The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: Keep the true and mysterious ancient covenant

"Xuanhuang Qi is an opportunity to become immortal. If you know that you have always hidden a Xuanhuang Qi in your body, I am afraid that I will be too scared to sleep peacefully." Tan Xuan muttered in her heart, looking blankly. Some inexplicable Yu Shi Niang suddenly remembered that this girl had been in retreat, not knowing the preciousness of this gas, and quickly explained: "Xuanhuang Qi is the key to immortality. No matter how talented you are, you will also get Xuanhuang Qi. , Can become immortal!"

Hearing this, Yu Shiniang was taken aback: "Give me this Xuanhuang Qi, what will my brother do?"

"Brother Dao is a big local tyrant. At least half of the Xuanhuang Qi battle broke out in the past, and at least half of it belonged to Brother Dao. How could you still be missing your Xuanhuang Qi?"

As he was talking, he saw a mysterious yellow aura coming out of the box again, and Tan Xuan said in horror: "Two...Xuanhuang auras?"

The words hadn't fallen yet, only a figure appeared in the box, turning into Yu Duxiu's appearance, looking at Yu Shiniang and Dan Xuan with a spring breeze.

"Brother!" Yu Shiniang exclaimed.

"Girl, when this box is opened, it means that you are out. My brother owes you so much in his life. Back then, my parents died early, and it was thanks to you and me to survive." Having said that, the projection thought smiled: "Here is There are two mysterious and yellow auras, one with you and the other with Danxuan. It is not easy for Danxuan to take care of you. This mysterious and yellow aura is regarded as a reward. Wait for your brother. Brother has exceeded the constraints of the law of the great world. It won’t be long before I will return. I have friends Yuan Yuan, Amitabha, Goku, and Turtle Prime. They are all credible people. If there is something to do, just give orders and will not refuse you. If there are difficulties in the future, there will be someone. Help you, when you come back as a brother, I'm enjoying the wine with Xianmei and sharing the joy of longevity!"

After speaking, the divine consciousness instantly dissipated and disappeared.

"Xuanhuang Qi? I have one?" Looking at the two Xuanhuang Qi in the box, Tan Xuan suddenly stared at the two Xuanhuang Qi in the box, surprised not knowing what to say.

"Brother!" Yu Shiniang held the wooden box in her hand for a long time without words.


A piece of Xuanhuang Qi was caught by Wangchen and swallowed into his abdomen. The remaining piece of Xuanhuang Qi was pushed in front of Tan Xuan: "Since it was my brother's order, there is naturally one of the Xuanhuang Qi with Senior Sister."

"Thank you Junior Sister! Thank you Brother Dao! If it wasn't for Brother Dao who had already married, I would definitely agree with my body." Tan Xuan rejoiced and didn't know what to say.

"Bah!" Mother Yushi said with a puff: "You shameless hoof, you want to be my sister-in-law, but you want to be beautiful!"

"Now that my brother is gone, I should go and see my sister-in-law." Yu Shiniang sighed slightly, looking at the bright moon, there seemed to be people floating: "I should marry my sister-in-law soon."

"Shi Niang, there are actually talisman in this box." After Tan Xuan swallowed the qi of Xuanhuang, he found two talismans under the wooden box.

"The Position of the Water God in the World" was taken aback for a moment.

"Brother!" Yu Shiniang was in a daze.

"If you have this brother, what do you want? Brother Dao must be afraid that you have no hope of immortality, so when he pardoned all the gods, he left a divine talisman, fearing that you will die early, just like reincarnation as deep as the sea, and you will never be able to find it anymore. To you" Tan Xuan said.

Two lines of clear tears were drawn from the corners of Wangchen's eyes, his eyes full of grief: "Brother!"

Han dong sky

Yu Duxiu suddenly raised her head and looked out of the world with surprises in her eyes: "Shi Niang actually left the customs."

"It was indeed a customs clearance, and it also caused the gathering of the heavens and the world, almost fighting again" Han Yan walked over, took a small coat, and slowly put on Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and said after a while: "Three years later, I will leave the customs and leave your world."

"You are pregnant now. If you are hit by someone, you will be in trouble!" Han Yan said.

"It's troublesome to be hit by someone? It's even more troublesome to be called to the door!" Yu Duxiu slowly moved her waist helplessly.

Outside void

The jade ancestors and the fox **** are constantly searching for the whereabouts of Yu Duxiu, and Ao Le Jinlin in the four seas is also racing against time to break the long river.

