The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Where is my brother?

"It's here?" The old ancestor of Jade looked at the manor, followed by Fox God with a pair of eyes with anticipation. . Fastest update

"Yes, Hongjun was born here" Fox God said.

The ancestor of Jade turned his eyes, and kept looking at the manor: "The geese pass by and take pictures, but the ancestor, I don't believe that Hongjun has left no trace."

Tai Su Road

Suddenly, Tai Su Jiaozu peeked out of the chaotic world outside the 33rd Heaven, and landed on the mountain peak in the forgotten dust.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds of heaven and earth converge on the mountain peaks in Wangchen's retreat, and the aura of the heavens and the earth violently converge towards this place.

"This is?" Tan Xuan suddenly sat up from the ground in shock, and quickly came to Wangchen's cave.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the years have not left the slightest wind and frost on Tan Xuan's body, on the contrary, the mature charm is even stronger, and the whole person seems to be a mature peach.

"Sister Wangchen has finally left the customs, and I don’t bear the trust of Miaoxiu. She has guarded her for tens of thousands of years." The excitement in Tan Xuan’s eyes flickered. These tens of thousands of years have changed and the years have changed. For Tan Xuan, it was too huge. Many disciples of the same generation who started in those years had already died of old age or died in the chaos of war.

Thanks to the blessing of Yu Duxiu, he has never participated in various battles, and has a panacea, but it has fulfilled his own cultivation.

"Junior sister finally left the customs, but it's a pity that Brother Hongjun died tens of thousands of years ago." A little sadness flashed across Dan Xuan's eyes. For tens of thousands of years, Dan Xuan had been accustomed to the ebb and flow of the tide, and parting life and death.

A bright aurora rose from the Taisu Dao to the sky, shaking the nine heavens, and attracted the attention of countless powerhouses in the world.

"The human race is really prosperous, the world of great controversy has passed, and it is really terrible that there are still quasi immortals born," Jinlin in the East China Sea took a moment to glance at it, never thought, let alone know that this quasi immortal is Hongjun's sister .

"Shi Niang, you are finally out!" Tan Xuan said excitedly.


The sky of the cave, which had been sealed for tens of thousands of years, finally opened slowly again. I saw a smile in the eyes of Yu Shiniang dressed in white, and the innocence of a young girl, she walked out with joy: "Sister Danxuan, I have trouble. I protect the law."

"I never thought that Junior Sister would actually rush to the quasi-xian realm in one fell swoop, I was really ashamed of my sister" Dan Xuan said embarrassedly.

"Hahaha, the senior sister was joking, and the younger sister is just lucky!" Shi Niang chuckled.

Looking at Yu Shiniang, Tan Xuan whispered secretly: "Good luck? It's not just good luck. You have a big brother who keeps rolling up the turbulent situation. Your sister naturally enjoys the blessing of your brother."

As he was talking, suddenly a stream of light slid down from the thirty-third layer and landed in Wangchen's hands.

"It's a talisman to teach ancestors" Shi Niang was shocked, and immediately reached out her hand and accepted the talisman respectfully, not daring to disobey.

This scene is a sigh: "If you know how good a brother you are, even if you are the ancestor, you won't be attracted by you."

"Jiaozu summoned you and I to the Taisu Realm outside the 33rd Heaven to wait for dispatch. Sister, please go with me as soon as possible." Shi Niang looked at Tan Xuan, and read the talisman that taught the ancestor.

Tan Xuan nodded, Shi Niang grabbed Tan Xuan, turned into a streamer, and instantly rose into the sky, and soon broke through the world barrier and headed towards the Tai Su world.

"Unexpectedly, Hongjun's sister actually proved it." Fuyao sighed softly when he came to the world of too plain.

"This news must not be leaked out, otherwise, I am afraid that the heavens and the world will have an endless storm again. Now that Hongjun is reincarnated and reincarnated, he has already caused panic and nervousness. If I see you again if you leak it out, I will be too vegetarian. I am afraid that Dao will not be peaceful." Tai Su Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "With Yu Shi Niang, the ties between my too Su Dao and Hong Jun cannot be cleared. In the future, I will rely on Shang Hongjun. This kid can't run."

"How many people want to get involved with Hongjun. Those old guys of Human Race have red eyes. If they know this, they might come to grab someone right away," Fu Yao said with a wry smile.

