The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2115: 10-fresh prototype

"It's too easy to see the devil!"

"Taiping has seen the Demon God!"

"Taiyi has seen the Demon God!"


All the ancestors descended on the scene one after another and saluted the giant transformed by the devil. ewwom

In the void, the three demon gods glanced at each other, then stabilized their positions from the heavenly palace, and jumped down: "Since everyone wants to attack the demon **** clan, although my demon clan has been defeated, I can't stand by without standing by?"

The three demon gods, the fox god, the tiger god, and the elephant god, and the six ancestors Taiyi, Taiping, Taiyi, Taiyuan, Taihuang, and Taiyi, plus the prince of the Yin Si, the three Yin Si supreme good and evil, punishment, sin, four Hailongjun Jinlin and Ao Le, there are exactly twelve supreme powerhouses, and many of them have escaped. This is almost the integration of the most powerful forces of the heavens and the world, and the mighty and unstoppable.

Seeing so many powerhouses in the field, it is as strong as the devil gods to feel worried at this time. Now almost all the powerhouses of the heavens and all realms are besieging themselves. This is not for the demon gods to survive. The Demon Race is completely extinct.

Now the Demon Race is no longer tolerant of the heavens and ten thousand realms!

While talking, changes have taken place below. The ghost and human forces, the army overwhelmed the sky, picked up the slaughter sword that the demon clan "lost" on the ground, and began to charge against the demon clan, and continued to kill. The slain demon clan was defeated and retreated steadily, and the golden dragon of luck in the sky wailed and dimmed.

"Damn! Since you dare to offend my demon clan, I will tell you today that my demon clan is definitely not easy to provoke." As he said, I saw that the magic tricks in the hands of the demon gods are changing, and the sky is blinding. The great axe smashed through the void suddenly, and slashed the past towards the supreme powerhouses, and a more tragic battle was rolled up again.

In the starry sky, the little fox and the chicken god, look at me and I see you, with a little bit of light in your eyes, and then listen to the chicken god's way after a while: "Secretly set up the Zhoutian star battle array, as long as the powerhouses fight with the devil gods to lose both. My monster race immediately sent troops and swept everything."

After speaking, the chicken **** gave an order, and the little fox began to dispatch Zhou Tian Xing Dou, secretly integrating the heavens and star Dou formation again.

"The sacrifice of the demon **** this time is a bit big. After all, it is a group of billions of demon tribes." The little fox sighed slightly, his eyes full of regret.

"The demon race is endless from generation to generation, billions of them sound like too many, but if it reproduces, it will only take a few reincarnations to make up." The chicken **** shook his head: "What you do depends on the overall situation."

Beyond Chaos

Yu Duxiu was stunned. He followed the vines and touched the melons. Following the calamity, a coalition of the ghost tribe and the human tribe was discovered, but he really didn't expect things to reach this point. The demons retreated so simply, and the demons suffered heavy casualties. The great formation of the gods and gods was not damaged at all.

The overwhelming calamity madly gathered towards Yu Duxiu. At this time, the wild land was shaking, like an earthquake, constantly shaking.

Yu Duxiu sighed in her heart that the Demon Race is seeking its own way of death, and the earth is the foundation of the Demon Race. The Demon Race was so angry that it slashed the earth, and countless earth veins were severed. The mountains and rivers collapsed, although billions of monsters were buried with them. , But it was a loss of money, hurting their own foundation, and it was done by a reckless man.

At this time, the sequelae of the Demon Race was revealed. The Demon Race was based on the earth. At this time, the earth was damaged, and the bonus that the Demon Race received was constantly weakened.

The precious light in the hands of the ancestors is vertical and horizontal, and the innate spirit treasure is constantly flying in the void, mobilizing the power of a certain law to suppress the power of the devil.

But seeing the fate of Taiyi's ancestor is intertwined, constantly changing the trajectory of the sky-opening axe, the demon **** of qi roars up to the sky, the sky-opening axe is like a fly swatter, and constantly hacking towards the ancestor of Taiyi.

On the other side, the elephant god’s body is shining brightly, billions of dragon elephant worms are in the void, and the void where they pass is solidified, constantly taking advantage of the gap between the demon god’s attack, hitting the body of the devil god, shaking the great formation of the gods, the power of the devil **** Boundless, the **** evil array is mysterious and unparalleled, and the attacks of the powerful men are all led into the ground by the big array, but the earth is constantly sinking and shattering under the feet of the demon god, and the earth is shaking, but the demon god's posture is not shaken.

