The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2118: Absolutely 0 degrees, heaven's punishment comes

"This is the power of the general trend of heaven and earth. I actually raised my cultivation to such a level, and I actually became Jedi Zero" Han Yan's eyes were full of shock.




The ice shattered and the frozen time and space was disintegrated, but that powerful force was consumed by Absolute Zero. I don't know how much power, and it never shakes Kunlun's mighty power again.

With just a bang, Kunlun shook and shook three times, then the stars shook, and peace was restored after a cup of tea.

After the Kunlun crisis was lifted, Han Gang had just realized Absolute Zero and was about to go to retreat to stabilize his realm, but he had no time to accompany everyone in a polite manner, and instantly slipped into the void and disappeared.




Everyone sighed together, with a touch of ease in their eyes. Although jealous of the coldness of the absolute zero, this Kunlun Mountain was able to keep it, and it was a blessing in misfortune.

"Damn! Are you barbarians wanting to die? Even if you want to die, don't drag us all to bolster our backs." The fox god's hair was exploded, glaring at the twelve demon gods.

"Hmph, you still have the face to say, if you didn't work together to bully my Demon God Clan, how could it develop to the point where it is today?" God E's face was full of dissatisfaction: "I haven't pursued you for slaughtering my Demon God Clan. It’s not ashamed of you that you want to give it a backlash for all things."

As soon as the words "I'm pooh" came out, the enraged ancestors stomped their feet and looked at the dim and uninterrupted Congenital Lingbao in their hands. They felt distressed. In this war, I don't know how many Dao deities have been broken, and the foundation has been damaged.

Still arguing, but seeing clouds in the void, lightning and thunder, countless innate divine thunders across the void, frightening everyone.

"Heaven's Punishment" Tai Yi teaches the ancestor blurt out.

"Heaven's punishment!" Xiangshen's expression was ugly: "Under the heaven's punishment, if you don't die, you have to peel off your skin. I would rather be slashed by the punishment guillotine than to touch the heaven's punishment."

"Everyone spread out, don't want to be united by this day's punishment, we will be over by then" Taiping teacher exclaimed and quickly distanced himself from everyone.

Hearing this, everyone backed away, their eyes staring at the black clouds in the sky. The black clouds rolled, as if they were black air, and they seemed to be coming from wrong.

Outside of the world, Yu Duxiu was practicing the Locking Demon Tower while looking at the black clouds in the lower realm. Suddenly, a strange qi in the dark clouds floated out of the clouds and swayed into the Yujing Mountain. Xiu wandered around, then left quickly.

The sky full of thunderclouds crazily compressed and hovered, and after four or five days of work, the clouds in the sky suddenly split, and a figure in a black robe emerged from the clouds.

"Hongjun?" The mighty power of the heavens and the realms was shocked, his eyes were full of weirdness.

"This is not Hongjun, it's just borrowed from Hongjun's form" Jade Patriarch retorted.

Looking closely at Hongjun coming out of the clouds, I saw that he wore a black robe, and the exposed skin was crystal clear as jade, revealing a sense of beauty. On the hairpin of his head, he wore a black lotus hair crown. Time seems to be a black hole, absorbing all light.

'Hongjun' scanned the audience, looking at the supreme powers with a pair of eyes, looking at the twelve demon gods, the cold light in his eyes flickered: "The demon **** heresy, destroy the earth, you should kill!"

The voice is Yu Duxiu's voice, but there is no feeling at all.

While talking, I saw that black robe'Hong Jun' stretched out a palm from his sleeve, which seemed to transform into twelve in an instant, not giving the twelve demon gods a chance to resist, only saw that palm crossed, and time went back. .





With twelve loud noises in succession, the twelve demon gods were knocked into the air by the black robe Hongjun, and a black lotus flower penetrated into the true body of the twelve demon gods, and the overwhelming calamity rolled down, drowning the twelve demon gods .

This move is about time, a palm hits the past time and space, and it appears in the present time and space. If you don't have the power to interfere in the past time and space, there is absolutely no way to defend.

Seeing the tragic situation of the twelve demon gods, all the supreme powerhouses were agitated, and Prince Yin Si said: "This person is in the form of Hongjun, is it because the will of heaven and earth is not fulfilled? Could it be that Hongjun is the reincarnation of the will of heaven and earth?".

