The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2138: Sun Chi Chengdao, seven feet in golden body

When he reached the edge of chaos, Yu Duxiu was about to step deeper. Suddenly, a bright aurora in the great world soared into the sky, bursting through the world's fetal membranes in an instant, shaking the chaos inside and outside.

"Is this? Someone has become enlightened again?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, her eyes filled with amazement.

In the lower realms, the ancestors stood around Wang Zhuan, carefully observing Wang Zhuan’s preaching process, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "This time I am fighting against Buddhism, we are waiting for the top players of the eight sects, and we have all the luck. Plundered by my eight sects, now I'm about to take the opportunity to calm down the battlefield below, completely changing and subverting the general trend of Buddhism."

"Yes! Yes! Amitabha is great, this time we have to keep our eyes open and see how this fellow responds!" Taiping taught ancestor Ru Mu Chunfeng, his own disciple testified, the feeling is different.

All the ancestors were discussing here, and suddenly an aurora in the spirit mountain boundary soared into the sky, and in a short time the Buddha's voice sang, the rain fell from the sky, the fairies sprinkled flowers, the momentum was overwhelming, and it was three points stronger than the Wang Zhuan.

Seeing these ancestors pale in horror, the Taiping ancestor said: "How is it possible, how can the Buddhist school have the supreme power at this time, what a jerk!"

"It's troublesome this time." In Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes, the starlight flickered.

In Dayi Palace, the Primitive Heavenly King looked at the beams of light in the distance, his complexion changed wildly.

"What's the matter?" The Emperor Dayi came to the original heavenly king, and he could vaguely see the beam of light rising into the sky.

"There are people in the Eight Sects!" The original heavenly king's expression became gloomy, and his hands creaked.

"What?" The emperor of Dayi said in ecstasy: "When the Eight Sects have won the sky, it should be good, this time it is good, the plan has been decided, can you counterattack?."

"Don't worry, I will teach the ancestors about this matter. Don't think too much." Yuanshi Tianwang gradually recovered his composure. After the words fell, he saw the golden light rising from the Lingshan realm. The primitive heavenly king suddenly lost his color: "Sun Chi has proved the way."

Founding General Mansion

General Cao looked at the four monks who showed ecstasy around him, and said in doubt: "I don't know what the four mages have in mind? Why are they so happy?"

Kong Xuan said: "The general does not know that among the eight sects, there are unsurpassed powers who have been born, which has reduced the aura between the heavens and the earth. Now it is time for my Buddhist sect to take the initiative to attack, and the righteous emperor will become a prisoner."

"Really?" The founding general showed ecstasy.

"Such a movement, absolutely must not be fake" Bing Qin slowly grabbed the Yujing bottle in his hand, it was simply unreasonable, his brother was not enlightened, and he was put on the top by others, and it was strange to be able to balance.

"Come here, go quickly to prepare the banquet, my General's Mansion celebrates, and this battle kills the emperor of justice" General Cao's face was full of joy.

Just halfway through the banquet, suddenly there was an aurora from the sky and the earth, and the Buddha light sang, Kong Xuan stood up suddenly: "There are also people in the Buddhist school who have become enlightened!"

"What?" The general was taken aback.

"The general should not worry. This is a great joy. The prelude has already been laid. The two sides will not distinguish between the winners and losers. The next step is to fight with real swords and guns. It is a pity that the disciples of Yujingshan do not wander in the ordinary. , Otherwise the dragon veins will be cut, how can justice survive" Kong Xuan sighed lightly.

"Brother Dao don't want to talk nonsense. If anything goes to Yujing Mountain, there will be a big mess. I would rather spend some money on my own and not be too far away to be spoiled by those **** in Yujing Mountain" Bingqin said.

In the Lingshan holy realm, in the Great Leiyin Temple, the sky was falling into the ground. At this time, the golden light of Sun Chi's whole body flickered, turning into a golden body of Zhang Qi, extremely majestic, and a long-lasting vitality spread to all directions.

"Amitabha Buddha" Amitabha said the Buddha's name: "Congratulations to fellow Taoists for enlightenment."

"The disciple Sun Chi has seen the teacher, and I would like to thank the teacher for his guidance. The disciple dare not forget it for a day." Sun Chi stood up and respectfully saluted Amitabha.

"My Buddhist enlightenment is different from the ordinary. You take the opportunity to preach the Dharma, spread the wonderful truth, guide the three thousand holy realms, enter the immeasurable Buddha kingdom, and gather the mantra Tathagata Heart Sutra," said Amitabha.

