The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2116: The earth is broken and catastrophic

"There is something wrong with this voice?" Yu Duxiu's thoughts were fleeting, watching the roaring calamity from the turbulent waves, bluffing Yu Duxiu to keep his mind, keep running his supernatural powers, practice the truth, and devour the overwhelming world. The calamity, but the calamity is too many and too big, even the ninth-rank black lotus that is unique in jade, in this calamity, it turns into a flat boat.

In the outside world, many powerful men are in one group, and all the supreme powerhouses have experienced many battles. They were born in the antiquity and chaos fighting, how can the fighting consciousness be described by the word tough? .

The supreme powerhouses have cooperated endlessly, as if they had rehearsed thousands of times, and the demon **** who fought against it was retreating steadily. It was just a few breaths, and the demon god's formation was about to be broken.

The eyes of the giant transformed by the devil shone with a little cold light, a pair of eyes looked at the void in the distance, and looked down at the ancestors of the teachings, and the **** E raised up to the sky and roared: "Bastard! Too much bullying!"

"Let's fight against them, my demon clan has already been defeated, it's better to fight with them, let's die together" the cold light shot in the wolf god's quiet eyes, turning into a bit of murderous intent.

"Fight, let's have a hard time, these **** don't have a good time, actually thinking about picking fruits behind us and carrying them improperly! Let's die with them!" The lion god's eyes shot up murderously.

"The last blow will determine the universe" Centipede ancestor looked crazy.

Only one attack, but seeing that the overwhelming turbid evil spirit in the earth was evacuated by the stars of the heavens by 30%, and then the great axe slashed through the void. At this time, the giant seemed to turn into three heads and six arms, and slammed toward the opposite Yinsi powerhouse, sea clan. The strong, the strong human race hacked away.

"So powerful" everyone was shocked, and was instantly split into the air by the axe, and saw that the axe continued to penetrate into the depths of the earth.

"You dare to join forces to encircle and suppress my demon clan, we will all die together and reopen the earth, water, wind and fire!" The giant laughed up to the sky and raised his axe again: "Today, my demon clan wants to destroy the world, reopen the earth, water, wind and fire. Zu will not play with you anymore."

"Don't!" the powerful exclaimed.

The innate spirit treasures in the hands of the teaching ancestors fought out desperately, facing the attack of the demon god, the prince of the Yin Si and the two dragons also greeted the axe desperately, trying to stop the act of destroying the world.

"You got fooled!" Tai Yi taught the ancestor's pupils to tighten, and after rushing under the axe, he suddenly realized, but it was too late to evacuate.




The ancestor’s innate spirit treasure was smashed, the light was extremely faint, and the cracks flowed, the supreme golden body of the demon **** was split, the prince of Yinsi was turned into two parts, half of life and half of death, and the two dragons were broken by the giant axe. .

"This barbarian is not stupid, he will make tricks and bluff"

Everyone smiled bitterly.

It's a pity that the Demon Clan used its full strength for the first time to mobilize the large formation, and it had just hit all the supreme powerhouses before they had time to be happy, and saw the ground shaking under their feet, and the ground pulse was boiling.



A loud noise spread, the earth cracked, the mountain collapsed instantly, an unparalleled force was gestating, and it was about to burst.


The giant was dumbfounded, and hurriedly used his magical powers, trying to suppress the vigorously accumulated power, but it was too late, and I saw that under that power, everything was destroyed. The Demon God array was like a child's toy, and was instantly rushed away. The demon **** flew out, the demon god's great formation was broken, and the demon **** fell into the world.


The earth exploded, as if opening up the world, the sea water crazily poured along the cracks, the turbid gas boiled, the magma was vertical and horizontal, rolling up the water mist, covering the entire wild land.

"The earth is broken" The ancestors were stunned, and then a deep fear came into their hearts.

"It's a big basket, this time it has caused a terrible disaster!" The three demon gods stood there in panic, at a loss, watching the earth torn apart, as if an arrow from the string floating in the sea, countless beings were extinct, and the souls were wronged. Roaring, the overwhelming karma swept over, and you knew it was a big trouble.

"Run!" Jinlin ran away from the chaos with a'swish'.

Ao Le was taken aback for a moment, and then followed closely. Such a big movement would inevitably shock the will of heaven and earth. Zulong is the enemy of heaven and earth. He stayed here to die.

