The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2139: Rank 10 Tribulation

Sun Chi justified, and saved the decadence of Buddhism, making the eight supreme ancestors all look ugly at this time. Look at me, look at you, and look at the direction of Da Leiyin Temple.

"One Family, Three Supremes" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked gloomy.

It is a terrible thing to think about it, and it's creepy.

The Taiping ancestor looked gloomy, and he only had two masters here, but the Buddhist school over there made a three-five master. Isn't this deliberately adding obstacles to yourself? .

There are three nobles in one discipline, and the three supreme strong people work together to work together. They are much stronger than a group of mobs. Although the eight ancestors put aside the Buddhist school far in number, everyone has their own careful thinking. , Each with their own calculations, it is unrealistic to say that all of them have used their true abilities to fight the Buddhist school.

"Do it!" Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed softly, "Nine Sect Alliance, we are deeply rooted in this human race. There is no reason why we are not an opponent of the Buddhism. If the Buddhism is not in control of the six reincarnations, how can there be a general of the town? Rise? We still need to find the underworld to plan this matter to open the door to my eight cases."

"We have just plundered the Yin Division, so how can we have the face to come to the door?" Taiping taught ancestors a little bit of face.

Taiyuan Jiaozu sneered: "Yam of Yinsi wants the six reincarnation formations to be crazy. The six reincarnation formations are in Yujing Mountain or the old fellow Jade, and Yujingshan is close to Buddhism. Why not unite Yinsi and cut it out. Fortunately, the wings of Buddhism will minimize the variables in the future battles."

"Hongjun was reincarnated and reincarnated, and he has been unable to find a trace of this son. Hongjun is the biggest variable in these heavens and all realms" Taiping taught the ancestor.

The ancestors were muttering here, changes have taken place in the chaos at this time.

Standing on the edge of the world barrier, Yu Duxiu moved her fingers, gently stroked the jade rabbit in her hand, slowly retracted her gaze, looked at the chaos in the distance, and sighed softly: "One door is three supreme, Buddha The trend of the family is now set for rejuvenation. With my secret help, I will lay down a back hand, and Qiantian will fetch water with the bamboo basket of the eight major sects. My Taoist master will also be prosperous, and this seat will also need to enter the chaos to survive the calamity. At that time, there will be no less an orthodox controversy about to unfold."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu slowly stuffed the jade rabbit into her arms, and then her figure slowly disappeared into the turbulent chaos.

Lingshan Holy Land

Amitabha sits opposite to the fighting against the Buddha.

"The Buddha has always been expressionless, why is his face full of joy today?" Wukong asked curiously.

"My Buddhism is one and three nobles, I naturally rejoice in my heart," said Amitabha.

"Not necessarily!" Wukong looked at Amitabha with a questioning look: "The Buddha's heart is as if eternally empty, without any dust, now Amitabha is smiling, and his mood has fluctuated!"

"You monkey, you are really smart. I can't hide anything from you. I don't want to hide it from you. The deity will soon become supernatural and invincible," Amitabha said.

"Invincible World?" Wukong was taken aback, then he said in amazement: "Is the Buddha realm going to break through again?"

Wukong looked at Amitabha's body with his eyes, but he had never seen the breakthrough Qi emerge, his eyes were full of doubts.

"No! There is a wonderful reason for this, not much to say" Amitabha shook his head gently.

"The power of the Buddhist Daxing is determined by nature, but it is man-made. Now, before Daxing, there were eight great sects blocking the road. What should I do?" Wukong said: "Buddha has the whole plan?"

"The deity has long been caressed in his heart. This time, my Buddhist family is just a supporting role. I have to cooperate with Daomen to perform a scene to completely kill Jiuzongkeng." Amitabhas smiled coldly and closed his eyes: "The matter is now. Nine Sects will inevitably jump over the wall and tell Kong Xuan to make preparations. Eight Sects should start."

"Buddhism and the Eight Sects will inevitably follow the mistakes of the past and embark on the old road of the demons and the demons." Tai Su Jiaozu sighed helplessly.

"Do you think the eight ancestors don't know? Don't you think Amitabh doesn't?" Fuyao sat aside, drinking slowly: "Of course the Buddhist school knows, but can the Buddhist school give up this great prosperity? Of course the eight schools know, but Can Bazong watch all the rivers and mountains he has fought so hard to give to the Buddhists who sit back and enjoy their achievements?."

