The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Robbery

"Bah, Taiping, you are really shameless, you are so faceless and skinny, open your eyes to talk nonsense" Tai Su taught ancestor sipped, and then said to Yu Shi Niang: "Shi Niang, you don't want to listen to this old stuff. , This guy had a fall out with your brother long ago, and the old thing also contributed to the death of your brother. The fastest update"

"Tai Su! No matter what, Yu Duxiu was my Taipingdao disciple back then, and his sister, Taipingdao, is obliged to take care of him," Taiping Jiaozu said dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, this servant of Taiping is really hypocritical, even this seat can't stand it anymore" The Golden Winged Roc flew high, tearing the world barrier in an instant, falling into the cold world, facing Yu Shiniang Respectfully saluted: "I have seen my sister-in-law."

"Who are you?" At this moment, Yu Shiniang was a little stunned, not knowing what was happening.

The golden-winged roc said respectfully: "Return to my aunt, don’t ask about these things. The old bald donkey sent me by Sun Chi. Now Sun Chi has become a Buddha in Da Leiyin Temple. Above the people, the majestic and prestigious manner, I was about to let my sister-in-law go down and let her be the master for me."

The Golden Wing Roc looked around, and saw all the ancestors staring at him, swallowing their own personal affairs decisively, not dare to mention more.

"Dapeng, you are not in Lingshan, do you want to go to Lingshan in the muddy water?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked gloomy.

"This is not muddy water, but the reincarnation of Hongjun. Auntie is lonely and helpless. I want to connect it to Da Lei Yin Temple to enjoy the blessing," Golden Wing Dapeng said.

"Bastard, who do you call this seat?" Taiyuan Jiaozu wanted to take this issue and grabbed the Golden Wing Roc with a palm, but saw a stick from the lower realm penetrate the Taisu world and took Taiyuan Jiazuo's palm. Kicked off, Wukong walked in slowly, with compassion on his face: "You old guys are too much, you actually care about a junior, you have a share!"

"Fight against the Buddha!" ​​The ancestors looked solemn, and the ancestor Tai Yi sighed slightly, knowing that the matter was big: "It seems that your Buddhist family has to blend in."

"My Buddhist school only needs justice. Shi Niang girl and my Buddhist school are related to each other. This seat is here to take you." After fighting the Buddha, turned around and looked at Yu Shi Niang: "Shi Niang, this seat is The Lingshan realm battle defeated the Buddha. When your brother was in his first reincarnation, I used to support your brother to complete the road to the sky, and have a deep friendship with your brother and brothers. Why don't you follow me to Da Lei Yin Temple!"

Hearing this, Shi Niang turned around and looked at Tan Xuan behind her: "Senior Sister! Which one of them said is true and which one said is false?"

Hearing this, the powerful people gathered their eyes on Tan Xuan, but they were too heavy to turn away.

As Kung Fu was in a stalemate, there was movement in the world again, and Ao Le walked in slowly, his eyes full of weight.

"Shi Niang, I am a married couple with your brother. I am your sister-in-law. Come back to the East China Sea with me."

Before Jinlin and Ao Le saw all the powerful people gathered in the outer sky, they knew that something big had happened, so they didn't care to visit the secret, and hurried over.

"Sister-in-law?" Wangchen was a little confused.

"You **** still has the face to say that you secretly calculated Yu Duxiu's background, and you have to reincarnate in reincarnation. All the responsibility lies with you. Yu Duxiu has long been grudges against you. You There is still a face here to claim to be Mrs. Hongjun, I am ashamed for you" Tai Huang Jiaozu cursed.

As soon as this statement came out, Ao Le's eyes rolled murderously: "Old stuff, you're bored of life, aren't you?"

As he was talking, there was a loud laughter from afar: "Hahaha, my ancestors, I am here, you shameless group of people, each pitted Yu Duxiu, and the kid who harmed him had to be reincarnated. Now I think I want to run over and sell it, but I can't imagine it!"

The old jade ancestor swaggered into the world of Tai Su, ignoring the powerful, and came to Yu Shi Niang with the Fox God. The old jade ancestor patted Yu Shi Niang’s slender thighs: "Little girl, old ancestor, I and Your brother is a friend of life and death. Except for Wukong's words, these guys are full of nonsense. They have a deep hatred with your brother. If you believe it, you must die without a place to die. You should stay with my ancestors. ."

"Jade, you hapless guy, how can Shi Niang stay with you?" Fu Yao cursed with a smile.

