The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2124: 100,000 years is too long

Kunlun Mountains

Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu and blinked, "What are you going to do now?"

"What else! Of course I'm waiting to become immortal!" Yu Duxiu waved her immature palm, and then said helplessly: "I want to ask, a reincarnation is as deep as the sea. How much has passed through this reincarnation? year?"

Yu Duxiu suddenly thought of a very important question, as deep as the sea in samsara, and she didn't know how many tens of thousands of years had passed in samsara.

Han Yan stretched out five fingers, and Yu Duxiu's expression was stunned: "It's only been five years, but it's not bad. God really favors me."

Han Gang sneered upon hearing this: "You are beautiful in your dreams!"

Yu Duxiu's face was stunned when she heard the words, and then said: "It's not five years, that's fifty years. Fifty years is nothing."

"Bah, you thought that Samsara was created by your house" Han Ming sipped.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "Five hundred years? Five thousand years?"

"You are losing money" Han Yan sighed: "A full fifty thousand years."

"What?" Hearing this, Yu Duxiu stood on her hair and stiffened, her eyes fixed on Han Yan: "Don't you lie to me?"

Yu Duxiu came to this world until the ninth rank of flowers bloomed, which was less than 30,000 years. If you tell him 50,000 years, it will be no less than a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

"Who would lie to you! Over the past fifty thousand years, the heavens and the world have been rummaged by many powerful people, for fear of missing your traces and asking you to go back against the sky." Han Yan looked at the jade duo who was stunned. Xiu said unhurriedly: "It's a mere 50,000 years, what's all the fuss about, when you live for a million years, you will be numb to time!"

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu looked at the void in the distance with a dazed expression. After a long time, she let out a long sigh: "It is indeed a loss of money. Ten thousand years are enough for me to become enlightened, but now it takes five Ten thousand years have passed, and this business has really lost money. I don’t know what my Yujing Mountain looks like now."

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Han Gang smiled softly: "Yujing Mountain is guarded by a tortoise prime minister and jade ancestors help. What can happen?"

"It's the human race, the prosperity of these 50,000 years," Han Wei said.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her finger and counted silently: "I have laid such a good foundation for the Human Race. If the Human Race is not thriving, it would be too unreasonable."

After some calculations, Yu Duxiu's mind was slightly relaxed, with a relaxed expression on her face: "Since I am back now, naturally I will not bring the heavens and the world to peace."

"You once promised me to help my Jiaolong clan to prosper, but now it's still a big deal?" Han Yan walked over and pinched Yu Duxiu's face.

Yu Duxiu frowned and swayed from side to side, but he couldn't get rid of: "It counts! It counts! Naturally it counts!"

"How long do you plan to stay in my cold cave sky?" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu: "With this seat's cultivation level, at most five years of secrets will be hidden for you. After five years, you will be inevitably by the powerful Break through the mist of heaven."

Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes: "Why don't it take five years, as long as I strengthen my body, I will be out of this dusty cave in three years to find opportunities and play with these guys."

Sensing that his placenta is constantly copying and engraving the great power of the Dao of Heaven, Yu Duxiu's mouth curls up. As long as he proclaims the Dao, this treasure is another Heavenly Dao* although its power may be inferior.

At this time, Tiandao was wrapped by the purple placenta at the core, and little shining began to surround the continual derivation, deriving a crystal and delicate object that seemed to be white jade.

"Whatever you want" Han Fang glared at Yu Duxiu.

Yujing Mountain

The old jade ancestor swayed from side to side, tying the two beards of the old tortoise together like a swing, swaying.

"Life is really lonely as snow. It's rare to meet an interesting person, but there is no trace. Hongjun has been reincarnated for fifty thousand years, and I don't know when this kid will return." The ancestor of Jade said helplessly, and the whole person was stunned. Where is the drooping head sitting.

The old tortoise was helpless, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "The ancestor is worried that if you get into trouble, no one will take care of you!"

"Bah, ancestor, am I that kind of person?" Old ancestor Jade cursed.

As he was talking, suddenly seeing the divine light flickering in the void, the Fox God walked in with a bad face: "Old Ancestor! Something happened!"

