling up.

Yu Duxiu shook her head, taking advantage of the power of the four spirits to stop, gently pushed out again with a palm, and hit the chaos.

The chaos splits apart, there is time and space, and there is clear turbidity, all of which are forces that Yu Duxiu can mobilize.

"Bastard!" Jinlin's roar came from the chaos, and then the chaos collapsed. Jinlin was slapped again and fell into the distance without a trace.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Jinlin plunged into the four seas twice, but it shocked the coldness who was sleeping and practicing.

Han Yan world, Han Yan stood up slowly, with a crystal clear snowflake hanging between his eyebrows, slowly walked out of the ice and snow world, and instantly saw the Jinlin that was about to rush out of the world, and he was about to speak. The Jinlin was afraid of violence. Leaking the secrets of Kunlun Mountain, I instantly dived into the sea and Han Yan frowned, and came to the world of Kunlun Mountains deep in the belly of the mountain, and saw Yu Duxiu wearing a crystal mask.

"Jinlin is here again?" Han Yan's voice was cold and quiet.

Yu Duxiu nodded and took off the mask: "The heart of Jinlin swallowing the dragon veins is immortal. I am in a bad state now, but this time I was almost taken advantage of and swallowed it."

"Aren't you suppressed? Why did you run out again?" Han Gang came to Yu Duxiu's body and touched Yu Duxiu's body: "It is indeed your deity."

Yu Duxiu's face was triumphant: "The heavens and the realms, if I don't want to, can that suppress me?"

Hearing this, Han Yan rolled his big eyes and gave Yu Duxiu a white look. He turned around gracefully and looked at the huge dragon veins under his feet and said, "Since you don't want to be entangled with Jinlin, why not take the dragon veins away."

"The dragon veins have the chance of the dragon veins, I have my plan." The black robe on Yu Duxiu slowly faded, turning into a blue robes.

"Ao Le has become a big problem now. If you ask him to devour a Dragon Lord, this palace will no longer be her opponent. My Jiaolong clan is in trouble. As long as Ao Le exists for one day, my Jiaolong clan will not want to appear in the world. "Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu and said.

Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and a small emerald green tower appeared in his hand, with a pair of eyes looking at Han Yan: "The remaining two old loaches were all caught in the trap and I was locked in the lock demon tower. Don't worry. Now, Ao Le’s main enemy is Jinlin. Where can I find time to come and seek revenge?"

Han Yan shook his head: "Don't be afraid!"

"Ao Le can't swallow Jinlin, it's not your opponent. Wait for a while. When the battle between the Demon God Race and the Monster Race is over, I will definitely break through. Then I can help you and help the Dragon Clan revival," Yu Duxiu said After speaking, he stuffed the Lock Demon Tower into his sleeve.

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