The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Divide the mainland, the heavens and the humans will fail

The ground was shattered and the field was in a mess. Only Kunlun Mountain stood still, but with a little bit of vitality. Kunlun Mountain suffered from the aftermath of the earth's veins. Although it did not collapse, it was not as good as before.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu looked down on the wild land, and saw the land shattered into pieces of continents, countless islands, and each island and continent were separated by tens of thousands of seas. The big continent has the whole wild land. One-tenth the size of the mainland, and the small one is just an ordinary island, a small land.

After this battle, although the twelve demon gods existed, the countless tribes under the twelve demon gods were slaughtered by the human race and the Yinsi coalition forces, and there was not much left.

"It's a pity! Jinlin and Ao Le died like this. It's incredible." Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly, his eyes were full of disbelief and confusion. The supreme power has always been immortal, and the idea of ​​eternal existence has always been It is deeply ingrained in everyone's mind, but it is indescribable to see the supreme powerhouse being killed and destroyed.

The powerful men looked at Jinlin and Ao Le nailed in the sea, their eyes were complicated, and they were all sad.

"Oh, no one has died since ancient times. These dragon whip, dragon tendons, and dragon brain are good things. The dragon whip dragon meat is a great supplement, the dragon blood can refine treasures, and the dragon tendons can refine magic weapons. The two dragon horns can also be used to make good treasures." The old jade ancestor was heartless, with a weird smile in his eyes: "Hahaha, ancestor, I will have a good harvest today."

While talking, the ancestor of Jade has come to Jinlin’s head, grabbed Jinlin’s horns, watching the movements of the ancestor of Jade, the supreme powerhouses are suddenly impatient, eyes flashing with weird colors, it looks like two Long Jun's corpse is of great value.

Seeing that the supreme powers wanted to join the ranks of the treasures, I saw Jinlin's body move and looked at the jade ancestor with a gloomy expression: "Old ancestor, my horns can't be broken!"

"Scared! You loach actually deceived Heaven and Earth's will not to die?" The ancestor Jade jumped off Jinlin's dragon in shock, looking at Jinlin's regaining vitality, and then looking to the side of Ao Le. Ao Le was revitalized and began to resurrect.

Seeing the resurrection of the two dragon monarchs, all the supreme powers in the field suddenly disappeared, and their eyes were full of surprises. Look at me and I see you. The supreme power is really immortal. No one can break this law. , Except for the hapless Donghai Longjun.

However, the supreme powerhouses have the feeling that one day, the East Sea Dragon Lord will be resurrected and will return again. The realm of the supreme powerhouse is really incomprehensible, even the supreme powerhouse will touch it. well.

When Jinlin was resurrected, everyone would naturally no longer pay attention to Jinlin's affairs, but instead looked at the broken wild land in the distance.

Looking down on the wild land, the eyes of the powerhouses lit up. The remaining wild land, the Lingshan realm, and Yuanshi Tianzun’s Lingtai Fangcunshan realm were intact, and the human tribe was suppressed by the ancestors, plus Tai Dou taught the ancestors to take care of it on the side, and apart from being well preserved, there are still a few continents that are still well preserved.

The center of heaven and earth is gone, and now everyone has to grab the site even more.




The twelve demon gods wanted to move, but they were stopped by the ancestors, demon gods, and dragon kings. Jinlin smiled coldly: "The demon gods have been defeated. It should be the last island on this earth to choose. The wild land is broken because of you. , You are the sinners between heaven and earth, causing countless sentient beings to perish, and countless sentient beings displaced. It is a sin worthy of death and death. You are not worthy to enjoy all the resources between heaven and earth. This island should be the first choice for me to defeat the race. Yes."

Looking at all the powerhouses who are eyeing each other, the devil clan's aura is now dissipated, and they dare not be an enemy, they can only hold back their anger forcibly and say: "Well, you pick it first."

The powerhouses, look at me, look at you, the three demon gods are ready to move, and Tai Yi teaches the ancestors: "The demon race should withdraw from the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth. I also said that when the punishment came the other day!"

Hearing this, the three demon gods look at me and I see you. Their eyes are full of unwillingness, but they are helpless. Now the human race, the Yinsi, and the dragon race are looking forward to entering the heaven at any time. The demon gods absolutely dare not say nothing.