The demon **** became more and more courageous as he fought, constantly twitching the earth's turbid origin, opening the heavenly axe in vertical and horizontal voids, and the world cracked where it passed, and the healing power of the great world could not completely wipe out the traces left by the opening axe.

At the world's fetal membranes, the magic shadow struggling in the world's fetal membranes roared and squeezed into the world, whizzing past, disappearing.

"Suppression" Taiyuan Jiaozu mobilized the power of the five elements between heaven and earth, mobilized the five elements law, and went to suppress the demon god.

Looking at the Xiantian Lingbao, the open axe flew out of the Demon God's hand instantly, splitting the Xiantian Lingbao into the air, but the Demon God also shook three times, and his power was directed underground.

The dead prince revealed his true body at this time, transformed into a solemn face of Yama, with the power of life and death flowing in his hands, and constantly extracting the power of life from the great formation of the gods, and even the power of dying into the great formation of the devil. In the middle, the Demon God has suffered.

Watching the battle in the field, Jinlin and Ao Lefa turned into an ancestor dragon that covered the sky and the sun, constantly wrestling with the demon god.

For the eternal heroic soul promised by the Yinsi, and even to re-occupy a part of the center of the world, the two dragons also worked hard, and there was no trace of rape.

The two dragons are not fools, so naturally they have their own exquisiteness, and each in this alliance is full of ghosts.

No matter what the reason, everyone is united at this time, choosing to remove the two mountains in front of them together. If the Demon Race and the Demon Race are not removed, everyone will never have a chance to get ahead.

"Kill!" The power of life and death flowed in the hands of the prince of Yinsi, mobilizing the power of life and death of all living beings, and the demon **** who hit was slow.

At this time, the Demon God was caught in a bitter battle, and he could only watch the Demon God's tribe being massacred.

"Damn it!" the demon **** roared: "This seat will definitely tell you to wait for the ashes to disappear, and you will never live forever."

The strong human race mobilized the star battle formation of the heavens, and Qiantian sat in the center of the formation. He constantly controlled the operation of the formation in the battlefield. Looking at the demon gods who had been slaughtered, he sighed slightly: "This situation, no I know whether the Yaozu has made sufficient preparations."


After a hundred secrets, Tai Yi Jiaozu’s turtle shell was scraped by the giant axe of the Demon God, but it was so foolish that Tai Yi Jiazu ancestor was taken aback, and he hurriedly took back his turtle shell, and looked carefully, only to see a trace on the turtle shell. The turbidity turned, Tai Yi Jiaozu's Innate Lingbao had already suffered trauma, but the painful Tai Yi Jiaozu almost wanted to retreat.

"Brother Don’t hesitate! Today, the demons and demons must quit the center of the world and the world stage. If we miss today, let the demons and the demons separate the victory and defeat, we will be in trouble. "Guisha's eyes are always paying attention to the movement in the field. After showing the attitude of Tai Yi Jiaozu, he guessed the mentality of this old thing.

Hearing this, everyone in the field looked at Taiyi Jiaozu, and Taiyi Jiaozu's expression was gloomy: "Ghost, this man, wolfish ambition, actually wants to contaminate my great world, and I need to find a way to stop his actions."

"Brother Dao don't have to think about it, unload the mill and kill the donkey. Now the mill hasn't been unloaded yet." Taiping Jiaozu seemed to know what Taiyi Jiaozu was thinking. He came to Taiyi Jiaozu and said quietly.

Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded: "I know!"


The crowd continued to attack the twelve gods and evil spirits. The Taiyi ancestor was chopped by the giant axe, and his eyes rose with anger: "That is to say, you cannot use the Supreme Mantra, otherwise you have to show you the power of Xiantian Lingbao. ."

"What a rich calamity" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, her eyes are full of intoxication, and the ninth-rank lotus is constantly flying and hovering in front of him. Seeing the mysterious runes on the ninth-rank black lotus, the tenth-rank black lotus continued to rotate, and the degrees visible to the naked eye began to converge quickly, turning into a black illusory lotus.

"Not enough! Not enough! The difference is too far! The difference is too much!" The overwhelming supply was in short supply, and was instantly swallowed by the black lotus.



Two loud bangs rang in Yu Duxiu's ears, and then the calamity between heaven and earth seemed to be a landslide and tsunami, rolling towards Yu Duxiu frantically, trying to swallow it.

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