The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2136: Who is enlightened

Outside Shangjing City, Yu Duxiu stood on a high mountain and looked down on Shangjing City, and sighed softly: "Finally escaped from the palm of the witch. The update is the fastest."

The third wife is reluctant to leave her, it is definitely not the love of men and women, she is a two-year-old boy, it is not reliable to think about it.

It's like a little girl who sees that her beloved toy is missing, she is full of disappointment and unhappy.

"The war in Shangjing is about to break out, and I am not far from enlightenment" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, turning around and walking towards Chaos.

Now my own congenital spirit treasure has begun to conceive, just to overcome the tribulation of blooming ten ranks, use the calamity to refine the purity of the congenital spirit treasure, and then ascend to the sky in one step, cut out the future body, stand on the long river of destiny, run through the ancient and modern, horizontally and horizontally. defeat.

In Shangjingcheng, in the imperial city, there are eight primitive heavenly kings standing beside Tianzi.

"Master Dao, I don’t know when this rebellious party in the capital can be completely eradicated, and my heart’s troubles can be solved. After the incident is completed, I will definitely help the Eight Schools of Taoism spread all over the world, and be the first sect of my human race." In the study, looking at the Primordial Heavenly King sitting on the side, he showed expectation.

The original heavenly king was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then said: "It's true that the Eight Sects have not yet started, and they are waiting for the machine!"

"Waiting for the opportunity?" The emperor of Dayi Dynasty was taken aback.

"Yes, I'm just waiting for the Wing Machine!" The Primordial Heavenly King had a handsome face, which was unexpectedly handsome.

"The Buddhism is waiting for the opportunity, why don't we Basong take the initiative to attack? Now with the support of the founding generals, the preaching work of the Basongs is not smooth, and the disciples everywhere are damaged. If the founding generals are not removed, we Buddhists will not want to spend it everywhere." Emperor Dayi said.

Listening to the words of Emperor Dayi, the Primordial Heavenly King shook his head: "No, my nine sects are also waiting for the Wing Machine."

"How do you say?" The Dayi Emperor was taken aback.

The Primitive Heavenly King looked at the opposite emperor Dayi, with a solemn expression: "Nowadays, under the agitation of Qi Luck, there is bound to be the birth of the supreme power. Buddhism Tathagata and the Nine Sects are waiting for someone to prove the truth, with the help of Qi Luck. Defeat the opponent in one fell swoop! Moreover, the Buddha's Kong Xuan has a five-color sacred light, which is difficult to deal with, and I may not be able to win him."

"The Buddha's family certainly has opponents that can contend with your Excellency, isn't it possible!" The Emperor Dayi exclaimed.

The primordial king closed his eyes and said in his heart: "When I prove the truth, I will directly achieve detachment and follow the older generation of strong people. Who can compare with me, but the master suddenly disappeared, and I don’t know whether it is reincarnation or reincarnation. I don’t know what to do."

As I was thinking, suddenly I saw the turbulence between the sky and the earth, the golden light soaring into the sky, the smallpox falling randomly and the golden lotus, the countless smallpox hanging down, the fairies sang, and the rain fell in all directions, but it was universal celebration, and waves of energy fluctuations crazily converged towards the peace Away.

In the sky, the eight ancestors looked at each other, and then they showed ecstasy. They looked at the human land below. Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Well, you Taiping old man, your Taiping Taoist disciple is too arrogant. The first descendant of my human race to prove Taoism in modern times and ancient times must be Zhang Jiao's child. This son has unique Taoism and weird innate laws. It is you who selected Tianjiao and he must be undoubtedly."

"Congratulations, Congratulations, Zhang Jiao, you have an invincible power in Taipingdao." Taihuang Jiaozu's eyes are full of envy and jealousy. The luck of this Taipingdao is too good. Why do masters appear in Taipingdao? Shouzhen is in the front, the only show is in the middle, and then there is a horn. The benefits of this human race have been taken away by peace.

Looking at the endless flow of fortune, Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Unexpectedly, I will become enlightened at this time. It is time for my eight schools to rise up and achieve the great cause of Dingding. Then the general trend of Buddhism should be contained!"

"Buddhist monks are all a group of small people, behind the scenes, who is the supreme power to pick up the bargain, and now deserve to be divided by my eight sects." Tai Dou Jiaozu gritted his teeth with hatred, and the Human Race teaches Qian After all the hard work and planning, the Buddhist school has been fulfilled, so that the Buddhist school can take advantage of it. How can you tell the human race ancestors not to be angry? .