Seeing the silence of the three demon gods, the prince of Yinsi smiled softly: "The teaching ancestors of this battle have contributed a lot, so they should speak first.

Taiping ancestor said: "My human race has tribes, which is enough. This choice can be changed a bit. As long as the monster race is willing to give up the 33rd heaven, the opportunity of this reckless land to pick first will be given to the monster race. , My human race is not willing to fight!"

"It's fine too." The Fox God nodded. Since the Yaozu has withdrawn from the position of the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, the Thirty-third Heaven should be let out, but it is a bit hot when sitting, making people unable to sit still.

The Fox God's words fell, and he scanned the largest continents, speechless for a long time.

After this catastrophe, all the continents have been extinct and become a barren land. If they are selected, they need to work hard.

"My demon clan is going to the northern continent." The fox **** stretched out his hand, and the aura spread out in an instant, spreading across the entire continent: "The demon beasts in the 33rd heaven will be withdrawn soon and returned to the human clan. "

"Hahaha, since the monster race has chosen, the prince is not welcome." The prince Yinsi rubbed his hands, his eyes were full of excitement. This time the mainland was broken, just to his liking.

The prince of Yinsi made a round tour, but instead of choosing the relatively better continent, he chose the deadly continent, and instantly selected a continent.

The Yin Division chose the mainland, and the Prince Yin Division did not talk to everyone, but tore open the channels between Yin and Yang. Numerous ghost monks began to cover the sun and build a sacred place for Yin Division in the Yang world.

Seeing the action of the prince of the Yinsi, everyone suddenly looked gloomy, but it was hard to say anything. The enemy and I are unclear, and the world is turbulent. It is not easy to start the battle. What everyone needs is cultivation and vitality, but this battle has given the Yinsi a finger. Human opportunity.

After the prince Yinsi selected the members of the Yinsi tribe, Jinlin and Ao Le hummed coldly, plunged into the sea in an instant, and wandered towards the mainland of the yinsi prince, apparently begging for the eternal spirit of the dragon clan.

Looking at the continents, the good ones had already been selected, and the twelve demon gods snorted, randomly selected a larger continent, and evaded, not wanting to say more.

For the remaining smaller continents, the quasi-superpowers from all walks of life flew all over the sky for a time, occupying the dojo one after another, or sharing a continent ~ I will not describe them here.

"Sure enough, this has only been a short ten thousand years. The protagonist between heaven and earth changed hands again. The demons retreated from the general trend of heaven and earth, the demons were slaughtered, and the sea tribes disappeared. Only my human race is still prospering. To my human race, Hongjun's contribution is indispensable." Tai Dou Jiaozu sighed slightly, his eyes filled with emotion: "It's a pity that Hongjun was suppressed."

"Worse, before the world collapsed, Hongjun's suppressed corpse, I don't know if it suffered a devastating blow, and escaped!" The twelve demon gods have just descended on the continent they chose to pick up the few remaining tribes. Coming over, then the wolf **** rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, suddenly startled.

Hearing this, the twelve demon gods were taken aback, and the next moment they drove the light to wander the earth, looking for the place where the corpse of Yu Duxiu was sealed.

"Here" the wolf **** shouted.

One sentence attracted the attention of the powerful men. The Bull Demon God repeatedly opened the restriction, only to see the corpse of Yu Duxiu, who had been sealed off, emitting a foul smell at this time, and then instantly rotted and died in pus.

"Five decay of heaven and man?" The twelve demon gods were taken aback.

The three demon gods watched from a distance, and they were also taken aback: "Heaven and man are weak? No way?

The Fox God went mad and broke into the 33rd Heaven. Looking at the intact head of Yu Duxiu, he smiled lightly, not waiting for him to speak, but saw Yu Duxiu's head with black energy rising into the sky, and death aura filled the sky. The entire hall.

"Why! Why do you still have five decays? Didn't you take the elixir of immortality?" The Fox God rushed over, mobilized his mana, and tried his best to suppress the five decays on Yu Duxiu's head, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"The law of heaven and earth reverses, the universe repeats, my body is separated, and naturally I can't resist the calamity of the day and earth" Yu Duxiu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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