The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2132: Ask for the Emperor's Robe

After listening to the lady's words, Yu Duxiu immediately realized that the difference between the immortal and the ordinary monk had been confused by the ordinary person and could not be separated.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those who can fly into the sky and escape the earth are immortals.

As for the immortal's magical powers and mana, the difference between monks, mortals don't know much.

"The immortals are supreme! The human race has nine supreme ones, the demon race has five (not counting those in the lock demon tower), the demon **** race has twelve, and the dragon family has four. There are only so many immortals from all sides of the world, less than fifty." Yu Duxiu counted only a handful of them, and after a serious calculation, there are indeed many powerhouses in the world.

"You little fellow, don't blame me!" The third lady gently rubbed the sideburns of Yu Du's beautiful hair, with love in her eyes: "Where is your home?"

"The whole world is home! Chaos is my home, inside and out," Yu Duxiu said.

"This child is really annoying." The lady squeezed Yu Duxiu's face, and then said: "You will come to Beijing with me in the future. It is also good to stay by my side and be an adopted child."

"I have parents, how can I recognize my parents?" Yu Duxiu scoffed, "Where is your home in Beijing?"

"Founding General's Mansion, this is my home!" Madam gently rubbed Yu Duxiu's forehead.

"The founding general's mansion?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, and then he thought about it, and then said later: "The founding general was rebellious and planned to send you back to his hometown in the name of visiting relatives. Why did you come back again?" Yu Duxiu said in amazement.

"What? How do you know?" The third lady was taken aback, grabbed Yu Duxiu's shoulders abruptly, broke Yu Duxiu's head out of her arms, and carefully looked at Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"I told you, ancestors, my name is Tian Taitian, and Di Ling, there are few things in the world that can be hidden from me." After speaking, Yu Duxiu broke away from his wife's arm and got in again. In the arms of his wife: "What are you so excited about."

After hearing the words, the third wife said after a while: "You must not be a child of ordinary people!"

"After I arrive in Beijing, I have to trouble my wife to introduce me the founding general" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"You little boy, what do you do with me, Jiangjun!"

"There is a big deal waiting for him to talk about."

There was nothing for the whole night. Everyone had breakfast and continued on the road. This time the third lady did not dare to tease Yu Duxiu, but Yu Duxiu didn’t care about the three ladies, and got into the arms of the three ladies. The third lady rolled her eyes.

"This great righteous dynasty actually has the opportunity to dry the sky, the true dragon in the mighty dragon aura is really not an enemy, but I don't know what Gantian has to do with this great righteous dynasty" Yu Duxiu thought to herself.

"Wuliang, why did you come to Beijing?" The third lady said softly, holding Yu Duxiu.

"Preacher!" Yu Duxiu said without thinking.

"Preacher?" The lady was taken aback.

"Yes, when the time comes, my wife will intercede with the general on my behalf" Yu Duxiu unhurriedly arched in the wife's arms.

Lingtai Fangcunshan.

Yuanshi Tianzun swayed the chaotic clock in his hand, opened his eyes abruptly, and stood up slowly: "If you want the dragon and the snake to rise from the land, the morality and governance need the help of the emperor's robe."

After speaking, he got up and headed towards the small world of the Fox God. After entering the small world, the Fox God felt a little bit and smiled softly: "Oh, rare guest, the original Taoist brother actually came here, there is a missed welcome!"

"The fox **** is polite. I am here today to ask for something for Hongjun," Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"Hongjun's stuff? What? Patriarch I don't know why?" Jade Patriarch stood up.

The ancestors of Jade and Fox were looking for Yu Duxiu's traces outside, and they did not find them. They returned to the world of Fox God to make new plans, but they didn't want to be touched by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Listening to the words of the jade ancestor, Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "Hongjun is about to become enlightened. If he wants to plan the battle of the lower realm, the monster Zhou Tianxing has been trained, and the emperor's robes are useless. Please let the fox give it back. !"

"Hongjun is going to be enlightened?" Old Ancestor Jade's eyes lit up.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded: "A thousand years are enough!"

"Where is Hongjun?" Fox God's eyes lit up.

