The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: My name is boundless

While talking, the lady squeezed Yu Duxiu’s immature face, held Yu Duxiu in her arms, and kissed fiercely: “Such a doll made of powder and jade looks so happy, but unfortunately……"

"The little man saw that this child was left alone and abandoned by the roadside. If the wife really likes it, she might as well stay by her side and be a begging boy, or she might just adopt a godson." The coachman said outside. .

Previously, the driver saw Yu Duxiu dressed in luxurious clothes, and the material on his body was obviously extraordinary. He was actually like a legendary fairy material. He was taught a strange technique by a stranger in the past. He also knows a lot of secrets about this fairy family. , Especially now that the various preachers, monks are no longer legends and mysteries in the ordinary.

The wife looked at Yu Duxiu’s bitter little face, but she squeezed and shook her head: "You don’t know anything about the mansion. If I accept this child, I will have to stir up trouble again, or If you talk and talk about it, it would be better to keep this child by your side if you want the child's life."

Listening to this lady's words, Yu Duxiu felt a little urge to scold her, and she wanted to be a servant by herself. This lady also had no discernment, and she didn't know why, there was a problem with her own hexagram arithmetic. Bastard!

Yu Duxiu also knows some of the reasons at this time. Now the Buddhist school is fighting with Jiuzong, and the two sides are constantly playing games with their own methods. The secrets of this day are constantly changing and it is difficult to predict.

What's more, it is now the trend of Buddhism's great prosperity. The general trend is to reverse the universe and the yin and yang. It is also reasonable to prevent everyone from prying.

Now that the eight teaching ancestors are trying to interfere with the secret, the Buddhists are not vegetarians, and the secret is naturally messed up into a pot of porridge.

Yu Duxiu couldn't struggle at this time, and the wife who let it be devastated, thought in her heart how to create Taoism, prosper Taoism, and since then cut her future body, she can push the world invincible.

The invincible hand here refers to two people fighting, if it is a group fight, it doesn't count.

"If you want to promote Taoism, it is nothing more than preaching in the ordinary. As long as you get the approval of the ordinary people, and then the master suppresses it, it will be done!" Yu Duxiu thought silently in her heart: "I used to divination, Qi Men predicted, It's because there is a chance for her own enlightenment in this team, but where the chance is, Yu Duxiu hasn't noticed it. Instead, she was caught by this lady and treated it like a child."

The lady held Yu Duxiu in her arms, kept her nose and face, and then stuffed various cakes in Yu Duxiu's mouth.

"This is the day of the gods" Yu Duxiu rested on the towering bouncing of the third wife, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she nuzzled comfortably. The wife didn't care, what a two or three-year-old child knew.

"Steward" Hushan rode out to the carriage and called out in a low voice.

"Is there anything wrong with you guy?" The coachman, the wife's housekeeper, turned his head and glanced at Hushan.

"Butler, where is the child?" Hushan scratched his head.

"Madame saw the child's sculpting and jade, she thought it was quite cute, so she stayed by her side, it is considered that the child is lucky," the butler said unhurriedly.

"So that's the case, the little one is relieved." Hushan took a look at the carriage after hearing the words, then quietly took a look at the carriage behind, without saying more, turned and left.

When the Jinwuxi fell, the sky gradually dimmed, and Hushan yelled: "Set up camp!"

A caravan of 10,000 people is simply overwhelming. At a glance, the lady in the carriage wore a veil and hugged Yu Duxiu in her arms. After finishing the tent, she got out of the car and entered the tent with the support of everyone. .

Looking at the tent, Yu Duxiu felt strange. The vast starry sky could be seen above the tent.

A group of people are cooking, and it is not long before it is fragrant and noisy outside, but the surroundings of this tent are very quiet. The lady’s tent has been separated from everyone, and everyone outside even looks at the lady’s tent. Not.

"Steward Hu" said the third wife.

"Miss!" The carriage driver came in.

"I have said that, I am married to the Cao family now, so I just follow the Cao family's surname, you should call my wife," said the third lady.

"Oh, the old slave watched the young lady grow up. In the old slave's heart, the wife will always be the third young lady of the Hu family" Hu said.