"This is not the will of heaven and earth. The will of heaven and earth is vast and boundless. It is as strong as the ancestor dragon to destroy the second enlightenment, let alone the twelve demon gods?" Ao Le shook his head: "This black-robed man is at best the avenue of punishment. The will of heaven and earth will never be revealed before the heaven and earth are extinct."

Listening to Ao Le's words, everyone in the field suddenly realized that the black-robed figure looked at Ao Le, and his pupils shrank: "It is actually the remnant of the ancestor dragon, is the ancestor dragon coming back?"

No one answered the words of the black robe, no one dared to answer.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was surprised: "Damn, I seem to have a connection with the black-robed man. I can sense the power of the black-robed man at any time, and even interfere with the power of the black-robed man. My thoughts will be felt by this black-robed man."

"The remnants are to be punished!" The black robe man stretched out his palm, crystal clear and delicate, and his palm was broken in time and space, and there was no escape.


Ao Le and Jinlin were beaten up and flew out and sank to the bottom of the sea. At this time, the black-robed man still refused to give up. With both hands stretched out, two spears condensed and formed between breathing. This spear is dark and simple, although I don't know it is. What material is made, but it looks creepy.

"Wow!" Two spears penetrated through the bodies of Ao Le and Jinlin, and the blood of the two of them gradually dried up and died. The supreme and powerful man was killed by two spears, which is incredible.

In this scene, the twelve demon gods who were crossing the catastrophe were all horrified, and they dared not even cry and could only hold back.

Not only the twelve demon gods, but also the ancestors, the princes of the Yin Si, and the demon gods who looked at Jinlin and Ao Le, who had been cut off from life, their scalp numb and did not dare to move.

"Wow!" Tai Yi taught the ancestor to put on the turtle shell subconsciously.

The black-robed man did not look at the ancestor, but at the prince of the Yinsi: "Although you are guilty and cause immeasurable calamity, but your luck changes exploitation. You were originally designated as the son of luck. Now you should be cut off! Cause disputes."

While talking, the black-robed man had already touched the pierced palm of the prince's head, and the prince's complexion changed wildly: "No!"


The fate of Qi was erased, the prince of Yin Si was knocked into the air with a palm, and the corners of the ancestors’ mouths twitched. This punishment was too light. The supreme powerhouse jumped out of the constraints of the laws of the world. What is the use of that fate? .

"This is obviously eccentric!" Tai Yi Jiaozu muttered.

The black-robed man looked at the three demon gods, bluffing them so that their hairs stood up in an The hair was horrified, and the black-robed man stared at the three of them, speechless for a long time.

After a while, he said, "You will receive a palm from me, which will damage the cultivation base for thousands of years, so as to impress you."

"I rely on" Taiping teacher almost burst into foul language, ten thousand years of cultivation? Is this punishment? This is simply Gao Na, okay? .

"The demon race will retreat in the future, and you will not be allowed to peek into the position of the protagonist in an era." The black-robed man slowly spoke, and without giving the three demon gods a chance to explain, he flew out with a palm and landed on the chest of the three demon gods.

The three demon gods were knocked into the air. The fox gods, elephant gods, and tiger gods looked pale. Only when facing this black-robed man would they know how powerless they were!

It is not that the strength is inferior to the opponent, but that the opponent has mastered the power of time, the past cannot be traced back, so you can't resist it at all.


Clouds of smoke were rolled up on the ground, and the three demon gods stood up palely, silently, watching the punishment of the ancestors.

Seeing the black-robed man turned his eyes and looked at him, all the ancestors of the teachings trembled. The dead Jinlin and Ao Le's corpse were lying on the side, saying that it is a lie to not be afraid.

The corners of Tai Yi Jiaozu's mouth twitched, took off the turtle shell, and stood there silently.

"Henggu changes, endless reincarnation, just take my palm and forget it" the black-robed man sighed lightly, and it seemed that he had feelings at this time.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu speaks:

"Since then, all cause and effect have been cut off at once."




"..." The smoke and dust rolled up, and there were countless lines on the innate spirit treasures that were originally cracked and mottled by the ancestors, which looked extremely pitiful and could be broken at any time.

"Hey!" Yu Duxiu sighed softly and closed her eyes: "A new era is about to begin."

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