The old jade ancestor scratched his head when he heard the words, and tugged the skirt of the fox **** next to him: "Ten Niang, although this Hu Meizi is not your true sister-in-law, it is still messy with your brother. You can’t follow the ancestor. , It’s always right to follow the Fox God."

"Fart, Shi Niang is a monk of my human race, how can I follow the demon race?" Taiyuan Jiaozu angrily scolded.

Everyone was noisy here, and couldn't tell the clues. The noise made Yu Shiniang's head buzzed, and suddenly someone heard someone say: "Okay! The people from Yujing Mountain are here!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the court changed, and the Golden Winged Dapeng said, "Sister, this Yujing Mountain is going to be obtained. This is a force established by your brother himself, he just wants to get it!"

Hearing this, Yu Shiniang looked at Dan Xuan beside her, and under the pressure of the supreme powerhouses, Dan Xuan's eyes rolled, Yu Shiniang's mind was already clear.

"Unexpectedly, Prime Minister Turtle came here in person!" Tai Su taught ancestors surprised: "This old thing is not afraid that the old man will be handed over to him. Hongjun will return to the reincarnation to settle accounts with him."

"Old tortoise, if I don't come again, I'm afraid my aunt and grandmother will be abducted by you." The old tortoise carried the tortoise shell on his back, and his steps seemed to be staggering. After that, she respectfully saluted: "I have seen my grandmother, grandmother really has the same blood from the Taoist master, she has extraordinary qualifications, and the old turtle is polite. That Yujingshan is a world created by the Taoist himself, and grandma is invited to join me. Going to Yujing Mountain, Lao Gui Ju will understand the reason for this."

The teaching ancestors wanted to speak, but they heard the old jade ancestor say: "Yes! Yes! Yujing Mountain is your brother's lair, and your brother's biological son is also in it. You will know when you go!"

Listening to the words of the old jade ancestor, Ao Le clenched his fists, and the bloodshot slowly escaped, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Son!"

The Fox God also nodded: "Yes! Yes! Jade is right. Your brother's life is too complicated to describe clearly in a few words."

As everyone was talking, Tai Su taught ancestors with a wry smile and said: "Ten Niang, Prime Minister Turtle is true, that Yujing Mountain is your brother's nest, you should go to Yujing Mountain with Prime Minister Turtle."

Everyone in the field, look at me, look at you, Ao Le came to Prime Minister Turtle with a gloomy face, and gave a respectful salute: "I have seen Prime Minister Turtle, and now Hongjun is dead, I wonder if Prime Minister can return to me in the East China Sea?"

Looking at Ao Le, Prime Minister Gui shook his head: "Princess Lao has kindness, and Laogui has taken it with her heart. Now Laogui is from Yujingshan and he dare not violate the Taoist laws."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the Yushiniang: "Please invite grandma to go on the road!"

"Alright." Yu Shiniang grabbed Tan Xuan's palm, and the old turtle nodded, rolled up the whirlwind and took the two away. Everyone in the field could only watch, but did not dare to stop.

"Oh, it's a pity, my aunt refused to follow me to Da Leiyin Temple, otherwise I would have to make Sun Chi's bald donkey suffer retribution" Jin Wing Dapeng cursed secretly.

Wukong grabbed the Golden Wing Roc and turned it into golden light and disappeared without a trace.

Since Yujingshan took the shot, everyone naturally didn't expect it, so they had to go back to their respective houses.

"It's a pity, if I can make ten mothers, maybe in the future..." Ao Le sighed and turned and left. In the blink of an eye, the world of Taisu's ancestors returned to quiet, leaving only Taisu. The ancestor and Fu Yao stared at each other with a wry smile.

"This is Yujing Mountain?" Shi Niang looked at everything in Yujing Mountain curiously.

The old tortoise sighed slightly, turned into a prototype, and lay there: "Sister-in-law, grandma, please do it yourself."

"The prime minister won't tell me about my brother?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback.

"I don't need to speak about this, grandma will understand it naturally in the future," the old turtle said unhurriedly.

Yu Shiniang hadn't finished speaking on this side, but seeing the figure flickering in the distance, Wangchen and Wen Yingji greeted the holy infant.

"But Shi Niang?" Wen Yingji said.

"Exactly!" Yu Shiniang said.

Prime Minister Turtle said: "This is your sister-in-law, nephew, and your brother's younger sisters, all of whom are close."

"Aunt!" Sheng Ying said timidly.

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