"Hahaha, I really want to see what Amitabhas face is at this time" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

The teaching ancestors talked and laughed, and the Taiyi ancestor looked at the Taiping ancestor: "Taiping, why don't you see a smile on your face? Why don't you laugh at such a happy event?"

Taiping Jiaozu took a deep breath: "That's not right! I know the Qi of Zhang Jiao, this is not the Qi of Zhang Jiao, not the enlightenment of Zhang Jiao."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. The ancestors opened their eyes together and looked towards the lower realm. Then they all showed stunned expressions: "How could it be him?"

"Impossible?" Taihuang Jiaozu's eyes were full of shock.

"Although this kid is a arrogant man in the Taiping Road, but he has never been a mountain or dew, how could he be? Where is Zhang Jiao?" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes were full of puzzlement.

"There are people on the Taiping Road who have enlightened. It seems that the Taiping Road is really a treasure. Although the character of Taiping is not very good, but the luck is good enough, how can it be a Taiping Taoist disciple to become enlightened? According to my prediction, it should be at least Mu Qingzhu and Mo Xie. "The ancestor of Tai Su" slapped his mouth: "What kind of **** luck is this on the Taiping Road, Zhang Jiao is really striving."

"It's not Zhang Jiao, how could it be him!" Fu Yao is a detached strong man, because he controls the law of wind, he sees much more clearly than Tai Su Jiaozu, his eyes are full of consternation.

"Who!" Tai Su taught ancestors for a moment, but after opening Fa's eyes he was stunned: "Why is it him? Why is it not Zhang Jiao?"

Not only the human race, but the monster race also exploded at this time. It is only strange how long it will take before the human race has the supreme power to be born.

Fox God World

The fox **** glared like silk, his eyes peeping into the human tribe, nodded and said: "It turns out that there is an enlightenment on the Taipingdao. My palace remembers that there is a proud man named Zhang Jiao on the Taipingdao. Could it be that he has become enlightened, but he has caught up. It's a good time!"

"It's not right! It's not right! I have seen Zhang Jiao's Qi machine, where is Zhang Jiao's Qi machine, but it is another person's Qi machine, I seem to have seen this Qi machine ancestor" Jade Padding his head said.

"Isn't Zhang Jiao's aura?" The Fox God was taken aback. After looking closely, through the energy storm, he was taken aback after seeing the figure in it clearly: "How is it possible! This kid is just an unknown boy. Although he is blessed by the family, he is What enlightenment."

Yaozu Land

The elephant **** and tiger **** are stunned. Look at me, I don't think you know what to say.

"There are monks in the human race again, and it seems that the human race has become the new center of heaven and earth." Xiangshen sighed helplessly.

"Shall we celebrate in the past?" The Tiger God said with a sullen face: "The Yaozu has been reclusive, I don't think we need to go."

"Hey, one yard is one yard, the demon race is the demon race, the demon **** is the demon god, we are all supremely powerful, how can we not have this kind of mind, let's go and see" Xiangshen disapproved.


Twelve Demon Gods, look at me and I look at you, and then muffled, the centipede ancestor opened his teeth and danced his claws: "If it weren’t for fear of causing trouble to my demon race, ancestors, I must confuse the enlightenment of the human race."

"Shall we celebrate this human race's enlightenment?" Wolf God said.

"Where to go! Human races are all despicable, cunning, sinister and shameless Let's just leave it alone and continue to practice and restore the power of my demons. This matter must not be let go." The lion **** roared and replied from the ground. Peace.

In the Dragon Palace of the Two Seas, Jinlin and Ao Le raised their heads and looked towards the human race: "It’s the road of good luck! Good luck! This palace has to go and celebrate. Human race is now the protagonist of heaven and earth. Joyful."

Jinlin's eyes were hazy and dim: "It's interesting! Human race is really interesting! Taiping Road is a treasured land of geomantic omen, this seat is somewhat interesting."

In the Taiping Road, looking at the aurora rising up into the sky, the mighty light that shakes the earth, the flowers fall chaotically on the ground, the golden lotus, countless showers of rain, wet my clothes, my eyes are full of mist and wonder: "Why? Who is it? Enlightenment? I am the Tianjiao of Tianping Dao, and I am the person who has the most hope to prove to immortality on Taiping Dao! Who is enlightening! Why is it ahead of me."

Zhang Jiao's eyes were full of anger: "Who is it! Who took my chance! Who is it..."

"Kacha" The magic weapon in Zhang Jiao's hand was turned into powder with excitement. It instantly turned into an innate aura soaring into the sky, and pierced toward the beam of light: "Who is it, I must see clearly."

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