The third lady was silent for a while before saying: "What happened to the thirteen mothers?"

"The Thirteen Mother Boats are exhausted, and they have already rested," Hu said.

The wife stopped speaking after hearing this, and the butler stood respectfully in place.

After a while, I heard the lady say: "Forget it! The boat will go straight to the bridge, you can go and prepare your meal."

After the coachman left, the lady sat there blankly, facing the candlelight in the tent, her eyes flickered a little sad. After a while, the lady pulled Yu Duxiu beside her, hugged it, and looked away through the tent. The starry sky of the place: "It is often said that there are gods and immortals on this star. Do you want to hear the stories of immortals?"

The wife pinched Yu Duxiu's face, looking at the starry sky with a pair of eyes full of longing.

After hearing the words, Yu Duxiu also looked towards the starry sky. The lunar star was so bright and intoxicating that she couldn't help but immerse her mind in it. After a while, she heard Yu Duxiu say: "There is a star **** guarding this star, but never There are immortals, and only in the eternal existence of the lunar star can the goddess of the moon exist."

"You can talk?" Madam was startled, and almost threw Yu Duxiu out. Yu Duxiu was resting on the third wife, and her voice was immature: "That said, I can't speak."

"Whose child are you? How did you live in the wilderness?" The lady looked at Yu Duxiu curiously.

"You can call me immeasurable" Yu Duxiu said.

"Infinite?" Madam was taken aback.

"The sea is boundless, the starry sky is boundless, the sun and the moon are boundless, and the rivers are boundless. The sky is boundless, and the chaos is boundless inside and outside" Yu Duxiu said with a smile.

"You little boy, your name is magnificent, and your parents must not be ordinary people." The third wife pinched Yu Duxiu's face.

"What you said is wrong. My parents are just ordinary outsiders, but my friends are different. From the nine star gods, the supreme power, to the creatures in the rivers and lakes, my name is Tian Tian Ying. , Called Didi Ling! Wherever you go, there is no response in all directions," Yu Duxiu said proudly.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the third wife squeezed Yu Duxiu's ass, and the painful Yu Duxiu grinned, "What are you doing by pinching me?"

The third wife scolded: "You kid, you don't learn well at a young age, so you can say some crazy talks."

Yu Duxiu reluctantly tightened her robes, "Where did I lie."

Seeing that Yu Duxiu was about to run, the third lady stretched out her hand to grab Yu Duxiu again and pulled it into her arms: "You kid, since you can talk, why didn't you talk before."

"You kid, if you can talk, why didn't you talk before?" The lady stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu scratched his ears: "I never said that I can't speak, but I just don't want to speak. If I don't meet someone who is predestined, I will waste my tongue."

"Who is predestined?" Looking at Yu Duxiu's old-fashioned look, the third lady felt more and more fond, and refused to let go.

Yu Duxiu said: "I originally came to the Terran Territory to find someone who is destined to prosper my orthodoxy, but I never wanted to be teased by others. I miscalculated the secret and I was hit by If it's a predestined method, it can't be done."

Hearing this, the lady said: "Fate? Your child is really interesting. You speak with a clear head. You said that there was no fairy in the sky. What is the star?"

Seeing the playful gaze in the eyes of the three ladies, Yu Duxiu didn't hesitate, she was teasing in her heart, and whispered in the ear of the lady, "I tell you, you are not allowed to tell others that the stars live on. It's a monster."

"Monster beast? How could it be possible, in various dramas and legends, there are all immortals, how can there be monster beasts" said the lady.

Yu Duxiu sneered when he heard the words: "There are only a handful of immortals from the heavens and ten thousand realms! There are countless stars in the sky. If there were so many immortals, the world would have returned to chaos."

"What did the immortals say?" The lady was stunned when he heard Yu Duxiu's words: "I have countless immortals who can fly to the sky and move the mountains to drive the moon."

"You can be considered an immortal? You are a monk at best!" Yu Duxiu sneered.

"Then tell me, what is a fairy!" Madam pinched Yu Duxiu's face to pass the time.

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