"Hongjun! You can't escape! Even if you are talented, you can never imagine that you will be quasi-immortal within a hundred years, and you will awaken your past and present memories. Although you are an unparalleled arrogant, you really haven't heard anyone say that there are monks who can reincarnate. Jinlin gritted his teeth and said that memory can be awakened in a century.

While talking, Jinlin told his strong men: "Don't look for it quickly, you must find Hongjun's reincarnation, otherwise Naer will ask!"


The quasi immortals under Jinlin left the Dragon Palace instantly.

"You wait to find Hongjun's reincarnation. You must find it within fifty years. Hongjun is too talented. I'm afraid he will have a back hand." Ao Le said with heavy eyes.

Listening to Ao Le's words, everyone nodded.


Thirty three heaven

Gantian slowly tapped the case table with his fingers, and the palace of Lingxiao was empty, and the gods were missing.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, the days of dry days have been moisturized. With the help of the heavens and the help of the jade ancestors, the days of dry days will be as refreshing as they are.

"Hongjun was born." Gan Tian's eyebrows clustered up: "I didn't expect Hongjun to reappear in the world tens of thousands of years later."

"Your Majesty!" Xihe said.

"What do you think?" Gan Tiandao.

"Your Majesty also intends to take a trip in the muddy water? Hongjun's muddy water has never been easy to ride," Xi He said unhurriedly.

"I want to find the reincarnation of Hongjun, and use the breath of Xuanhuang." Gan Tian looked at Xihe with a pair of eyes: "The wild land is broken, and the remaining Xuanhuang Qi is even missing. If I want to become enlightened, You can only start from Hongjun."

"Have you ever thought about the consequences?" Xi He looked at Qiantian: "If Hongjun returns from the reincarnation, if he has not been calculated by his majesty, but returned smoothly, may his majesty imagine the consequences?."

"The gods are all over the heavens and the stars, and I have the support of the heavens. How can Hongjun come back from the reincarnation? This wild land, is not in the gods, every inch of the land is covered by the shadows of the gods, if I can't find it No one can find Hongjun’s trail in the heavens." Qian Tian smiled coldly, and said to the General Rolling Blind beside him: "Go and teach the four great celestial masters, and order them to lead the gods of the world. Search for the reincarnation of Hongjun, if I can find it, I will have a great reward!"

"Yes" the rolling curtain retreated respectfully after hearing this.

"This is the truth, this is my heavenly court" Qiantian smiled triumphantly when he looked at the submissive general.

"Your Majesty is now keeping the truth or doing it?" Xi He looked at the sky with seriousness in his eyes.

"Ai Concubine" Qiantian stretched out his hand and wanted to hold Xihe, but he was instantly released by Xihe: "When your majesty wants to understand this problem, touch me."

Qiantian's face was gloomy when he heard this: "You use this excuse to have never had a bed with me in 50,000 years. Are Qiantian and Shouzhen really important?"

"Naturally," Xi He said coldly: "Your Majesty's mind has now been distorted and changed after 50,000 years of erosion by the Emperor's Avenue. If this continues, sooner or later, it will cause a catastrophic disaster. Now the Taiping ancestor has been slow to bear it. Because Hongjun matters, I never saw you in my eyes. If you really capture Hongjun into your hands, I'm afraid that the old accounts and old accounts will be calculated together, and the catastrophic disaster will come!"

Hearing this, Qian Tian's face instantly became gloomy, and he sat there without speaking for a long time.

"Your Majesty, black and white impermanence ask to see you." At this moment, a message came from an officer outside the door.

"Black and white impermanence? Tell him to come in!" Gan Tian glanced at Xihe and said.

Seeing this, Xihe turned and left.

"Shouzhen, your boy is doing well now, and the king of my family asks you, do you remember what you promised back then?" Heiwuchang said frivolously.

"What's the matter?" Gan Tian said dissatisfied.

"Shouzhen! Back then, if it were not for the help of the ghost master, you thought you could get your life under the Taiping ancestor? Do you think you could reincarnate? Back then in the Yin Division, you signed an ancient covenant with the ghost master, you should not Forget it" Bai Wuchang listened to Qiantian's words, and his expression instantly darkened.

"Is there such a thing? Why don't I remember? You two are still the same. Millions of years have passed, and the pig should have lived for such a long time to prove it. I didn't expect your cultivation base to be too slow to move forward." Gan Tian The eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Shouzhen, don't pretend to be silly, the king has orders, and you want to search for Hongjun's trail with all your strength" Hei Wuchang said coldly.

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