"No, of course not! If you don't advance in the path of practice, you will retreat. This struggle for luck is also common. The ancestors and Buddhism are riding a tiger. Since you don't want to retreat, you can only endure it abruptly," Tai Su taught the ancestor.

"Fortunately, you got out of the quagmire as soon as possible, otherwise, after experiencing all these calamities, the background of Tai Su Dao would have been tossed."

Fu Yao's eyes were full of emotion: "How is Chaotian now?"

"It's not far from a successful exit" Tai Su taught the ancestors.

Amidst the chaos, Yu Duxiu slowly sat down in the vast and uncultivated chaos, a mighty purple silk cocoon in the dantian on her chest was spinning and wriggling, constantly swallowing the mana and grand purple energy in her body.

"You can't hide the calamity," Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

The next moment, I saw the violent wind rolling in the chaos, the vast chaotic air was like the turbulent sea, blowing a strange wind, a black wind blew in from Yu Duxiu’s body and beyond, wherever he passed. The meridians were broken inch by inch, rushing through the dantian to rush into the ancestral orifice, but was blocked by the purple silk cocoon in the dantian.

I saw the purple silk cocoon burst out and made a blocking gesture, but I didn’t know that the movement of the purple silk cocoon angered the black wind. The black wind seemed to be spiritual, and the chaotic aura slowly diffused towards the purple silk. The cocoon rushed over, constantly hitting and washing the purple silk cocoon, only to see green smoke emerging from the purple silk cocoon.

After a long time, the black wind couldn't help the purple silk cocoon. It was tempered to the extreme. Yu Duxiu just removed her Lingbao embryo, but saw the black wind heading towards Yuduxiu's ancestor's aperture. After passing by, Yu Duxiu's body turned into gray, only a group of purple silk cocoons and black lotus suspended in the void, and then the black wind roared and enveloped the black lotus.

This black wind seems to have a strange power, which can decompose all things and turn them into their own parts. It is as powerful as a disaster to dissolve in the face of the black wind. At this time, the black smoke in the black lotus rises and shrinks. , But the color is getting deeper and clearer, exuding an intoxicating luster.


The purple silk cocoon rushed directly into the black lotus, and fell in the center of the black lotus, receiving the temper of the black wind.

After a long time, the black wind dissipated, and the black lotus, which was originally one meter in size, turned into a basin the size of a basin, suspended in the chaos.

The black wind subsided, but a chaotic water flow gushing out of thin air, instantly sinking the black lotus into the bottom of the water, constantly squeezing and hammering the water with the river water.

"What a terrible calamity" Yu Duxiu's face was horrified, guarding her ten-rank black lotus steadily, and the overwhelming calamity was madly derived and turned into Yu Duxiu's death, but he was absorbed by the black lotus.

The chaotic waters hit the purple placenta, and Yu Duxiu did not care about her innate Lingbao at this time. Compared to Xiantian Lingbao, the black lotus that settled down was more important. At this time, Yu Duxiu let the innate Lingbao embryos fight. The calamity or the destruction under the calamity, it is impossible to tell the I don't know how long time has passed, struggling in that calamity, every minute and every second is like a year.

Finally, the black water receded from the chaos, Yu Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief, but before Yu Duxiu was preparing, the fire of chaos had begun to roll up.

"The fire of chaos?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, watching the chaotic fire that was burning and raging, suddenly panicked, driving the black lotus and starting to run, this chaotic fire is not a joke, let alone Yu Duxiu, even if his ancestor comes, he has to pick up a layer of skin.

The chaotic fire overwhelmed the sky, ignoring time and space, and instantly came to Yu Duxiu, wrapped Yu Duxiu, and began to barbecue.

Yu Duxiu continued to fight the fire of chaos, and never found that her inborn Lingbao embryo had undergone a qualitative change at this time. That day Dao was slowly swallowed by the embryo, turned into a core thing, and integrated with the embryo.

The Way of Heaven is originally a part of the Tao Fruit of Jade Duxiu, or it is just a form of the Tao Fruit of Jade Duxiu.

The integration of Dao Dao Guo on this day is a bit of tofu with brine, which has brought a qualitative change.

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