The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2120: 49 Hongmeng Purple Qi

"Why are you born? Why are you dead? Why are you immortal?" Yu Duxiu looked at the anxious Fox God, and said lightly and lightly.

"Don't die, please, don't die" The Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu with red and swollen eyes, and his hands kept suppressing Yu Duxiu's gradually decayed flesh, but it was useless under the power of heaven and earth.

"No one can stop the five declines of heaven and man" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

"Don't you have the celestial fruit status? Haven't you refined the ultimate human fruit status? Why don't you swallow that fruit status?" Fox God's face was flushed with excitement.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "The flesh is incomplete, it's rare, it's too late!"

"I don't want you to go! You bastard, you leave it to me" The Fox God Fox God clasped the rotting body in his hands firmly.

"I won't blame you, this is my fate! The reincarnation is endless, we will see you in the next reincarnation" The words fell, and Yu Duxiu's body became ashes.

The "grandma" little fox rushed in panting, with anxious eyes in his eyes. Looking at the gray Yu Duxiu, two lines of tears fell.

"Dead! Dead! I'm all to blame. Back then, Hongjun should not be suppressed by the lock demon tower, causing Hongjun to suffer backlash from the heavens and the earth. Hongjun's certificate reached the human status and lived the same life as the heavens and the earth. The law is implicated, and the life span has come to an end.” Fox God’s eyes were full of self-blame, sitting there with his legs in his arms, as if he was a child who made a mistake.

"Dead! Dead! See you in the next cycle!" The little fox was dumbfounded.

"Dead" Ao Le dumbly looked at the ashes in his hands, and his eyes were full of disbelief. The powerful man, roaring for nine days, conspiring on the heavens and ten thousand realms, was a great young man who was taboo for everyone, just Because the world is broken, the backlash is dead.

"See you in the next cycle? I will never miss you in the next cycle" Ao Le instantly turned the ashes in his hands into dust.


Thousands of shocks, the world is in sorrow, Yujingshan is blocked, and no foreign guests will ever be seen again.

"It's a pity! It's a pity that Hongjun died!" Tai Su Jiaozu's eyes were full of helplessness.

"Yeah, Hongjun was so stunning, but it's a pity that he was mistaken by cleverness, and was actually implicated by the Elixir of Life" Fuyao smiled bitterly.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu stood in front of the old turtle, gently stroking the old turtle's beard, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out of her mouth.

"Master!" The old turtle was taken aback and shouted.

"The cleverness was wronged by cleverness, which actually hurt Daoji. Back then, I really shouldn't have swallowed the elixir of life." Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly.

"The Wen family woman and the Holy Infant also swallowed the elixir of eternal life, so why are they not implicated?" The old turtle was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, how should he explain? He would say that he was linked to the Tenth-Rank Lotus Tribulation, and then was involved in the Tribulation of the Immortal Medicine, causing himself to be harmed? .

A trip in the reincarnation is just a trip to the reincarnation. Yu Duxiu is now in the tenth rank, and he can't die if he wants to die. The mystery of the mere reincarnation can't deceive his power.

"In the future, this Yujing Mountain will be handed over to you. When I come back, I will take the opportunity to get out, establish Taoism, start a great battle with that Buddhist school, and rob the Qi of the Nine Schools." Yu Duxiu's whole body cracked slowly.

"Would you like to meet Miss Wangchen and Sheng Ying?" Prime Minister Turtle said.

"No need, block Yujing Mountain, it's just a hundred years before I can reincarnate and return." After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, she walked out of Yujing Mountain and entered the depths of chaos.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! Why is your kid so unlucky? Why are you hitting all the unlucky things?" The old jade ancestor wailed in the lower realm, looking at the earth-shattering vision, which was more shocking than the immortal enlightenment. a bit.

"Since your kid is dead, the treasure in the Yujing Mountain, the ancestor, I will take it for you." The jade ancestor's eyes turned sneakily: "If I accept this kid as an apprentice and beat and scold him day and night, wouldn't it? Out of a nasty breath? I can save this kid's reincarnation by the way."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt reasonable, and he jumped out and disappeared.

"Dead?" Jinlin looked at the void in a daze, at the earth-shattering vision, and then at the corpse in his hand, a little disbelief.