Sun Chi smiled when he heard the words, and said the mantra in his mouth. Sun Chi's six-character mantra is the simplest, but I coaxed you and turned it into a six-character mantra post. At this time, the six-character mantra turned into a spiritual treasure. , Became a banner, and fell into Sun Chi's hands. The mantra was melted into one body and carved into Sun Chi's golden body.

At this time, Sun Chi preached and spread it throughout the world. With the help of this world, it spread to all continents and in all directions. Although the powerhouses were willing to stop them, they still looked at the power of the rolling world and the mighty world. If you don't do the thing about praying mantis arm as a car, you can only rely on the other party, and the cheeks of each person will turn purple.

"Improper son of man" Taiyuan Jiaozu cursed, watching the human race countless Buddhist followers slowly being born, and the anger began to rise.

"Don't be angry, it's just a speculative person. Take advantage of the general situation of the world and play some cleverness. They will suffer in the future." Tai Yi Jiaozu chuckles: "The decisive battle is imminent. Don't miss the big thing."

"Oh" Taiyuan Jiaozu sighed.

At this moment, the two aurora soared into the sky, shaking the earth, not allowing each other to fight each other, the mighty fairy machine overwhelmed all directions, and countless sentient beings knelt down.

In the Yujing Mountain, the jade ancestor jumped up suddenly and pulled the boy around him: "Holy Infant! Holy Infant! Holy Infant! Hurry up, Sun Chi is actually enlightened, let's join in the fun and ask for some benefits. "

"Sun Chi? That Sun Chi?" Sheng Ying crawled out of Prime Minister Turtle's beard in a daze.

"Of course it's your father's subordinate Sun Chi. You can see that one of your father's subordinates has proved the truth, but your father is still tossing about, it is true." The old ancestor Jade scolded, "Go and take your aunt." , Sister-in-law called, let's go to Da Leiyin Temple together to catch the autumn breeze."

"Aunt, aunt, the old jade ancestor said that Sun Chi has proved the way and told us to go to Da Leiyin Temple to catch the autumn wind." The Holy Child happily ran in and threw herself into Yu Shiniang's arms.

"Sun Chi proves it? It's a bit early." Yu Shiniang was taken aback when she heard the words. Sun Chi was just a subordinate of his own brother back then. He gave himself a few elixirs. I never thought that this person is also now. Preached.

"Sun Chi!"

Suddenly, Sun Chi just felt that the sky was spinning, and he called for a while, as the supreme powerhouse, he fell into it without any resistance.

"Master?" Looking at the figure in front of him, Sun Chi subconsciously said.

"Congratulations" Yu Duxiu looked up and down Sun Chi, showing a satisfied smile.

"It's still the master who teaches, but I don't know where the master is now? Subordinates can go and serve," Sun Chi respectfully said.

"You are also the supreme powerhouse now, you and I have no distinction between upper and lower, in the future, the same generation will discuss friendship" Yu Duxiu looked at Sun Chi and patted Sun Chi on the shoulder: "I'm there, you don't have to worry about it. Coming back against the sky, I will induce you to preach today. I will come here for a while."

"Where is this place?" Sun Chi looked at the endless void and asked in confusion.

"Here is your heart" Yu Duxiu said with a smile: "Wu Kong surrendered the heart ape, immobilized the immortal horse, breaking the void, and then the heart and the heart are harmonious, only then can you become enlightened, and now you are enlightened by your true body, and you have the six-word mantra Lingbao, on the other hand, is a fusion of nine sects and recklessness, and there is no one before and after."

Hearing this Chi was taken aback: "Please let the Lord explain."

"I don't understand. I have never walked this road. Naturally, I won't have any experience. I just have some eyebrows. In the future, you need to integrate the Human Race Avenue and the Monster Race Avenue and integrate them into one. Naturally, you can break the shackles and become supreme. "Yu Duxiu's figure slowly disappeared.

Countless Buddhas from the outside world looked at that Sun Chi, only to see that Sun Chi was sitting on Liantai Mountain at this time, and halfway through, suddenly he was silent.

"World Honored" Bingqin said.

"It's okay, it's just that the master gave me some advice. Continue" Sun Chi opened his eyes, lowered his eyes, and began to continue.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! The sound of Buddha in Da Leiyin Temple is majestic, and it must be the boy Sun Chi. This is the first time that the supreme enlightenment will be unimaginable for you, so hurry up." The ancestor of Jade kept urging. Pulling the Holy Infant and Shi Niang, shouting Wangchen and Weichen.

The people in Yujing Mountain rushed all the way and finally arrived at Da Leiyin Temple. It was already halfway through. The old jade ancestor led everyone forward and sat directly beside Sun Chi, and everyone began to listen to the Fa. Countless Buddhist monks below were immersed in the avenue, and they never discovered when there were a few more figures in this hall. r

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