The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2137: Enlightened person! The weird worms in the lock tower!


Before Zhang Jiao rushed into the sky, he was taken away by a big hand.

"Teach an ancestor!" Seeing Taiping Jiao ancestor, Zhang Jiao was taken aback, and then he bowed respectfully.

"Shaoan, don't worry" Taiping teacher nodded.

At this moment, the teaching ancestors had already personally appeared on the scene to guard the huge beam of light.

Yu Duxiu outside the capital city was full of stunned eyes. She stretched out her hand to catch the rain, and looked towards the direction of Taipingdao and sighed slightly: "Taipingdao is really a lucky way. I didn't expect that Zhangjiao will become a... It's not right, it's not Zhang Jiao, it's... Damn, how could it be Wang Zhuan."

Yu Duxiu looked at the beam of light rising into the sky in amazement, with too many puzzled eyes: "Although Wang Zhuan has outstanding talents, he is a lot worse than Zhang Jiao. It should be Zhang Jiao enlightened. That's it, why was this kid like Wang Zhuan preempted?."

In fact, this is not just Yu Duxiu's doubts, but the common doubts of all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world.

Countless strong people gathered one after another, looking at Wang Zhuan in the beam of light, his eyes were full of weird colors.

Look at Wang Zhuan who is proud of the spring breeze and is immersed in the sentiment of Dao Dao, then look at the gloomy Zhang Jiao, how can I see a sense of violation.

Not only were the powerful people here, but Yu Duxiu also ran over to join in the fun, looked at Wang Zhuan in the beam of light through the beam of light, and sighed softly: "Wang Zhuan is lucky and ran in front of Zhang Jiao. Wang Zhuan proclaimed Dao, Zhang Jiao still has some possibility of dividing Dao, if Zhang Jiao proclaimed Dao, Wang Zhuan’s path to enlightenment in this life would be broken."

At this time, Yu Duxiu turned into a young son, standing in the field and sighing slightly. A monk curiously said, "Why did this brother say this? What advice?"

Looking at the familiar faces around him, the wretchedness reveals treacherousness, Yu Duxiu is taken aback, why did Wang Daoling join in? .

"This horn is more qualified than Wang Zhuan. Wang Zhuan's enlightenment is driven by his aura, and he is blessed by the general trend. If he does not get enough qi, he will never be able to enlighten. The remaining air luck after enlightenment is enough to use the horns, and the Taiping teacher is a good calculation." Yu Duxiu praised.

When Wang Daoling heard the words, he was taken aback: "There is actually this saying?"

"It's you who are ignorant, sitting on the well and watching the sky." Yu Duxiu shook her head and looked up and down Wang Daoling and said: "I see you are extraordinary, and this life seems to be destined for immortality."

Wang Daoling was shocked when he heard the words: "Scared! You are really a good friend. That's how my master told me at the beginning. You can tell from this, you really have real skills."

"Hehe, fellow daoist, how about you come to see my old pig? Maybe I'm immortal? The eighth old ancestor Zhu came over with a flat face.

Looking at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "If you work hard, you still have hope, if you don't work hard..."

"How about not working hard?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba eagerly said.

"You can only live forever." Yu Duxiu shook her head.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba was taken aback: "You son with so powerful eyesight, he knows that my old pig has stolen the master's elixir of immortality and is already immortal."

Yu Duxiu's face was pale as soon as she heard this, and Wang Daoling on one side exclaimed: "The magic medicine for immortality? You stole the master's magic medicine for immortality. Your kid is dead, where did you steal it? ?."

"I wandered around the edge of the Eight Diagrams furnace that day, and saw Lingyu's alchemy completed, while I went to comprehend the way of alchemy, who knew I discovered a secret of the Eight Diagrams furnace" said Zhu Ba proudly.

"What's the secret?" Wang Daoling blinked his small eyes, eyes full of eagerness.

"It's okay to tell you this secret. Now that the elixir of immortality has been swallowed, there is always a weird force in a corner of the gossip furnace. No matter who goes to refine the medicine, it will leave a pill in it. Medicine, old pig, when I discovered it, there were already a lot of medicines in it. I didn't know it was the elixir of immortality. I only knew that the master's medicine was precious. So I opened my mouth and swallowed all the medicines. Old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled: "I didn't know until after eating."