The prince of the underworld was stunned, and his eyes were full of frustration and despair: "Asshole! Asshole! This is the group of barbarians who do whatever we do."

Having said that, the prince of Yinsi still quietly operated his magical defense, waiting for the punishment to come.

If there is no God's punishment for such disasters, it would be strange.

At this moment, the prince of the yin was deliberately hiding in the yin, but thought of all the possibilities, and even the yin was involved, the prince of the yin immediately dismissed his previous thoughts.

At this time, looking at the wild land, all beings died, the wild beasts were buried by the vibration of the earth, the birds were shaken to death by the force, and only the weakest ants lingered on the earth.


The earth changed, and Amitabh was shocked: "These bastards, is this going to return the world to chaos? How can the earth be broken?"

While talking, he saw that Amitabha was all fighting with the fighting and defeating Buddha to take action, protecting and holding the sentient beings in the spirit mountain realm, and the overwhelming merits fell down instantly, establishing the spirit of great prosperity of the spirit mountain.

"Give it to me!" Amitabhas shot, palms slowly stretched out, and countless Buddhist scriptures flew out. At this time, Amitabh's mouth was chanting mantras, and the boundless Buddha light enveloped the Lingshan boundary and spread in all directions. The turbulent ground veins of Lingshan were instantly caught by Amitab's Buddha light. Suppressed, countless spiritual veins returned to their place again.

Lingtai Fangcunshan

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned: "These guys are crazy? They even broke the ground? I don't want to live anymore? This time it has caused a terrible disaster, and I have to protect the good of one side."

While talking, I saw the chaos clock up and down in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, and his fingers flicked lightly on the chaotic clock.




The bell sounded long, and everything in the world stood still wherever it passed. This chaotic clock seemed to have a kind of magical power. When all the aftermaths and attacks approached the Lingtai square inch mountain boundary, they were stopped by the bell, and then slowly dissipated invisible.




The bells spread, and all the calamities passed.

"Damn!" The ancestors were also anxious. They hurriedly descended on the human race realm and began to protect the human race tribe, but saw a dim light, broken and incomplete innate spirit treasures rising up, stopping the mighty magical attack, and gradually Dissolved the calamity of the human race.

However, the monks and ghosts who participated in the war were all killed by one blow.

Ao Le and Jinlin laughed at this time. The earth shattered and naturally there was more territory belonging to the Sea Clan. However, Jinlin didn't care to laugh secretly at this time, but looked gloomy towards the Kunlun Mountain Tianzhu. Fist clenched: "Damn! Kunlun Mountain must not be affected, must not Otherwise, Kunlun will collapse, and the ground veins will get out of the trap. This seat may be in trouble. If you want to swallow the ground veins, it is a thousand It's all difficult."

Seeing the earth veins and waves rolling, towards the Kunlun Mountain, wherever the earth veins and mountains crumbled, twelve human figures flew out and instantly stood on the ground of Kunlun Mountain, and the golden blood of the wolf god's body leaked from the pores. : "Block it! You must block it! Otherwise, it will be troublesome. Once Kunlun Mountain collapses and the starry sky sinks, my devil will never have a burial place, and it must be blocked for me."

"Roar~" The bull **** stepped on the ground, revealing the real body of the demon god: "Straighten out the ground veins and set the tripod in all directions."

"Bang" The Bull God staggered and was knocked upside down by the aftermath of the veins.

"Sorry" the eyes of the demon gods were full of despair.

When Kunlun falls, it must be the fall of the sky and the falling of the stars, when the world returns to chaos.

Originally, the monsters occupied the starry sky, and this terrible catastrophe did not affect the monsters, but seeing the impact heading towards Kunlun Mountain, the three monsters suddenly turned pale.

"Damn barbarian, he has caused a terrible disaster. He has a few catties and a few taels. He doesn't know how many bowls of dry rice he eats. It's really a jerk."

While speaking, the elephant god's body flickered with billions of dragon weevils, one foot seemed to be the Optimus Prime, and he stepped towards the Kunlun Mountain pulse wave.

"Guard Kunlun!" At this time, all the supreme powerhouses were anxious, and once the world was shattered, everyone would cry.

The ghost master of "Six Paths of Reincarnation" was also unable to sit still, and at this time forced his shot.

ps: Finally a breakthrough tomorrow...a belated breakthrough.

Zhang Tui

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