"What's the matter?" The Jade Ancestor was taken aback.

The Fox God said with a gloomy expression: "Huh! What else can be, of course Hongjun is back!"

"Hongjun this kid is reborn? Great! This is a great thing!" The Jade Ancestor suddenly became uncomfortable, jumped up quickly, his eyes were full of ecstasy: "This time it's good! This time it's good! Finally someone I’ve been tossing with my ancestors, and I’ve seen the fellows of Human Race displeased for a long time. These old immortal 50,000 years have been so proud, but I don’t know that this foundation was laid by Hongjun. I want to come a million years ago. The old immortal also took advantage of my ancestors in this way. If I can't retaliate, ancestors, wouldn't it be an insult to my ancestors' reputation? How can I swallow my ancestors?"

"Reincarnation is of course a good thing, but all parties in the heavens are watching Hongjun! Some want to put Hongjun to death, some want to put Hongjun under his sect, and promote the orthodoxy. I have nothing to do with this matter. I need my ancestor to help me." Fox God looked at Jade Patriarch: "More importantly, Ao Le's little **** and Jinlin also intervened, and the ancestor must be able to guess the consequences."

"Jinlin? Ao Le!" The ancestor of Jade couldn't sit still when he heard the words: "These two bastards, ancestor, I haven't gone to trouble with them. How dare these two guys come to provoke us?"

"Where is Hongjun's reincarnation?" The Jade Ancestor stood up and looked at the fox god.

"I was taken away! I am missing now!" The fox's expression was gloomy and his eyes were full of worry.

I don't know who took Yu Duxiu, life and death are unpredictable, misfortune is unpredictable, and it is really disturbing.

In Jade's eyes, a bit of murderous circulation: "Where is Hongjun's birthplace? Don't take me there quickly!"

On the sea wave

A little bit of chaos in Jinlin's hands rose, constantly infiltrating the void, and spreading towards the long river of fate.

"Hongjun! You can't run away! When I break through the long river of fate, it will be your death date! You **** variable, ancestor, I must suppress you forever in reincarnation" Jin Lin scolded.

On the other side, Ao Le is also ascending in chaos with his hands, constantly exploring the vitality left in the long river of fate.

Not only Jinlin Ao Le, but also the ancestors of the Human Race gathered together at this time.

"This time is the best time for us to resolve our grievances with Hongjun. If we can take advantage of his unawakened memory and put it under the door, Hongjun will only have to pinch his nose to recognize it even if he is awakened in the future." The ancestor turned the turtle shell.

"Simply put, how difficult it is to take Hongjun under the door!" Taiyuan Jiaozu shook his head and sighed: "The demon gods, devil gods, and dragon kings all peeped at Hongjun. We have no name and no distinction, no name for our teachers."

"I can't control that much, I have to start first. All fellow daoists helped me peek into the secrets, but I have to see where the expert rushed in front of the Yinsi Prince in advance and took Hongjun away" Taiyi teaches the ancestor ~ www.wuxiaspot. com~ The teaching ancestors were hesitant when they heard the words, but they nodded immediately, and all agreed with the words of the teaching ancestor Tai Yi.

"Thanks to you for infusing that point of origin into my soul, so that you and I have a feeling for each other." Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan, smiled softly, letting Han Yan harm her face.

"I have the foresight, knowing that you will cause trouble sooner or later" Han Yan rubbed Yu Duxiu's face unhurriedly, and then said: "You can practice in retreat, and you will be able to strengthen your bones sooner. You also have some self-preservation for the big trouble in your heart. Now that you are pregnant in October, have you ever wondered how to spend these 100,000 years?"

"One hundred thousand years is too long, how can I spend one hundred thousand years in enlightenment" Yu Duxiu shook her head and gently stroked her forehead: "A thousand years may not be useful."

"You always act unexpectedly. I don't know what method you used to steal the secrets of heaven this time, become a spiritual treasure, and shorten such a long time. If this secret technique is spread, the heavens will be shocked." Han Yan turned his back to Yu Du Show way.

Yu Duxiu would say that he has forty-nine grandeur and purple qi, which is a great tonic, and there is a day of infusion. Is it commonplace? .

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