"Brother, this is what you are not. Since you know the preciousness of the elixir of immortality and the precious pill in the master's pill furnace, why don't you leave some for me," Wang Daoling complained.

Several people are messing around here, the figure in the spiritual light beam has opened their eyes, and bowed to the ancestors gently: "I have seen all the ancestors, please forgive me that the disciples are now gathering spiritual treasures and cannot salute."

"It's okay, you just need to break through your meditation. The etiquette is nothing but imaginary. What is the use of it?" Taiping taught the ancestors.

All the ancestors in the field came to watch the mystery of Wang Zhuan's enlightenment, and all of them had their own guesses at this time.

"Congratulations Taiping Dao brother" Taiyi Jiaozu saluted Taiping Jiaozu.

Taiping Teacher nodded: "Tongxi! Tongxi!"

Although it was not Zhang Jiao who preached the Tao, Wang Zhuan was also a core disciple of Taiping Dao, and Wang Zhuan was also good at becoming a Dao.

Seeing the ancestors who were constantly congratulating him in the field, Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, turned and walked towards Tianwaitian: "You old guys are about to end their good days. See how I will clean up you in the future. Now 50,000 years have passed. , Primordial and Amitabha work together to make sacrifices. The Demon Locking Tower has become a big success, and it is about to show its power, so you can wait to know how powerful it is."

"Hey hey, where are you going, my dear friend" Wang Daoling hurriedly chased after Yu Duxiu was about to leave.

"Yes, yes, my dear brother, wait for me, I don't know why. After seeing you, I feel right, familiar and kind." Old Ancestor Zhu Ba hummed and followed.

Looking at Wang Daoling and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba behind him, Yu Duxiu sneered, looked at the clothes on her body, and said coldly: "I'm afraid your brothers are not seeing me for kindness, but seeing the treasures on my body. Good face."

"Where! Where! Brother Dao, what are you talking about! What are you talking about!" Old Ancestor Zhuba made a dry smile.



Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba's ancestor were kicked by Yu Duxiu, turned and disappeared.

"Brother, do you see anything?"

"Bah! This is definitely a tough problem. Our brothers are also top masters among the quasi-superpowers. We never thought that we met a master today. This kid is more terrifying than Kong Xuan."

Beyond Chaos

Yu Duxiu was dragging the Demon Locking Tower in her hand. After tens of thousands of years of sacrifice, the Demon Locking Tower became a big success. The entire Demon Locking Tower has turned dark green, becoming deep and restrained.

"I don't know what happened to the world in this lock demon tower" Yu Duxiu thought silently, watched the lock demon tower, and then stepped into the lock demon tower.

The world in the lock demon tower is still the same, but compared with the past, the small world is endless and transformed into a whole. Now the success of the 299,600 Hunyuan prohibition rituals is truly amazing. Xuan Gong.

"Even if the supreme power is really here now, I don’t need to take action. I am afraid it will not be good. I can only be trapped here." Yu Duxiu sighed softly, stepping out to the town monster monument. A gourd baby immediately rushed over and was kicked and fended off by Yu Duxiu one by one. The snake **** walked slowly in front of Yu Duxiu: "I have seen the Lord."

"Snake God, have a good life" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

The snake **** chuckled softly when he heard the words: "Fortunately, I want to open it now too, where can I live it?"

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, he couldn't comment, and with a pair of eyes the 229,600 small worlds, he sighed softly: "We have to plunder and multiply, fill up this small world, and the power of the world will be strong. Even a half of his small world hasn’t been filled yet, hey, why are there so many bugs in this small world?"

Seeing Yu Duxiu's doubts, the snake **** said calmly: "Insects have the most tenacious vitality and multiply the most, plus there are no natural enemies here, and the territory is vast, so naturally they are derived quickly."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu was non-committal and didn't ask much. Turning the topic to look at the few supreme powerhouses below, he saw that Taishijiazuzu, Good and Evil and others were fighting wine.

"It's okay to lock the demon tower, and this seat is at ease. This locks the demon tower is related to the future plan of this seat, and you must not relax." After finishing speaking, Yu Duxiu closed his eyes and withdrew from the figure. Came to the edge of chaos. r

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