Lower bound

The ancestor of Jade looked away from the manor, looked in the direction of Tai Su Dao, and looked at the aurora rising up into the sky, with moonlight shining in his eyes: "Okay, well, I didn’t expect it to be Yu Shiniang, the little girl who enlightened Dao. Now, with this sister, we are not afraid that Hongjun will not come to us, let's go find Yushiniang quickly."

"Yu Shi Niang?" The fox **** was agitated, looking at the excitement of the jade ancestor, thinking about the name with the word'Jade' in it, and suddenly said: "With the same surname as Yu Duxiu, could it be Yu Duxiu's younger sister?."

"You are not stupid, this is Yu Duxiu's biological sister, your little sister-in-law, if you can't buy this little sister-in-law, you will suffer in the future," Old Ancestor Jade joked.

Hearing this, the fox **** gave the old jade ancestor a kick: "Don't talk nonsense, let's hurry up and get the Yushi Niang out."

"This incident is going to alarm the Prime Minister of Yujing Mountain. Without this old turtle personally, I am afraid that my ancestors are weak. I am too shameless and would not give it to me," the old ancestor Jade muttered.


All the ancestors looked at the aurora soaring up into the sky, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "The big fight is over, my disciples, but there is still Tianjiao who has not proven the way of quasi immortality?"

"It never happened!" Tai Dou Jiaozu hesitated.

"I know. I didn't expect to forget this incident. Everyone will follow me as soon as possible. As long as this quasi immortal is brought into the human race, I am not afraid that Hongjun will not enter the water. How can I forget about sister Hongjun?" Taiping The ancestor patted his head in annoyance, and rushed out in an instant. Back then, he personally sent the little girl away, but he made a foul move.

Great Leiyin Temple

Sun Chi looked at the aurora rising into the sky, his face hesitated, and the Dapeng on one side said: "Sun Chi, you are going to prove the way, but it is not suitable for you to go out. This matter is still going by yourself, that ten mother It’s my aunt. I’ll just go and take it back to Da Leiyin Temple to be blessed. Hao Sheng will teach you this bald donkey, and my sister will be the master for me.”

Before Sun Chi could speak, the Golden Wing Roc had already rushed out and rushed out of the chaos.

"I have seen the ancestor" Shi Niang bowed respectfully.

"I have seen the ancestor" Tan Xuan followed with a salute.

"Hey, I didn't expect that your retreat would be tens of thousands of years. Have you ever recovered your past life memories?" Tai Su taught the ancestors.

"Tens of thousands of years?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback, and then she was panicked, her voice trembling: "Teacher, how many thousands of years the disciple has been in retreat?"

"There are still seven or eighty thousand years," Tai Su Jiaozu chuckled.

Hearing this, Lady Yushi trembled with tears in her eyes: "Teaching ancestors! The disciple just thinks it’s been a few days of retreat. I don’t know where my brother is now? How well is it?"

Hearing this, Tai Su Jiaozu was taken aback for a moment, turned around and looked at Fu Yao, with a look of embarrassment. These tens of thousands of years have changed, and Tai Su Jiaozu doesn't know where to start.

Seeing Tai Su's teacher's expression, Yu Shiniang instantly softened and she was about to fall to the ground. Fortunately, Tan Xuan was prepared to hold that Yu Shiniang.

"Jiaozu! How did my brother die? He died that year?" Yu Shiniang's voice was weak.

"Oh!" Tai Su Jiaozu looked strange: "How did your brother This is a long story, even if it is my seat, it is difficult to straighten out the cause and effect in a few words."

As she was talking, Yu Shiniang wanted to ask again, but when she heard the sound of laughter from outside, Tai Yi taught her ancestors: "Tai Su, let's come together to visit, why don't you come out quickly to meet him?"

The immortal machine is majestic, and the six ancestors came together and entered the small world of Taisu ancestors.

"Hmph, you old guys come here uninvited, what's the point of coming to my world? I don't welcome you in this palace," Tai Su Jiaozu snorted coldly.

The gaze of the Taipingjiao ancestor wandered around in the main hall, and he saw the pale-faced Shi Niang, and said with gentle words: "This Taipingjiao ancestor."

Hearing that this man was the ancestor of his own brother, Wangchen suddenly felt energetic, forcibly stood upright, and saluted: "I have seen the ancestor, dare to ask the ancestor, how did my brother die?"

"Oh, it's really hard to tell everything in one word. Why don't you follow me to Bixiu Peak on Taiping Road, and this seat is slowly telling you about it? Your brother was my Taiping Dao and even The world’s first arrogant human being, unfortunately, died early and had a horrible life. I feel sorry for this...".

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