The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2114: The demon clan was defeated, the coalition sent troops

"Oh! It's up to you to take care of everything, I'm relying on you." Han Yan turned to look at Yu Duxiu, gently stroked the center of his eyebrows, and saw a crystal snowflake appear, and then slowly Slowly pressed Yu Duxiu's eyebrows. e1xiaoshuo

Yu Duxiu only felt a cold brow, as if snow melted, the cold jade finger had already left the center of her brow.

"What is this?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

Han Yan smiled softly: "This is the secret method of this seat. With this snowflake, you can find me at any time, so as not to miss the opportunity."

Yu Duxiu gently stroked her eyebrows, her heart moved, and it seemed that there was a vague world of ice and snow not far away, in which a beautiful and icy woman lived, and she could blend in with the woman's spirit and perceive the other side in the vagueness. Thoughts.

Yu Duxiu was stunned for a while, and he retreated after touching that soul, not daring to stay longer.

Han Fang stared at Yu Duxiu with a crimson face: "If you dare to think wildly, you will suffer."

While talking, I saw Yu Duxiu's Seven Apertures overflowing with cold, and the whole person turned into an ice tuo.

Seeing Han Yan's departure, Yu Duxiu just breathed a sigh of relief, melted away the ice, and stood there with a complex expression, silent for a long time.

The outside world was shaking and the demons and demons gathered most of their soldiers and horses and began a decisive battle.

With the Slaughter Demon Sword, the demon **** clan was decadent, showing a trend of one-sidedness, making the demon gods in the large array look terrified, and they continued to use means to attack.

Not only the Demon Clan is anxious, but also the princes of Yinsi and the ancestors who are watching the battle. Everyone looks at me and I see you, but listens to the ancestors of the Taiyuan Clan saying: "Now the Demon Clan is in a situation of one-sidedness and wants to lose both. The plan is frustrated, let's do it!"

"Now that we are taking action, we are facing a U-turn blow from the Demon Race and the Demon Race. Although the Demon Race appears to fall sideways, it is not yet exhausted. The Demon Race may not have the chance to come back. As long as the Demon God breaks through the heavens and stars. Array, this divine power belongs to the Demon Race, and no one can take it away! It is the high-end power that determines the victory or defeat. At this time, although the Demon Race is defeated and slaughtered by the Demon Race, the real victory or defeat depends on the Demon God’s means." Teach ancestors.

"It's extremely, extremely, don't be anxious to make a move! Don't be anxious to make a move. When the monster clan and the demon clan decide the victory or defeat, it will not be too late for us to make a move" Taiping Jiaozu glanced at Taiyuan Jiaozu.

At a glance, the lungs of the ancestors of the Taiyuan Sect, who was almost angry, exploded. He didn't dare to say more, and he closed his mouth quietly. The anger in his eyes kept rolling, and he was forcibly suppressed.

Demon Court

The little fox looked six ways and listened to all directions. With a pair of eyes, he scanned the entire battlefield. The demon race and the demon clan fought endlessly. With the addition of the Slaughter Demon Sword, the demon clan became a straw, retreating steadily, and countless casualties.

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array and the giants are inextricably entangled. The matchmaker carefully looked at the battlefield. The time has passed for decades. On this day, the matchmaker ordered: "Tell the three demon gods that everything is ready and only owes the east wind, my demon race The main force has been secretly evacuated from the battlefield, most of the Demon God Race has been slaughtered, and the Slaughter Demon Sword has been abandoned on the battlefield, and the Demon God has been asked to pretend to be defeated, and the Yinsi coalition forces have been taken the bait."

"Yes" Quasi-Monster got the order and immediately went out to spread the news.

"What a rich blood, this is all essence." Below the battlefield, the Gorefiend looked at the countless blood greedily, and suddenly opened his mouth, only to see the overwhelming blood tumbling towards his mouth, the blood of millions of living beings. The gain to the blood demon practice is not small, and Jane has reached an incredible level.

"All the benefits of the war are cheaper than the **** bastard!" The old jade ancestor did not know when he slipped into the battlefield quietly, turning his big eyes, turning over a corpse, fumbling up and down, or cutting off the horns, or peeling off the fur .

"Good things, these are good things, dead people and wealth are my ancestor's favorite" Jade Patriarch laughed strangely.

In the Zhoutian star formation, after hearing the report of the quasi-demon-god, the three demon-gods smiled: "It's finally time to wait for the victory or defeat. The plan is here."