"Among Yunyun's red dust, that's it," Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

The ancestor of Jade rolled his eyes: "Since you said you asked for treasures for Hongjun, what proof do you have?"

Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand, and a piece of jade slip emerged from the projection, revealing where Yu Duxiu, who was just two years old, was sitting and talking.

"Okay, Jade, don't mess with your old thing. Take care of Yujing Mountain and Shi Niang for me. It will be as long as a thousand years, or as short as a hundred years. This seat can return. If there is something wrong with Yujing Mountain, this seat will take Are you asking" The words fell, and the jade slip turned into powder with a'pop'.

The fox **** turned his eyes and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun. With a wave of his palm, he took the star-lit emperor's robe in his hand: "Here you are."

The original Tianzun smiled lightly after receiving the emperor's robe, and instantly disappeared into the void, disappearing.

"This **** actually left? The means of staying in the emperor's robe was destroyed by him." The joy on Fox God's face disappeared instantly.

"Hongjun, this servant has recovered his memory? This time, the heavens and the worlds are fun. The Hongjun who restored the memory is his opponent." The old jade ancestor's eyes were full of fearful expressions, and his eyes were strange: "Something's wrong! How could the memory be restored so quickly?"

"Hongjun has recovered his memory? Why did I forget this?" Fox God patted his head, and said with a little annoyance when he thought of the divine mind projection on the jade slip before.

"My ancestor, what I am curious about now is what Hongjun this kid is doing, and I don’t know what conspiracies and tricks he is making secretly. Let’s be careful, don’t let that kid calculate it in," Old ancestor Yushi warned and followed. Yu Duxiu has been around for so many years, the ancestor of Jade trembles at the thought of Yu Duxiu's calculations.

The carriage wheel, after a month of piercing the stars and the moon, the capital is already in sight.

As soon as the convoy arrived at the gate of the city, they saw a pair of servants greeted him: "Welcome the third lady back to the city."

"No gift, get up!" The third lady in the carriage pushed Yu Duxiu away in her arms, tidyed up her clothes, and said blankly.

"Respectfully invite Madam to return home" enslaved.

As the motorcade entered the capital city, the servant said to Hushan: "Why are the third ladies back? The master was furious when he heard this, and he didn't know how to explain it."

"The madam had her own plan. At that time, the general dedicated his wife to her majesty, but it is a pity that the madam would rather die, and her majesty sent her back in anger, and the general was also implicated. She secretly blamed her in every possible way, and the friendship between husband and wife has been severed. If the second wife was not afraid of getting involved with the Hu family, how could she still give up her life in the tiger's mouth," said Hu Shan, angrily.

"Hushan! Don't hurry up!" The housekeeper in front of the third lady looked gloomy and didn't know when he came to Hushan.

"Yes, yes, this is the little one." Hushan's expression changed, and he slapped his face a few times.

In the carriage, Yu Duxiu heard clearly, and looked at the expression of the third lady. The third lady smiled bitterly: "You can hear it so far It really is a bit of skill. If it weren’t for Hushan to guard me in Nian, and I also had a different skill, I’m afraid I would have been killed by the general long ago, and the general’s heart would be rebellious. If I return to my natal family, this matter will definitely involve the Hu’s family. The Hu family will definitely end up with a lot of copycats."

"It's also a poor man!" Yu Duxiu sighed softly, "This general is too ruthless and unrighteous. Even his concubine can be sent out. It's crazy to be an emperor."

"The general is surrounded by a group of Buddhist monks who are said to be guarded by Buddhism who secretly make suggestions. There must be such factors in this matter." The third lady was melancholy.

"Oh, is it true that the enemies don't meet together, I don't know that it is those people from Buddhism who are here?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"I don't know! Do you know a disciple of Buddhism?" The third lady was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu smiled: "I told you, my name is Tiantianying, and I am called Diling. The ancestors of the nine supreme sects must be in awe of three points when they see me. This disciple doesn't know if I have seen me. After that, you will know."

"You don't want to be foolish, that's a fairy, you can remember, don't foolish," the third lady warned cautiously.

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