The confidant that I have always thought of, died like this? It's almost dead and a little inexplicable.

"Hmph, since it's dead, I won't give you any more chances in the reincarnation!" Jin Lin's eyes flashed murderously.

"Dead?" The teaching ancestors look at me and I look at you. They looked at the earth-shaking visions. For a while, they seemed at a loss. When Hongjun was alive, everyone regarded it as a thorn in his eyes, but after he was really dead, everyone A suffocating pain could not help but rise in the heart of the ancestor of the teacher. Although Hongjun had many calculations for the Humans before his death, he was still very useful to the Humans anyway.

"Oh! Life and death, countless powerful enemies will inevitably come here this time. The **** of the Yinsi will never let me go. Jinlin and Ao Le will also regard me as a thorn in my eyes. I really want to go. Once through reincarnation, why are you born? Why die? Why are you immortal!" Yu Duxiu's eyes are full of confusion, she has comprehended the six reincarnation patterns and mastered the secrets of the six reincarnations, but her heart is even more confused, the vastness of reincarnation , It is so vast that it is difficult to peek.

"I want to refine an innate spiritual treasure" Yu Duxiu sat in the chaos, thinking about refining innate spiritual treasure.

There is a gestation period for refining the Xiantian Lingbao. This period is the most dangerous period for monks. Any quasi-immortal can bully you, because the birth of the Xiantian Lingbao is like a pregnancy in October, and you will have a miscarriage just a little bit.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and looked at her own Dao Guo Chao Qing Lian, and shook her head. Chaos Qing Lian no longer belongs to Dao Guo, but a treasure that transcends everything. It contains three thousand chaos and has unlimited possibilities. Being conceived as an innate spiritual treasure, on the contrary, it reduces the potential of Tao fruit.

"If you want to do so much, you should first refine the hongmeng purple energy." Yu Duxiu revolved in front of her body, like a dream and illusion, strange colored glaze, like a rainbow, and it seemed like a ray of rainbow.


The void moved lightly, and the overwhelming calamity was poured into the Dao that day, only to see the emergence of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the ray of life was gradually improving.

Article 30, Article 40, Article 47, Article 48, Article 49, eh? In addition to the gleam of life, it happened to be fifty.

"It's finally over." Yu Duxiu looked at the Hongmeng Ziqi in front of her, and sighed softly, then stretched out her palm, and the green lotus flickered in the I saw the forty-nine Hongmeng Ziqi. They were all swallowed by the Chaos Qinglian, and then submerged in three thousand chaos. After plundering a ray of original energy in the three thousand chaos, it turned into a purple placenta and stood still.

Looking at the purple placenta, Yu Duxiu suddenly had an idea in her heart, and a flash of light passed by, and she smiled when she looked at Tiandao in front of her: "Make a facelift, this seat knows what treasure to refine!"

After speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly closed her eyes.

outside world

The wild land is desolate, and the monks of the monster race have gradually moved out from the 33rd heaven, and they have come to the desolate monster tribe to open up the territory and sort out the veins.

The atmosphere of the Monster Race was depressed at this time, and the Fox God sat there blankly, a touch of grief in his eyes infected the entire Monster Race.

The "grandma" matchmaker walked slowly to the front of the fox god, dressed in white, extremely holy.

"What's the matter?" The fox **** had no spirits, his head drooping.

"The boy is leaving the monster race" The matchmaker lowered her head.

"What?" The Fox God was taken aback, his eyes began to regain consciousness, his eyes were full of puzzlement: "Why?"

"Grandma! I'm going to find Hongjun's reincarnation." The matchmaker stroked her belly with a melancholy in her eyes: "After my son is born, I can never become a child without a father!"

"Oh! It's all my fault" Fox God's eyes were full of self-blame.

"The ancestors don't have to blame themselves, Hongjun's fate is like this," the matchmaker said in melancholy.

"Report!" A quasi-demon **** of the fox clan presented a letter: "Xiangshen came to handwriting."

Fox God took the letter, took a look, and said with a gloomy expression: "The Elephant God is looking for the Locking Demon Tower, ready to explore the details of Yujing Mountain, and invite me to come and help."

"Hongjun is not a fool, how could he hide the Demon Locking Tower in Yujing Mountain" The little fox shook his head.

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