"Come out! You beasts, have the ability to come out and fight with real swords and guns like me," the demon **** roared up to the sky, constantly breaking one world after another, seeing the infinite world continue to shatter, and the star gods screamed again and again.

The Fox God showed a look. The Tiger God knew what he meant. He deliberately revealed the flaw. The Demon God was not easy to provoke. He immediately seized the flaw, chopped it down, and the star battle array shattered ten to four. Xiangshen exclaimed: "Idiot, how come you have made such a big mistake, I still can't make up for it!"

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou array appeared flaws, as if it were a Dogono card, which evoked a series of reactions. The Zhou Tian Xing Dou array continued to shatter, and the Demon God instantly jumped out of the trap.

Regardless of continuing to break the formation, looking at the fewer and fewer demon gods who were slaughtered, the giant axe slashed down. The twelve demon gods also had red eyes. The axe seemed to chop vegetables, and countless monsters instantly turned into With the powder, the earth trembles, the veins of the earth collapse, and there are waves of wailing.

"Withdraw troops! Withdraw troops!" Fox God shouted again and again.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the army of billions of monsters was ruined in an instant. The Yu Duxiu in Kunlun Mountain was stunned: "The monster was defeated? The monster was actually defeated? What are you kidding? This ground vein was cut by the monster. Broken, the wild land has suffered."

Yu Duxiu was stunned, standing there not knowing what to do. He didn't expect that the two clans who were still fighting before had already decided the winner.

"Idiot! A group of idiots!" Yu Duxiu jumped with anger, and anger rose in his eyes: "How can this be, how can this be! The heavens and the stars are not weaker than the demon gods, how can it be broken like this? I can't take care of it, so rich With the power of disaster, I still think of a way to make a breakthrough."

The cold light in Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered, and he disappeared in Kunlun Mountain instantly, disappearing.

Not only was Jade Duxiu stunned, but also the jade ancestor who was dead on the battlefield was also stunned, watching the vegetable-chopping axe continuously slashing down, bluffing the jade ancestor to wear his head.

"Fuck, there are no signs at all. If you say you lose, you lose, if you say you win, you win. My ancestor, I don't have any preparations in my heart." Jade ancestor Sa Yazi ran away. This is a great formation of the twelve gods. In the middle, there is no good fruit to eat, and the jade ancestors dare not try it. It is this great battle, or his body is hard.

The blood demon was devouring blood, and billions of monsters were turned into powder. The blood was overwhelming and almost choked it to death. Looking at the countless shadows of the axe that covered the sky and the the blood demon made a strange cry, his body was overwhelming. Cut open by the giant axe.

The human race, the ancestors of the teachings were stunned.

"Why the Demon Race was defeated? The Demon God Race won, this time it is really troublesome! The Demon Race's defeat is simply inexplicable" Tai Yi Jiaozu had a gloomy face.

"Then we can't make a move?" Taiping taught the ancestors.

"Wait a second, after the demon **** has wounded the three demon gods, it will not be too late for us to make a move" Tai Yi Jiaozu grumbled.

"No!" The figure of the Crown Prince of Yin Si emerged.

"Why?" Taiyuan taught the ancestors.

"We still have to use those five demon gods to suppress the demon gods. If the demon race is really defeated and the demon gods withdraw from the battlefield, our troubles will be great. With all our strength, we may not be able to cope with the gods. "The Great Array" said Prince Yin Si.

"There is some truth in what I said, it's such a reason" Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded: "If that's the case, then tell Gan Tian and start the soldiers."

In the battlefield, the giant killed countless monster tribes, but saw that the wild land was riddled with holes and blood was flowing into the river. The giant looked up to the sky and looked at countless stars, and was about to make another move, but suddenly heard a cry of wolf and ghost. , Yin wind rolled up, a mighty Yinsi whirlpool formed, and an army of tens of billions of ghost tribes swarmed out.

At the same time, I saw countless Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of the Human Race driving the streamer, strangling towards the Demon God Race tribe, picking up the Slaughter Demon Sword on the ground, and began to massacre.

"Looking for death! After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, you are really tired of living." The giant was immediately angry.

"Jinlin is here again, I have seen fellow Taoists" Jinlin flew out of the sea and descended across from the demon god.

"Ao Le is here, I have seen the devil" Ao Le also flew out.

"Guisha is here, the devil is polite" Guisha said blankly.

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